Brett Michael Andersen

November 17, 1993 - November 5, 2021

Our beloved son, Brett Michael Andersen, age 27, passed away on Friday, November 5, 2021, after a long, brave battle with addiction. He is survived by his parents, Jason and Beckie (Fehr) Andersen, his sister Madeline Andersen, and aunts Michelle Fehr and Pam Andersen.

Brett never wanted to be defined by his addiction and mistakes, he was so much more than that. He was very clear that he wanted people to know the truth. His hope was that honesty could help break the stigma about addicts, and get people talking about the problem of addiction that is taking away so many young lives.

Brett was a handsome, intelligent young man who fell into addiction’s grip. He was feisty, funny and outspoken but would do anything for anyone. Unfortunately, he struggled to help himself. He loved politics and history and could pretty much run any Jeopardy category related to the two. He loved his family and friends deeply. You could see that it frustrated and saddened him that his disease caused both him, family and friends so much pain and heartache. Sports was another passion for Brett. He loved the Green Bay Packers, Utah Jazz and the San Francisco Giants. Maybe more than anything, Brett loved animals. He frequently took care of his Aunt Michelle’s French Bulldogs as well as his parents Frenchie Pe’Pe’. The dogs reciprocated his love. He was number one on their list. Brett believed strongly in second chances, maybe because he craved another chance for himself, he donated his corneas so that someone would have a second chance at seeing this beautiful world.

That was Brett… our amazing son should be remembered for this and not his mistakes. We believe that not sharing his cause of death will help no one, if his story can help just one addict push even harder for another day of sobriety, encourage an active user to choose recovery, or shine a light on this horrible epidemic, then it is worth coming out of the shadows. Ultimately, Brett wanted to live. He had dreams of a future career, children of his own, and fought his inner demons hard all the way to the end.

Remember, addiction doesn’t discriminate, it will take hold and destroy anyone in its path including the families and friends who love the addict. Addiction hides in the faces of everyday people all around us. Brett isn’t just another statistic or just “another one gone too soon”, he had a great heart with a bright future and a gift that the world lost and can never be replaced.

Remember, addiction is a disease. Much like diabetes. It must be monitored every day. And, unfortunately, it’s HARD. And sometimes, the ultimate outcome is even HARDER. Goodbye and Godspeed Brett! We love you very much.

We will celebrate Brett’s life on Monday, November 15, 2021 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm at Starks Funeral Parlor, 3651 South 900 East Millcreek, Utah.

In lieu of flowers, please donate to the Sobriety Foundation of Utah.

Or to Utah Naloxone


In Loving Memory

I went to high school with Brett and remember spending time with him and his friends. He was always kind and my interactions with him were always fun and positive. So sorry to hear of his passing and his struggles. I agree that he is so much more than the disease that took him. He was a wonderful person. 

Carli Barlow Scott

Midvale, Ut

I'll never forget Brett's quick wit, easy laugh, and exceptional conversation on a diverse range of subjects - whether that be American politics, cars, music, or sports. A loyal friend who always had your back when the chips were down, whose keen sensitivity to others was apparent in so many interactions. When my time comes, I know he'll be up there ready to chat. My deepest condolences to Beckie, Jason, and Maddy - may you find peace and strength in his memory.

Matthew White

Ketchum, ID

What a beautiful person and caring human being Brett was and will be in the next life.  I loved his obiturary and I am sure he loved it too.  Thank you for not hiding his addiction so that others will come forward and seek help.  I am Susan Peterson the co-founder of Sobriety Foundation.  I can't thank you enough for giving us donations at difficult time in your life.  I, too, lost a son from addiction 10 years ago.  That is when Sobriety Foundation was started.  We have struggled for years financially to help fund sober living scholarships to people who have no funding at all.  These donations will immensely aid in our help to give deserving people 2-month scholarships so that they can get back on their feet and have a chance to get sober and stay sober.  No one whats to be addicted.  We can't thank you enough for your generosity in making these donations happen.  Contact me any time, 801-427-3869.

