Alexandria 'Sandrina' Villegas Range

October 28, 1947 - October 28, 2020

Alexandria passed away peacefully at home on October 28, 2020, surrounded by her beloved husband and children. For the past five years, she had been under the outstanding care of the Huntsman Cancer Institute of the University of Utah. The family is so grateful to the excellent Huntsman team, whose support and expert care allowed her to enjoy many beautiful activities during these years, until the treatment options were exhausted. 

Alexandria (known as Sandy or Alex to family and childhood friends) was born on October 28, 1947, in Santa Paula, California, the granddaughter of Mexican farm and construction workers, who had emigrated from their homeland to Oxnard, California. From early on she learned of the critical importance of education, and has continued to be a strong advocate for encouraging others to pursue higher education. In the mid-1960s, she worked for the War on Poverty program. She met her future husband Michael, the love of her life, while working together on a summer tutorial program for children of migrant farm workers in her hometown of Oxnard. She was the first in her family to graduate from high school. She graduated with an Associate’s degree from Ventura College in 1967. She truly was an inspiration for her family.

She married Michael in June 1969. Her mother-in-law gave her the name “Sandrina” (an Italian version of Sandy), the name she has used most widely since then. While Sandrina did not work professionally in education, she devoted most of her working years to managing the office of two child psychologists. She continued to inspire those around her, and in particular her children Ofelia, Marisa, and Roberto, who all successfully completed college and moved on to professional careers. In recent years she focused on her beloved grandchildren Kareem, Kayan, Josh, and Alex, enjoying activities with them that supported their curiosity and intellectual growth. 

Sandrina and Michael loved to travel and firmly believed that exposing their children to different cultures and languages would leave a lasting positive mark on their lives. As their children were growing up, they often visited Michael’s family in Europe, Sandrina’s extended family in Mexico, took advantage of Michael’s sabbatical years to live abroad, and explored many other countries along the way.

After their children had grown, Sandrina and Michael ventured further out, including trips to Japan, Brazil, Ghana, Lebanon, Jordan, China, South Korea, Peru and more. They lived near Albany, New York for many years. Their love of skiing and mountains brought them to Park City, Utah, where they happily retired to in 2015. The large Hispanic population, the backbone of the local Park City economy, gave Sandrina new opportunities to continue her educational advocacy.  In partnership with Bright Futures and the Park City Education Foundation, Sandrina and her husband established a fund for college-bound 1st generation Hispanic students, which awarded its first two scholarships in September 2020.  

Sandrina’s world revolved around her family, friends and volunteer work. She loved traveling, the symphony, and gardening, and poured her heart into her incredible cooking and her impeccable hostessing. She was known to make friends easily all over the world and loved opening her home to countless guests – foreign exchange students, mathematicians, bishops, friends, neighbors, and extended family. Sandrina will be remembered for being compassionate, gracious, thoughtful and charming with a generous heart and food to serve. Equipped with the tenacity of a lion, she would fight for the ones she loved. She was a dedicated mother, loving and devoted wife, and loyal friend to so many.  She embraced her role as “Nonna” and she enjoyed spoiling her grandchildren, especially with all of her culinary delights. She made a deep impact on so many and she will be deeply missed.

Sandrina will be remembered by her parents Arthur and Faye Villegas (92 and 93 years old, respectively), her younger brother John, numerous cousins, nieces and nephews in California and Germany, and most intensely by her husband, Michael, her children, Ofelia (Adonis El Fakih), Marisa (Glenn Goldenberg), Roberto, and her grandchildren, Kareem and Kayan El Fakih, Josh Goldenberg, and Alex Range (mother Lisa). 

A Memorial Service to celebrate her life will be on Saturday, October 2, 2021 at St. Mary's Church located at 1505 White Pine Canyon Road, Park City, Utah 84060 at 2:00 pm.

