Dr. Mauro Dal Canto

January 1, 1944 - December 16, 2020

Dr. Mauro Dal Canto was born in Italy on January 1,1944. He was a standout student from a young age and graduated cum laude with his MD degree from the University of Pisa in 1967. He came to the United States to complete his medical training in Pathology and Neuropathology at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, 1970-1974. His professional career continued in Chicago where he worked as Professor in the Department of Pathology at Northwestern University Medical School. He served thirty years in the department providing clinical services in neuropathology and producing important research contributing to the understanding of Multiple Sclerosis. His research was funded by the NIH from 1975 onwards, a rare honor and privilege in the age of decreasing funding for scientific and medical advancement. He was honored with Professor Emeritus status in 2005.

Mauro loved the symphony and opera, and played classical piano daily for relaxation. He developed a love of aviation when his children were young, and attained commercial and instructor certifications. He took his family on trips out West, exploring Colorado and Utah, by way of his twin engine Cessna planes. He loved to travel, packing his itineraries with history, architecture, and natural wonders. He played tennis with his sons when they were teenagers, golf when they were older, and had recently transitioned to pickle ball. He loved to camp with his RV, rappel with the kids in Moab and scuba dive, all of which he started doing after age 60.

Mauro’s life-long passion was downhill skiing, for which he moved to Park City in 1998 and remained, skiing every day of every ski season since that time. He could be seen most days at Park City Mountain Resort running drills as a Master’s Race Training Program regular, but you might just as well see him teaching Ski School or leading friends, family and grandchildren around the mountain, attending to their “perfect turns.”

Mauro met his lifetime love, Fiora, as a teenager in Italy. They shared almost 53 years together in marriage, flying high in the sky and diving deep into the coral reefs; sharing a love of music, mountains, sporting, food, and family. Tenderly supported and cared for by Fiora, Mauro was able to live his life to the fullest. He died tragically test flying a new gyroplane on December 16, 2020. He will be greatly missed. His legacy of hard-work, pursuit of excellence in science and music, and loyalty to friends and family will be always remembered. He is survived by his wife, Fiora, and his two sons, Richard (Pam) and Albert (Fauncy), four grandchildren, and his sister Giuliana and her family. He is preceded in death by his parents and his grandson, Daniel.

Funeral Mass will be celebrated on Wednesday December 23, 2020, 11 am at St. Vincent’s Catholic Church, 1375 E. Spring Ln, Salt Lake City. Due to COVID restrictions, if you would like to attend in person, please contact the family.  Those wishing to attend the service virtually by way of livestream may return to this site before mass begins where a “Watch Service Live” button will appear. Dr. Dal Canto's funeral mass will remain available on our website to watch on demand anytime.

In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation to: The Jed Foundation or the 5P- Society in honor of his grandchildren.

In Loving Memory

Le nostre più sentite condoglianze a Fiora per la tragica scomparsa del suo adorato Mauro che abbiamo conosciuto e apprezzato a Chicago qualche anno fa. Uomo dotato di rare qualità e capacità professionali. Piero Caramazza e famiglia

Piero Caramazza

Latisana, It

Sentite condoglianze per la tragica scomparsa dell'adorato Mauro a Fiora e famiglia Giuliana e Antonino Caramazza

Giuliana e Antonino Caramazza

Udine, nan

Dearest Fiora and Family, Ed and I send our sympathy to you all. We are so sorry to loose our brilliant, accomplished, dear friend. I remember once mentioning to my nephew that Mauro had achieved a black belt in karate. His reaction was, “Of course, Mauro is truly the Renaissance Man.” He will be greatly missed.

Reinaldo and Jan Vola

Park City, UT

December 20, 2020 Mauro Carlo Dal Canto has been enrolled in the Sacred Heart Spiritual Society. Each day, Mass is celebrated and prayers are offered for all the people who have been enrolled in the Spiritual Society. Sending my sincerest sympathies and prayers for entire Dal Canto family. Mauro was a great close friend to the Biancalana family, Louise, Piera & Roberto. May he rest in peace now, he will never be forgotten, we shared many great memories & great times together. Thank you for your friendship, we will always love you Mauro! Louise Biancalana

