I have thought of Carol Lee often, we were childhood friends when she lived in Charseston with her Dad , Verle and Mable,, she lived up the road from us, my twin sister Judy and I, and Carol Lee, and Beth Allred were always together,,
I'm so sorry to hear for her passing, I'll always have such fond memories of her and her youth, blessing to you one and all, sincerily,, Joyce Webster Lavergen Walllace Idaho
I am devastated to learn of my best friend's death! I have been trying to locate her for many years! We hung out together when she lived in Erda with her Grandparents. If anyone in her family should read this would you contact me as I would like to learn more about the years I haven't been able to contact her! My heart aches! Berdene Davis Dennison 435-219-9955