Deacon Forrest Gray

July 16, 1933 - January 10, 2020

Our beloved husband, father, brother, and friend Deacon Forrest Edward Gray passed away at home Jan. 10 surrounded by his family in Bountiful, Utah, after a brief illness. In your kindness, please pray for him.

Forrest was born in Stockton, Calif., on July 16, 1933. After graduating from Castlemont High School in Oakland, Calif., in 1951 he enlisted in the United States Air Force serving as a meteorologist. In 1963 he married the love of his life Maria-Cruz F. Gray while stationed outside Madrid, Spain, and together they raised their family while he continued to serve his country in the Air Force and later in the civil service. He achieved the rank of Chief Master Sergeant well before retiring and continued working as a meteorologist in the National Weather Service of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, ultimately settling in Bountiful, Utah, and retiring in 1996. He was a longtime member of the American Meteorological Society.

Forrest was a proper and quiet man without any enemies, a wonderful father and husband. He converted to Roman Catholicism while stationed in Japan during the Korean War. He was a member of the 4th Degree of the Knights of Columbus, Marriage Encounter, the Cursillo, and the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem. In 2004 he was ordained a Deacon at the Cathedral of the Madeleine in Salt Lake City. He served the Diocese of Salt Lake City in Saints Peter and Paul Parish in West Valley City, in the rural Utah missions, and also as the Director of the Office of Deacons for the Diocese.

Always innovative, he loved to build and fly model airplanes, to fish, and to work in the orchard and around the house. A scientist with an engineering mind, always thinking of ways to increase efficiency, he personally designed compact weather stations professionally and carried on in his later life by installing a solar energy array on his roof well into his 80s. He remains for his loved ones a model of industriousness and fidelity, a moving witness of the virtues of a peacemaker.

He is preceded in death by his parents Virgil and Blanche Gray, and many beloved aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends. He is survived by his wife Mariacruz of 56 years, his children Jane of Centerville, Edward (Shaunna) of Gainesville, Va., and Fr. Christopher of Park City, sister Janet of Alameda, Calif., brother Donald of Reno, Nev., brother-in-law Julio Pedro Fernández (María Dolores) of Madrid, Spain, aunt Kathleen Gandee of Nampa, Idaho, grandchildren Kyra and Milo, and many friends, relatives, ahijados, y compadres.

A vigil will take place Wednesday, Jan. 15 at 7:00 pm at the Cathedral of the Madeleine in Salt Lake City. The funeral will also be at the Cathedral of the Madeleine, Thursday, Jan. 16 at noon, followed by interment at Mount Calvary Catholic Cemetery. There will be no reception; in honor of Deacon Forrest the Gray family will feed the day workers (jornaleros). In lieu of flowers, please support the Good Samaritan Program. Requiescat in pace. 

In Loving Memory

Lo siento con todo mi corazon, familia Gray. Diacono Forrest toco mi vida con su humildad, su gracia, y su servicio al pueblo de Dios y a la Fuerza Aeria. Paz y consolaciones a todos ustedes. Lorena

Lorena Needham

Tooele, Ut

Siento mucho dolor por perder a mi tío que siempre nos quería mucho.. Y siento mucho no haber podido ir antes como quise.. Que importante es la distancia en estos momentos y siento no haber podido estar para despedirme de ti, tío.. Y no poder acompañar a ti, tía y a mis primos. Me quedo con todos los grandes momentos que he vivido junto a él. Descansa en paz. Un beso muy grande para todos. Os quiero mucho y estáis en mi corazón siempre.