Louise Biancalana

Pahrump, NV

Dear Fiora and family, I just received this shock news. Mauro was a truly special man whom you will miss deeply and crucially. I knew him primarily through his skiing life teaching and training at Canyons resort. I got to know him well over lunches and on the slopes. I've posted a photo as I remember him in 2006 on snow. I know Mauro made significant contributions to medicine at the U and in Chicago, teaching and saving lives, probably hundreds at least, or thousands. I had a wonderful dinner evening with you and ski-mates at your Sun Peak home. I recognise his non-professional life was multi-faceted and talented in sport and culturally, fuelled that evening by your wonderful Italian cuisine Fiora, and we enjoyed a glimpse of Mauro's musicality on the piano. I always marvelled that he would fly his Cessna between Chicago and Salt Lake City. I will miss him in Park City and will always cherish my memory of a humble, vibrant talented and humane ski friend. Roger Seaborn - Sydney Australia.

Roger Seaborn

Sydney, Au

Caro Mauro siamo ( io, Clara , Stefania)sconvolti da questa notizia e vorremmo raggiungere la tua famiglia con affetto . Ma a te devo molto di più ..a te vorrei far arrivare il profondo rammarico per non poter parlare dei nostri ricordi e delle ricerche per qualche tempo condivise. Attraverso le tue confidenze ho rivissuto i tempi del tuo arrivo in USA e ne è nata in me una sorta di figura mitica, un Enea moderno, che giunge in una terra con sulle spalle il peso di una tradizione che tenta di sostenere nonostante tutto e per mano una speranza che si concretizza nel futuro della tua famiglia. Hai avuto la forza di camminare nel buio portando con te una luce che ha illuminato la strada degli altri più che la tua. Ti ringrazio per l'apertura della tua esperienza che mi ha coinvolto profondamente nell'appassionate ricerca sulla demielinizzazione , un aspetto ancora oggi oggetto di massima attenzione nel mondo scientifico per l'importanza che assume, ancora oggi, nella Sclerosi Multipla.

Ettore Nardelli

Verona, IT

Ciao Zio... sono tuo nipote Gabriele. Non riesco ancora a credere che sei andato via. Negli ultimi due anni la tua famiglia è stata sconvolta da eventi inimmaginabili e pensavo che il destino avesse smesso di accanirsi contro di voi, ed ecco invece un' altra batosta. Certo, come per tutta la tua vita anche questa volta ci hai veramente sorpreso tutti. Hai sempre vissuto tutto al massimo, ti ho ammirato in ogni tua scelta così come ho sempre ammirato il tuo amore per la Zia e suo per te. Mi mancheranno le tue mail, le tue telefonate, la tua voce, i pranzi e cene da Mamma in campagna, le vacanze fatte insieme, i tuoi consigli puntuali e precisi, i tuoi sguardi senza parole ma che dicevano tutto. Mi mancherà parlare con te di sci, tua e mia grande passione, ma soprattutto il tuo forte abbraccio  che mi davi ogni volta che dovevamo separerci per ritornare alle nostre vite. Spero che tu adesso stia abbracciando tutti i tuoi cari che ci hanno lasciato, e che da lassù tu possa proteggere tutta la tua famiglia. Un abbraccio enorme a te Zia, a Riki ,Alberto ed alle vostre famiglie. Gabriele, Elisa, Ginevra, Alessandro.

Gabriele Comparini

Livorno, It

We were shocked and heartbroken when we learned of the sudden passing of our dear friend Mauro. During more than thirty years of friendship we have been able to observe and admire his commitment, his passion and perfectionism in all his diverse and often challenging activities. Karate, ballroom dancing, skiing, scuba diving, piano playing...he excelled in everything. But we will also always remember his extreme kindness, his humanity and his willingness and ability to help and advise other people. We will also always cherish the memories of the wonderful time we had skiing together, when he made us discover his favorite slopes of the Canyons during powder snow days: the Pines, Thrasher... Dear Fiora, Rick and Albert, We are wholeheartedly with you in this difficult and sad time and we offer you and the entire family our deepest condolences.

