Christopher (Krzysztof) Aleksander Sikorski

July 26, 1953 - July 21, 2012

Christopher (Krzysztof) Aleksander Sikorski

July 26, 1953 – July 21, 2012


Christopher (Krzysztof) Aleksander Sikorski, loving husband, father, and grandfather died peacefully at home on July 21st, 2012 after a heroic battle with cancer.  Born in Warsaw, Poland, Chris immigrated to the United States in 1981. A professor and respected scholar in mathematics, author of several books and many articles, he taught for over thirty years at Columbia University, New York, and at the University of Utah in the Computer Science Department, specializing in computation and application of non-linear equations.  With those closest to him he shared many other talents and hobbies, including photography, classical music, hiking, traveling and woodworking, as well as the simple enjoyment of life in the mountains. 

Throughout his lifetime, Chris touched many with his gentle and generous spirit, patient disposition, deep faith and positive outlook on life.  Those who were with him during his battle with cancer of nearly a year were greatly edified by what they saw, as a reminder of the passion and triumph of Christ. In the face of great suffering, Chris taught us courage and perseverance, humility, patience, trust, and total abandonment to God’s holy will. 

He is survived by his wife, Elizabeth, son John (Monica), grandchildren John Joseph and Eirene, sister Elizabeth, as well as extended family members.

A wake will be held at Starks Funeral Parlor, 3651 South 900 East, Salt Lake City, on Thursday, July 26th, 2012 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.  A Funeral Mass will be celebrated at 11:00 a.m. on Friday, July 27th at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, 1505 W. White Pine Canyon Road, Park City, followed by a graveside service at 2:30 p.m. at Mount Calvary Cemetery, 4th Ave. “T” Street, Salt Lake City.  In lieu of flowers, please donate in Chris’ name to the Paul O’Pry Scholarship Fund ( or to Trinity Academy in Park CIty (

In Loving Memory

Dearest Elizabeth: Mom (Norma), Dave, my husband, and I (Alida) send you our deepest condolences and heartfelt sympathy. Mom must be prescient because on Saturday she told me, "I think of and pray for Elizabeth and Chris every day. I wonder how they are doing." We are so sorry for your loss and wish we were in Park City so that we could attend the wake to honor your dear husband's memory. Although we never met Chris, we knew he must be a wonderful guy to have such an amazing wife. He was obviously a very accomplished man too. We were so glad to see his picture on the Starks Funeral website. My husband, Dave, wants you to know that he has tread the very difficult ground you are traversing now. His first wife Ellen died at forty years old, six months after being diagnosed with uterine cancer. He sends you many prayers for your own well being. We will contact you when we return to Utah -- we have been gone since March. In the meantine I know that all of your many friends will honor Chris and his (and your) truly heroic struggle. May Chris rest in peace with God and all the angels and saints. Much love, The Kehrls & Norma Hauser

Alida Hauser Kehrl

Everett, WA

Przesylam calej Rodzinie Krzysia moje najszczersze wyrazy wspolczucia. Nic tak nie boli w zyciu jak strata kogos bliskiego. Krzys byl mezem, ojcem, bratem, synem, przyjacielem. Odszedl za wczesnie i zostawil wszystkich pograzonych w glebokim bolu. Nigdy nie zapomne Jego dobroci, optymizmu i goscinnosci. Pozostanie w mojej pamieci jako wspanialy czlowiek, zawsze gotowy pomagac innym. Niech spoczywa w spokoju.

Hanna Wojcik

Genewa, CH

My wife Tamra just came across the notice of Chris's illness and passing. We were not aware of what was going on the past while with him, as we have been out of touch for several years now. We send our condolences and sympathy to his family and loved ones. I knew Chris over a number of years as a capable and dedicated professional, and as a warm and considerate friend. I feel a loss in his having left us.