Susan K Peterson SOFO

Provo, UT

I am the father of one of Brett’s good friends, Matt Bourne. Brett and Matt  were  friends in Jr. High School and High School and more recently renewed their friendship in the past few years. I have good memories of Brett. He was always a pleasant young man while hanging out with our son.  When Brett and Matt were 14 years old, we had the opportunity of hiking through what is known as the Subway in Zions National Park. We did it in November on a warm day but the hike involved  hiking through several pools of icy water and some repels. We had a wonderful time but at times felt like we were a bit over our heads with the repels and cold water. Matt and Brett had no body fat and were shivering through much of the hike!  Neither of them complained. Fortunately we made it out without incidence.      It was nice to renew our acquaintance with Brett in this past year and despite his difficulties Brett seemed pleasant and intelligent, just as I remembered him as a young man. We had  high hopes for Brett’s continued recovery and are so sad to learn of his passing. We hope and pray for understanding and solace for all of Brett’s loved ones.       Bob and Gemini Bourne

Robert Bourne


Dear Jason and Beckie, We are so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing Brett with us the few times we able to stop by and visit. What a fine young man. We were praying that he could beet this awful addiction. We all know now he is in a much better place. May the grace of God be with you all.Love, Dan and Tammy 

Dan and Tammy Mackey

Fort Collins, Co

I'm so sorry for your families unimaginable loss. We don't know each other, and I never met your amazing son. But his obituary touched my heart. A dear friend of mine lost her 29 year old son to addiction a few weeks ago. We watched him struggle with his addiction from an early age as he tried so so hard to overcome it. My heart aches for all of you. Thank you for being open and honest about your sons struggles. I pray that you all find peace in your loving memories of Brett. Blessings to you.  

Merri Lee Zaba

Salt Lake City, uT

Thank you for the brave and honest words about your son and the disease that took his life.  Our daughter, Elizabeth Baldwin, died in 2018 at the age of 33 of same disease.  We too were honest about her struggles and her strengths.  Addiction is a powerful illness in that the brain tells the body that it can handle it.  With other sicknesses, we are so willing to seek help and treatment.  This disease fights against the treatment and help that it needs.  Although I don't know you, your family will be in my thoughts in the dark days that lie ahead of you.  Focus on the beautiful times you had with your son and the love you shared.  I am so very sorry that this disease has taken another beautiful and talented soul.  

Linda Baldwin

Millcreek, UT

My condolences for Brett's family and friends. I went to high school with Brett and we had one class together that I still recall: we sat next to each other and often had to be separated from each other cause we'd make each other laugh so hard by just being plain silly. He was a joyous soul, wish I'd gotten to know him better.

Phoenix Alexander

Portland, OR

I am very sorry for your family's loss. I went to Junior High and High School with Brett and he was always a really nice, funny, and intelligent person. One of my close friends lost their brother to addiction a few years ago and I sympathize greatly with your own family knowing the pain this disease causes. The honestly in your message truly touched me and I am grateful you have shared Brett's story. Brett will always be more than this disease. I will be keeping your family in my prayers.

George Kounalis

Draper, UT

I am so sorry for your family's loss.  I didn't know your sweet son but I read his obituary in the news paper.  We just lost my little brother to addiction in August 2021, so his story hit home.  I'm a firm believer in second chances, if not here on earth then on the otherside of this life. I pray that Brett's story as well as my brother's, will touch the hearts of those who are in need of it.  I pray that your family will have peace during this difficult time.  

Christine Jongejan

Salt Lake City, UT

I'm sorry for your loss. Sadly, I just discovered Brett's passing last week and it's been on my mind since. He was one of the greatest people I've met. I'll always hold our long conversations and laughter close to my heart. Truly one of a kind and I know he is missed. 

Lana Kaytso

Salt Lake City, UT

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