Didier & Teresa Varlet

Miami Beach, Fl

Oh Fiora, I am so sad. What a loss for all of us. Such a great person. Because of Covid I won’t be at the funeral but will follow it on line. I have you in my thoughts and will carry that forward. God Bless you and your family. My love to all , Meredith

Meredith Hall

Park City, Ut

Carissimi Fiora, Ricki e Albert abbiamo appena ricevuto la triste notizia della morte di Mauro nel tragico incidente e ne siamo devastati Mauro era un uomo eccezionale sotto ogni aspetto e lo ricorderemo per sempre Vi porgiamo le nostre più sincere condoglianze ! Anna, Andy Robertson con Stefano e Monica da Chicago


Chicago, nan

Dearest Fiora, I am so very heartbroken for your loss. Mauro was the definition of a good man. A loving husband, father and grand-father. A fond memory I have that I’ll never forget is when my mom and I visited you and Mauro in Park City. We would go skiing during the day and at night we would ballroom dance all together in your living room with Albert too. I remember the way Mauro looked at you so lovingly. Even if we haven’t seen each other in many years these fond memories pop up in my mind from time to time and put a smile on my face. I send all my love and strength your way.

Giulia Collina Lukach

Lafayette, CA

Cara Fiora, quanti momenti belli e tristi abbiamo condiviso durante la nostra lunga amicizia ! Mi vengono alla mente tanti ricordi con te , Mauro e i ragazzi ! Non ultimo la volta che Mauro ci ha fatto fare un giro con il suo aereo sopra Chicago, o quando ci ha portato a fare una gita nella vostra barca sul lago, o quando Giulia ed io siamo state vostre ospiti a Park City... siete sempre stati splendidi. Abbiamo sempre ammirato Mauro e tutta la vostra famiglia e siete stati sempre per noi di grande esempio. Vi siamo vicini in questo momento così difficile della vostra vita è vi mandiamo un grande abbraccio. Mariarita e Romeo


Roma, It

Carissimo Mauro, fratellino mio Ti scrivo ma vorrei parlarti, vorrei usare tutte le parole del mondo per esprimerti quello che sto provando dentro e sono certa che tu, in questo momento, sei presente e leggi e ascolti quello che il mio cuore ti sta dicendo. Vorrei parlarti di noi due, della nostra infanzia, della nostra adolescenza e della gioventu' , degli anni di scuola e del liceo, dell'universita', dei sogni e di tutto quello che abbiamo vissuto insieme fino alla tua partenza con l'amata Fiora per gli Stati Uniti dove col tuo lavoro e la tua geniale intelligenza hai superato le prime difficolta' per poi approdare ad una vita splendida con la tua famiglia, la tua amata moglie Fiora, per me una sorella, i tuoi figli e i tuoi nipoti. La vita ti ha dato tanto, purtroppo recentemente ti ha tolto un nipote. Adesso siete insieme in un mondo migliore, un mondo dove poi ci ritroveremo finalmente tutti assieme entro un amore grande e totale. Siamo stati sempre vicini comunque, ci siamo visti e abbiamo condiviso giorni felici in Italia e negli States ci siamo telefonati e scritto email molto spesso. Dovevate venire in Italia non appena passata la bufera del covid ma il destino gioca sempre le sue carte come un banco perverso. Voglio dirti che saro' sempre vicino alla mia cara Fiora, ai tuoi figli e ai nipoti, alle loro famiglie e a te, amatissimo fratellino mio, dico solo arrivederci, perche' la vita vera non finisce qua. Tua sorella Giuliana e Lucito

Luigi Piazzano e Giuliana Dal Canto

Fauglia (Pisa), It

Dear Fiora, I will miss his sweet smile as we meet on the driveway. I am so sad. I am so sorry. Anyone who knew Mauro realized quickly he was a remarkable man of many accomplishments. I was lucky to share a meal with him, learn skiing tips from him, and share love of classical piano. Mauro made my life better by his example. He was an inspirational man. Please know he was a motivating force, so for me, though he has passed, he has changed me forever. I am grateful.

Diane Brumder

Park City, Ut

Dear Fiora & Family, I was shocked and saddened when I heard about the accident. I am so sorry that the holidays will bring grief instead of joy. Please accept my sincerest condolences. I worked with Mauro at Canyons before it was Vail and always enjoyed him immensely. He will be sorely missed by all of us in the ski world as well as by everyone he touched. I will be teaching on the hill during his services, but he and the family will remain in my thoughts and prayers.

Jo Garuccio

Sandy, UT

We don’t have control of our beginning or our end...only what is in the middle. Dr. Mauro Dal Canto had a brilliant middle. An exceptional human being.

