Bailey Rose Eve

November 7, 1993 - December 18, 2023

After a 3 year battle with glioblastoma, Bailey passed away at home with loved ones beside her.

Bailey was born in Helena, MT and moved to Rochester, MN at age 9. An athlete with a competitive spirit, she started playing volleyball at 12 and fell in love with the sport. When the family moved to Salt Lake City just before her sophomore year, the players and coaches warmly welcomed her into the West High volleyball community. Bailey excelled in everything she put her heart into. She was a varsity athlete in volleyball, basketball, and javelin in addition to being an excellent student throughout high school. Following high school, Bailey received an offer to play collegiate volleyball for Garden City Community College in Kansas. Bailey finished her bachelor's degree in Sociology at the University of Utah in 2019 while working as an office manager at a naturopathy clinic in Salt Lake. After graduation, she spent several of the best weeks of her life adventuring in Europe with friends.

A true collector of life experiences, Bailey did a lot while deciding her path after graduation. She worked at a local coffee shop, walked dogs, and coached high school volleyball under her former West High volleyball coach. During that time, she was diagnosed with glioblastoma at age 26. Never one to give up or lose hope, Bailey continued to play sand volleyball and travel after surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy treatments. She never complained about her diagnosis, although she hated losing the ability to drive around in her little red Hyundai, blasting music with the windows down.

Bailey made lifelong friends everywhere she went, lit up every room with her personality, and turned every gathering into a fun party. She lived in and fully enjoyed the moment. She was fiercely independent and fearless. Bailey created opportunities to share adventures with friends and family and was always there to comfort and support her loved ones. It was such a privilege to be loved by her.

She was preceded in death by grandparents Ed & Terri Eve and Frank Kattein Jr. Bailey will be laid to rest beside her beloved grandparents in Montana.
She leaves behind her heartbroken family: Frank Kattein III (father), Jackie Eve (mother), Annie Lee (sister), Won Yong Lee (stepfather), Tamara Follette (grandmother), Colin & Rachel Eve, Edward & Shannon Eve, Ken Kattein, Kristal & Michael Krause, Kris Lamb (aunts and uncles), Jackson, Ellie, Emma and Sam Eve (cousins), Jacob, El, Mackenzie, and Charlie Krause (cousins), Alyssa, Josh, and Cade Lamb (cousins). Her devoted best friend, Samantha Unruh, was by her side throughout her long illness.

A wake to celebrate her life will be on Wednesday, December 27 from 5-7 PM at Starks Funeral Parlor, 3651 South 900 East. Guests are encouraged to use parking and entrance located on the north side of the building. Following the wake, a Celebration of Life will be held at Poplar Street Pub, Bailey’s favorite bar, in downtown Salt Lake.

In lieu of flowers, Bailey would have preferred donations be sent to Best Friends animal sanctuary

Goodbye, Bailey. We will love you forever.

In Loving Memory

Dear Jackie and Annie,  My deepest sympathies on the loss of Bailey. I just saw Jackie's the Caring Bridge entry today. My feelings and thoughts go out to you both. I am grateful we had that time in Moab together a few years ago. I remember Bailey being an incredible inspiration with her spirit of adventure and athleticism. She will be missed.  Love,  Gina Woodford

Gina Z Woodford

Chula Vista, CA

"My deepest condolences" is a phrase that doesn't nearly enough express my sadness that the world has lost such a bright light as Bailey. Other people's words seem to get closer to what I want to say, and this passage keeps coming up for me as I think about her this week: "I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practice resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms, and, if it proved to be mean, why then to get the whole and genuine meanness of it, and publish its meanness to the world; or if it were sublime, to know it by experience, and be able to give a true account of it in my next excursion". — Henry David Thoreau, Walden Bailey is someone who I've always admired for sucking all the marrow out of life. I hope to live half as well in my lifetime as she did in hers. All my love to you, Jackie, and your whole family. Erin

Erin Carraher

Salt Lake City, UT

Jackie, I am so sorry to hear about Bailey.  My heart goes out to you and Frankie.  It is so hard to lose a child.  I will be thinking of you and sending you all my love.

Colleen Teberg

Helena, MT

Dearest Jackie, I am sending you lots of love and warmth during this very difficult time. I remember Bailey as a bright ray of sunshine. She always lit up the room with her smiles, jokes, and fun observations. She made everyone around her happy. She will be missed by all! Love always, Mariam Aboian

Mariam Aboian

Woodbridge, CT

Dearest Jackie, Annie and Won Yong, What a privilege to know Bailey for her teen and early adult years in Salt Lake!  I still remember trekking in your old van all the way to a lake with all of you, ice skating, and watching Bailey play ball!!! During her fight with glio, I was always amazed at her tenacity and positivity!  What an amazing life she shared with all of us! I love you all and you will be in my constant thoughts and prayers! Valerie 

Valerie Green

Salt Lake City, UT

We are deeply saddened to hear about the loss of our beloved office manager from our clinic. She was truly a ray of sunshine to everyone she met, and her presence brightened our days. As owners and doctors at the clinic, we had the privilege of witnessing her unwavering optimism and dedication firsthand. Her genuine care and empathy towards our patients were exceptional, and they adored her for it. She went above and beyond to ensure their well-being, leaving an indelible mark of compassion that will forever be remembered. Her hard work and dedication were invaluable to our clinic, and we are honored that she chose to share a part of her life with us. She embodied all the qualities one could aspire to possess - caring, compassion, and empathy. Her presence will be deeply missed, but we are grateful for the precious memories we shared. As we mourn her loss, our hearts are filled with love and support for her family and friends during this difficult time. May they find solace in the cherished memories and the legacy of a remarkable person she leaves behind. With heartfelt sympathy, Rachel & Matthew BurnettUtah Natural Medicine

Rachel and Matthew Burnett

Salt Lake City, UT

Dear Jackie,  I don't know what to write. Losing your child is something that is too awful for words. What I can say is that Bailey was such a wonderful and sweet girl when I knew her in Rochester. I'll never forget the first day our little grad school class all met her for the first time at Dos Amigos. She had a little kids French book. She was such a delight and I am glad that I knew her for even a little while. You are in my thoughts and heart. Much love, Emily


Springfield, IL

Dear Jackie and Family .. I've always kept Bailey and everyone in my thoughts and prayers.. My love goes with you and your family .. Blessings and Love , Lucy


nan, nan

I am so heartbroken. I just heard. I know Bailey thru Utah Natural Medicine.  She was so lovely and I am just shocked.  Heart felt love to Bailey's family and friends.  ♥️

Jenifer Ewoniuk

Salt Lake City, UT

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