Duane Call

Provo, UT

Oh, Elizabeth, I am so sorry to hear the news of Chris's passing - yet we both know he went Home. I first met him in 1981 when he had just moved to Salt Lake City, and have fond memories of that time. Even better has been the various times over the past 30 years of running into you and him at various prayer events. I was envious of you that you had your husband kneeling at your side! You both were truly blessed to have shared this life together. I am leaving town tomorrow to take my youngest son, David, to graduate school in North Carolina , so will sadly not be able to be there for his services. I will request that Father Patrick offer a Mass for the repose of Chris's soul, and will keep you and John in my prayerss

Mary Beth Andrews

Salt Lake City, Ut

Dear Elizabeth and John, I am very saddened by Chris' untimely passing. Chris was a kind and caring friend with a great sense of humor and a contagious smile. I will always cherish memories of car trips I took with Chris. Please accept my deepest condolences. Benek Golden, Colorado

Bernard Bialecki

nan, nan

Dear Mrs. Sikorski and Family, I was so very sorry to learn of Mr. Sikorski's passing. Please know of my prayers and deepest sympathy for you all. May Our Lady overshadow you with her mantle of protection during these difficult times. With much love in Christ, Brett

Brett Perkins

South Bend, IN

Vale Colega por tu comentario Si, el nivel bajf3 desdaiamo y apele9 a lo mas fino de mi repertorio pero en fin dicen que no hay pelea sin insultos .Ahora sobre la mfasica, es cierto no estamos escuchando ni bailando cueca todo el tiempo (gracias a dios !) y el Rock ha sido la expresif3n cultural de la juventud por antonomasia desde los 50, claro este1 en ingle9s. Lo que no fue en ningfan caso obste1culo para que nuestros he9roes locales lo adaptaran inteligentemente al espaf1ol y al chileno en los casos mas notables como el de los Prisioneros o Electrodome9sticos, bandas que finalmente llegaron a ser originales lo que para un Mfasico o creador pienso debe ser lo mismo que tocar el cielo, pero en WE ARE THE GRAND que puedes ver ?, bfque te pueden transmitir ellos que no me pueda transmitir una legedtima banda inglesa del mismedsmo Reino Unido !? por que debo escuchar a The Grand cuando puedo escuchar Artic Monkey, The Libertines, the strokes o the kooks? me entienden? Y eso de que las fronteras ya este1n desdaiamo difuminadas significa que tenemos que cantar en ingle9s ?. La globalizacif3n no es mas que una pomab4de marketing, un negocio para un solo lado amigo, que aqui en Chile hemos comprado en verde, es lo que se llama imperialismo-cultural que chapotea de lo lindo en culturas como la nuestra que han entregado toda su dignidad a las transnacionales, esperate noma q en septiembre sale el comercial de coca-cola con musica de los Jaivas !!!El rock es transgresif3n, es actitud, es pararse frente al mas grande bfcontra que9 se para THE Grand ? contra q !? Si en los 60 el rock fue9 contra el sistema entero en el 2011 una banda con huevos debereda estar contra la globalizacif3n.Ahora cada uno es libre de escuchar la hueve1 que quiera, pero a mi no me la venden.


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es muy cierto no se puede comrpaar la educasion privada con la educasion publica,ni el nivel socio economico del contexto rural con el urbano.bfcomo lograr el aprendizaje de un nif1o del medio rural en un contexto catalogado al 100% marginado?.en la comunidad de Aguilera Atzalan Veracruz,no hay transporte publico,el unico camion urbano llega a10 km de la escuela de la mensionada localidad,no hay agua potable,tampoco luz,por lo tanto existe el desconocimiento de la ciencia y hay fuentes de empleo y el gobierno no apoya.el profesor es de cantidad unitaria.atendiendo 15 alumnos en su totalidad,pero la descarga de trabajo es mas lo administrativo que lo laboral,el sueldo es el mimo que de el profesor urbano cuando en el medio rural los padres de familia no cuentan con los recursos economicos para apoyar a los gastos de la escuela,para sufragar los gastos de papeleria y materiales diversos.bfcomo explicar al alumno la equidad si no la estamos viviendo?, bfque dolera mas al docente el ambre del nif1o que presentaen el aula o la impotencia de no lograr los objetivos y las metas educativas?Es para mi un honor el haber escuchado su entrevista por el medio noticiario,doy gracias a dios que existan personas comousted,con tanta sabiduria y experiacia en esta materia,pero mas agradecere si ud. contesta a mis preguntas,dios lo bendiga



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