Ross M. Glaze, III

Park City, UT

Ciao zio, ti scrivo come facevamo spesso, quando raccontavo a te e zia le mie cose, condividendo le gioie e le tristezze che la vita riserva. Ti ricordi...scherzavi sulla morte e sul tempo che passa, alleggerendone la drammaticità col tuo acuto senso dell’umorismo. Ora cerco di ricordarle tutte le tue battute a riguardo perché mi facciano in qualche modo sorridere immaginando il tuo commento a questa improvvisa partenza... Sei stato un uomo straordinario, un modello verso il quale tendere e orientarci, il più alto esempio di impegno, passione e capacità che abbia mai conosciuto, ma sopratutto sei stato per me uno zio prezioso, sempre vicino e presente anche se al di là dell’oceano. Sono felice che i miei ragazzi ti abbiano conosciuto e vissuto in quei giorni stupendi e spensierati passati insieme da voi nello Utha. Non ti possiamo più vedere, o abbracciare, ma so che ci sei e sono sicura che da lassù proteggerai tutti i tuoi cari. Mi mancherai... ci mancherai immensamente.

Cecilia, Emiliano, Federico e Angelica

Livorno, LI

Peace of The Almighty to your beloved husband, Fiora; Peace of The Almighty to your beloved father, Rick and Albert: may you now receive comfort during this time of great sorrow, and may the memory of your beloved husband or father ever remain a comfort unto you. Yours sincerely....Numa

Numa Gottardi-Littell

Evanston, Il

Beautiful Fiora, what a great love story you have with Mauro. Blessings and love to you. We are always here to surround you in love..

Lisa Phinney

Park City, UT

I am so sorry for your tremendous loss. Mauro was a brilliant, kind, and supportive colleague. He has left this earth too soon. My sincere condolences.

Eileen Bigio

Gilbert, AZ

Very sorry to learn of Mauro's passing. I have many fond memories of being at your house in Chicago, eating meals at your dining table, playing Commodore 64 with Rickie and Albert, and going with you to fly model planes. I am thinking of you all, and remembering Mauro as an excellent man who taught us all so many great lessons. I hope you are able to carry on in his name, pass down his teachings, and be proud of his strong legacy. - Stefano

Stefano Robertson

Riverside, IL

Mauro and I spent many days on our mountains teaching skiing and training to better ourselves. We often lunched together telling a story or two. I remember asking him why he brought his lunch. One it think Fiora prepared. He said “why would I eat that when I can eat this?” He did that with the smirk, smile and twinkle Albert referred to. I was lucky to see that from time to time! In skiing, he truly strived for excellence. He would sometimes get frustrated with himself. With his mortal limitations. He also always impressed me with his humility. In that “I will do my best.” We did not see each other as much after he started pursuing ski racing. When we did, it was a warm reunion. It has been wonderful to know him even just a little!

Steve Woodward

Salt Lake City, UT

Dear Fiora and the Dal Canto Family, we are so sorry to lose Mauro. We knew him at first as a fellow skier with Park City Masters, but as we got to know Mauro better we realized we had so much more in common. We shared a love of science, medicine, scuba diving, and outdoors. We have fond memories of skiing with Mauro and talking about life, family, and hobbies. He was a delightful man, and we will miss him very much. We are comforted in the fact that he led a great life and was active in all aspects. Please accept our condolences, and may God bless you and your family. Thunder and Judie

Thunder Jalili and Judie Guzman

Park city, Ut

Siamo profondamente addolorati per la scomparsa del Caro Mauro. Abbiamo avuto la grande fortuna nella nostre vite di conoscerti ... Ci uniamo nel dolore a Flora, Richard,Albert,Giuliana ed a tutta la Famiglia Dal Canto. Maurizio, Mariano ed Adriana Burini

Maurizio Burini

Livorno, nan

I remember the time I embraced Mauro (pre-Covid time) after the passing of his grandson Daniel. This was in the lobby of our gym Basin Recreation Fieldhouse so not a particularly private place. Mauro stiffened. I hugged tighter and whispered softly in his ear “I am so sorry. I love you.” I wasn’t sure how Mauro would react to such an emotional demonstration but when I looked in his eyes there were tears. He had softened. He too was mourning at a deep level but being a private person he did not show it. I was blessed that day that he allowed me to see his heart and it was truly a beautiful heart. From that moment on I knew that although he had a somewhat reserved or even “crusty” exterior that underneath it he felt things deeply. His love for you, dear Fiora, and his sons and grandchildren was fierce on the outside and soft on the inside. Much love to the Dal Canto family as you navigate Mauro’s sudden departure. Be gentle with yourselves. Sending prayers that you will be comforted.

Charlene Johnson

Park City, UT

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