In Loving Memory

Our deeply felt condolences go out to all of the family of our dear friend, Alex. She was taken much to soon from this world, but heaven welcomed a beautiful soul. We have been friends with Alex for more than fifty years. Most of this time we lived far apart, but always stayed in touch via phone calls, letters, email, and visits in person at each other’s homes, whenever that was possible. Alex had a wonderful spirit for world travel explorations, for guiding her children to become responsible adults, for supporting and joining her beloved husband in his endeavors, in deeply caring for her parents, brother, and all the extended families. She was an exceptional friend to us and to many others. She just was a beautiful woman! We very much enjoyed skiing with her and Mike! And, Alex‘s hospitality and superb cooking skills were a special treat to all her guests. Dear Alex, we will miss you very much, but we are blessed that we could call you our friend for so many years! With much sympathy to all the family, Herman and Hedi

Herman and Hedi Roethel

Cypress, CA

Eduardo y yo nos unimos a la pena que invade a la familia Range-Villegas por la muerte de nuestra querida Sandy. Sandy siempre fue una mujer ejemplar y orgullosa de sus raíces. Siempre la recordaremos con mucho cariño. Descanse en paz esta gran mujer.


Ciudad de México, nan

Con profunda tristeza me he enterado de la muerte de Sandy. Se que para su familia es un evento muy triste, pero es importante continuar con la calidad humana y de vida que ella siempre profesó. Mi más sentido pésame. Descanse en Paz.

Juan Silverio Martínez


Our unforgettable Sandrina is now at peace , without suffering. Oye love and deep condolences to all and each of the family with love. May Our Lord and the Blessed Mother Console you on this terrible loss

The Harman Family and Bebe Palomeqye

Glenmont, NY

I and my wife Sau Fong first met Sandrina in the Range home in 1972 while we were at Yale. Sandrina was an excellent cook and gracious hostess Many years later we spent the night in your home in Albany. The thoughtful attention Sandrina paid to our room made us feel like we were royalty! All the meals she prepared were fabulous. We had such a memorable, pleasant visit! Conversation with her was always stimulating because of her passion for education. Her selfless dedication to her three children inspired us to be beter parents. What a privilege for us to have known Sandrina, even though distance has kept us apart most of the time during the last several decades. She has touched our lives as she did many others'. She will be sorely missed.

Yum-Tong Siu

Weston, MA

We send our love and sympathy to Michael and family. We are praying for you to have comfort and peace during this difficult time. Our deepest sympathy, Raul, Monica, Maria Luisa and Clara Ayala

Clara Ayala

Sugar Land, TX

Dear Michael, I send you and your family my deepest condolences. The few times I met. Sadrina she made a wonderful impression. Her kindness, her enthusiasm and her hospitality were memorable. Best wishes, Joe

Joseph J. Kohn

Princeton, NJ

Lieber Michael, mit Erschütterung und tiefer Trauer erfahre ich von Sandrinas Tod. Auch wenn das baldige Ende ihrer Krankheit absehbar war, ist doch -- wie ich selbst erfahren mußte -- das endgültige Ereignis ein furchtbarer Schock, auf den man sich nicht vorbereiten kann. Sandrina lebt in meiner Erinnerung als warmherziger, liebevoll den Mitmenschen zugewandter Mensch. Ich denke mit tiefer Dankbarkeit an unser letztes Treffen in Göttingen zurück, als ich selbst noch von Trauer um Petra betäubt war und Euer beider Zuspruch mir geholfen hat. Nun wünsche ich Dir und Deiner Familie, daß Ihr Trost in der Gemeinsamkeit findet, und sende Euch mein Beileid und mein Mitgefühl. Dein Freund Ingo

Ingo Lieb

Bonn, nan

Dear Michael; Eva and I were deeply sorry to hear about Sandrina's death. We have so many beautiful memories with you and Sandrina, first from the time when we both were happy PhD students at UCLA in 1970-1971, and then from several nice meetings later, both at Albany in 1985 and, more recently, a couple of years ago in Oslo. You have always been wonderful friends for us, and we will miss Sandrina a lot. She was such a nice, beautiful person in every way. We send you our deepest condolences. Best wishes from Eva and Bernt