Sobrina MariLó

Madrid España, Es

Lo siento mucho, os acompañamos en el sentimiento. Y no hay mejor frase que esta para definir como era ( Forrest was a proper and quiet man without any enemies) y es que no he conocido persona más bondadosa. Hoy cuando mi madre me dio la triste noticia no paramos de decir lo buena persona que era. Un beso muy fuerte para toda la familia que aunque estamos a muchos kilómetros de distancia en estos momentos os sentimos muy cerca. Rest in peace Eduado

Carlos Corona

Madrid, ma

Siempre me recibiste con una sonrisa que guardaré en mi corazón por siempre y muy agradecida con Dios por tener la gracia de convivir con tan hermosa familia En nuestras Oraciones Un abrazo con mucho cariño Mariacruz un abrazo con mucho cariño ��

Maria Angélica cardiel Navarro

Celaya Guanajuato, Me

Maria n Christopher: I sm sorry for yours abd our loss on earth but sure we gained a powerful angel in heaven. All my deepest condolences and love n hugs. Cheria


West Valley, Ut

Sincerest wishes at this perhaps difficult time for your family. Rest in the knowledge that Forrest is now in His loving embrace, Frank and Mary Lesar

Frank Lesar

Park City, Ut

Bob and I were so sorry to hear of your loss. Forrest was a person we admired. You and your Family will be in our prayers and thoughts. Aloha with Love Jane & Bob Hipley

Jane Hipley

Kihei, HI

Hemos perdido un gran Diácono, el me enseñó la humildad, la paciencia, me dio fuerza cuando más necesitaba, lo llevaré siempre en mi corazón, que Dios lo proteja siempre y lo tenga en su gloria, y oraremos para darle fuerza a Mary Cruz para que siga al frente de nosotros

Luis Velasco

Orem, Ut

Una persona de una bondad insuperable, que desprendía cariño por donde estuviera. Todos le echaremos de menos y acompañamos a Mari Cruz, Edward, Jane y Christopher en su dolor. Os enviamos un beso muy fuerte desde España. Julito, Ana y Daniel.

Julio Fernández

Madrid, España, nan

We are so saddened by your loss. You are in our prayers.

Ken & Veola Burchett

Murray, UT

Todos los santos y ángeles en el cielo se regocijan en dar la bienvenida al alma de un hombre tan santo. Que Nuestro Señor Jesús y Nuestra Madre María Santísima te abracen. Mis fervientes oraciones y sinceras condolencias están con ustedes en este momento de dolor. Muy sinceramente en Jesús a través de la Madre María, Úrsula Quintana

Úrsula Quintana

Salt Lake City, UT

Querida María Cruz, mis sinceras condolencias en este tiempo de tanto dolor para ti y tu familia. Que Dios nuestro Señor les abrace con su paz y amor y esté con ustedes en todo momento. Todos los Directores del Ministerio Hispano en la Región XIII te enviamos un fuerte abrazo.

Rocio Gonzalez

Albuquerque, NM

Nuestras más sentidas condolencias por la pérdida de Edward, una persona ejemplar, que ha estado y estará por siempre en nuestra memoria, desde que os conocimos, aquellas vacaciones de agosto de 1995, en las que nos acogisteis con tanto entusiasmo y generosidad, que supusieron para nosotros unos días inolvidables. Un fuerte abrazo, Mari Cruz, Jane, Edward y Christopher.

Mª Ángeles y Alfonso

Madrid, ES

MariCruz, nuesto mas sentido pésame, te mandamos un abrazo y te acompañamos en tu dolor, que nuestro Señor Jesucristo lo reciba en sus brasos en la Ciudad santa del cielo.

Candelario Rodriguez y Ma. Guadalupe.

West Valley City, Ut

Dear Fr. Gray, I would like to extend my condolences on the passing of your Father. May He Rest In Peace and be granted His Eternal Reward. Welcome be the Holy will of God. Yours, David McDonnell & Family.

David McDonnell

Limerick, IE

We are very sorry about the loss of your Father. May he rest in peace in the Lord's loving embrace. He and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. With deepest sympathy, Elizabeth and Bob

Elizabeth Sikorski

Park City, UT

Mi más sentido pésame para Mari Cruz, Padre Christopher, Jane, Edward y su familia. Les agradezco haber compartido conmigo y con mi familia a su papá, a tu esposo Mari Cruz. El diacono Forest, ejemplo de papa, esposo, y amigo se queda en nuestros corazones como alguien que nos hizo mucho bien. Mayito, Maggie, Mario y yo lo recordaremos con mucho cariño.

Cecilia Jaramillo

West Valley City, UT

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