Bernt Karsten Øksendal

Hosle, Norway, nan

Dear Michael and family, I am really sorry for your loss. Sandrina was a remarkable lady. I have fond memories of her. I was thinking about Sandrina this week, I didn't know. My heart is with you and your family.  With appreciation and love, Karin, Adolfo & Fiona

Karin Reinhold

Clifton Park, NY

Dearest Michael, Marisa, Ofelia, Roberto Range Arturo and Faye Villegas We feel your loss, our dear cousin Sandy was a remarkable human being and we loved her dearly. We cherish beautiful memories of time spent with her and all the family. We share her faith and are sure that she is now in the presence of God and one day we shall reunite for eternity. We will always miss her but she stays in our hearts, letters and pictures. Lots of Love Martha, Rodolfo, Ma. Alexandra, Mariana

Martha, Rodolfo, María Alejandra, Mariana Gonzzali

Mexico City, Mx

Caro Michael, Louise e io ti siamo particolarmente vicini in questo triste passaggio della vita .



Lieber Michael,liebe Ofelis,liebe Marisa,liebr Roberto der letzte Abschied von einem geliebten Menschen ist der Moment indem wir ergriffen stille stehen und so arm an Worten des Trostes sind. Rainer und ich moechten Euch zum grossen Verlust Deiner geliebten Sandrina Eurer Mutter und Nonna ganz fest in die Arme nehmen und mit Euch trauern. Sandrina war die Saeule und Mittelpunkt in Eurem Leben. Es war immer eine sehr schoene Zeit, wenn ihr nach Italien zu Besuch kamt oder wir uns irgendwo in Europa getroffen haben. Wir sind sehr dankbar, dass wir uns im Januar in Mailand gesehen haben und ein paar schoene Stunden miteinander verbringen konnten. Moege Sandrinas Liebe, die gemeinsamen Erinnerungen an alles Schoene und die vielen gluecklich verbrachten Jahre Euch die Kraft geben, die Trauer leichter zu ertragen. Wir werden Sandrina sehr vermissen. In tiefer Trauer Dein Bruder Rainer und Karin Schlummert ein ihr matten Augen, fallet sanft und selig zu, Welt, ich bleibe nicht mehr hier, hab ich doch kein Teil an dir, das der Seele koennte taugen. Hier muss ich das Elend bauen, aber dort,dort werd ich schauen suessen Friede, stille Ruh. aus der Kantate BWV 82 von J.S.Bach

Rainer and Karin Range

Besozzo, It

Lieber Michael, Mit Trauer haben wir Gestern die Nachricht über Sandrinas Tod erhalten. Wir möchten unser tiefstes Beileid vermitteln. Mit Wehmut, und auch Freude, erinnern wir unsere letztes Zusammensein in Trondheim 2017. Tove und Hans Christian Ålesund, Norwegen

Hans Christian Paulsen

Ålesund, No

Me uno a ustedes en oración por el eterno descanso de nuestra querida Sandy. Abrazos cariñosos

María Aurora Gonzzali

Mexico City, nan

One word comes to mind with Alexandria -- Grace. She was one of those rare gifts from above and reading her tributes brings a warmth to my heart on how many souls she has touched. I will miss her. Albeit I was only involved in her life for but a glimpse, her warmth and grace will profoundly remain with me. My sincerest condolences to her family and my family's thoughts are with you Michael.

Michael J Farrell

Midway, UT

Lieber Romi, Tatsächlich eine traurige Nachricht! Wir denken gerne an die Klassentreffen bei denen wir Sandrina als besonders liebenswerten Menschen kennenlernen durften, auch Euer Besuch in Wien bleibt unvergessen. Leider verlassen uns Menschen, die wir lieben, eigentlich immer zu früh! Wir sind im Gedanken bei Dir, ganz liebe Grüsse, auch von Erika. Herbert Wagner

Herbert Wagner

Vienna, AT

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