Ellen Kathleen Porter

May 12, 2006 - January 10, 2009

Ellen Kathleen Porter 


Our sweet baby girl passed away unexpectedly in the wee hours of Saturday morning Jan. 10, 2009.   Ellie was born May 12, 2006, at Alta View Hospital, to Holly and Patrick Porter.

She was our youngest, as well as our miracle baby. A true gift from God who impacted our family for the best from the day she arrived.


She had a knack for charming just about everyone she met with her infectious smile and disarming little laugh. She truly loved everyone and everyone she met fell madly in love with her. She loved all Disney movies, especially Madagascar, and Nickelodeon. She loved to be read to; Bye, Bye Diapers was her current favorite, as she was in the process of potty training. She was constantly singing; Itsy Bitsy Spider, Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and Mary Had a Little Lamb. She had a sweet tooth and loved to steal sugar cookies. Ellie loved to run and jump into the arms of her mommy and daddy. She was destined for the runway; she changed her clothes by the hour into every princess dress, then pretty dresses, and finally into her bathing suits. Pink was her signature color. Most importantly was her inquisitive nature. Perhaps she knew her time with us was limited as she never wasted a moment. She was always finding things to get into and messes to make. She never wanted to be left out of anything and always kept up with her best friends, who were her older brother and sisters, whether they liked it or not! She lived life to the fullest and went to bed utterly exhausted everyday, with us right along side her. Sadly, there is now an enormous hole in our hearts which will never heal. We know she is in heaven with Jesus and those family members who preceded her in death, as she awaits our joining her once again.


She is survived by her mommy and daddy; sisters Nicole, Maddie and Gracie; brother Devon; Grandmother Grace Porter; Aunts Kathy (Tom) Shannon, Ellen (Jerry) Kelley, and Lori (Brooke) Archuletta; Uncle Jack Porter; numerous cousins; family members and friends who dearly loved her.


She is preceded in death by her Grandfathers John W. Porter and Rod Esslinger; Grandmother Donna Esslinger; and Aunt Tammy Esslinger.


A Viewing will be held on Wednesday, Jan.14th from 5 to 7 PM at St. Thomas More Catholic Church, 3015 East Creek Road, Sandy, where a Vigil will begin at 7:00 PM.

Funeral Mass will be celebrated on Thursday Jan. 15th, at noon at St. Thomas More Catholic Church.  Pink is encouraged in your dress. Scholarship donations may be made in Ellie’s honor to St. Vincent School.

In Loving Memory

My sweet spunky Ellie...it seems so quiet without you. I miss your smile and great laugh. You held a special place in my heart and I will remember you always. Holly and Pat...there are no words to express my deep sympathy. I wish I could take the pain away, I will hug my kids tighter and treasure every minute in Ellie's honor. Nicole, Devon, Maddy, my litlle Grace and all of Ellie's family...keep your heads up and live each day in Ellie's memory....laughing, loving and wearing great outfits. God Bless you all.

Danielle Rodgers

Park City, Ut

Dear Porters - Words will fail in telling you how our hearts hurt for you. We feel so charmed that we have had time with you as a family and that we have witnessed the unique spirit that Ellie brought to all of you. She was certainly spunky and precious and will never be forgotten. We pray that your sweet memories of Eliie will bring sunshine on the rainy days ahead and that God will give you the strength you need. Many people live a long time and don't leave the kind of impression that this little girl left on so many. She was special and was very much a reflection of the love from and energy of your family. You must hold on to one another even more tightly right now and remember that we are here if you need extra support. All our love - MJ, Dane and Nicholas

MJ, Dane and Nicholas Falkner

Holladay, UT

Holly,Pat,Nicky,Devon,Maddy& Grace WE where all devastaded to hear of your loss, our hearts go out to you. Ellie was a special gift to all of us that we will always remeber. Knowing that she is in the hands of our Dear Lord brings some comfort, but we know it will never fill the hole that is left by her passing. If you need anything from us let us know.

Mark,Kris,Siara,Greg Dean

Salt Lake City, Ut

Holly and Pat, I am so sorry. Thoughts are with you.

Maggie Kearns

Salt Lake City, UT

Dear Holly,Pat,Nicole,Devon,Maddie and Grace, There are no words to adequately express our sorrow and how we hurt for you....Ellie was a beautiful child who brought sunshine and laughter to all of our lives....May God bring you the strength you need...You are all in our thoughts and prayers. Leslie and James Farrell

Leslie Farrell

Cottonwood, Ut

Dear Holly and Pat We were very saddened to be told of your loss. Please except out heartfelt sympathy to you and your family. The loss must touch you very deeply as you face these difficult days of grief. While our knowledge of you as a family has been largely at the dinner events, we know of your gentleness and friendly manner. During this difficult period, we know you will draw on the same deep personal resources we have seen and have come to know and admire. If there is anything we can do please call on us as you will. Our prayers are with you. Martin Gibson, Sharon Wilson Board Members WMFWS

R. Martin Gibson

Sandy, Ut

Ellie princess we love you and we always will have you close to our hearts. Your infectious smile and laughter will be with us for eternity and we will remeber all that you have brought to each of us. Pray for your family and keep them strong for you have the most amazing parents that anyone could wish for. Even though you have left this earth I know you are looking down from heaven in a princess dress and watching over your family. We will miss you dearly. God bless you Ellie bug and God bless your family.

Monica Hoffman

Salt Lake city, UT

dear porter family, i just wanted to express my dearest condolences, for the loss of your cute little daughter, i don't know you personaly i'm just a stranger who was reading the obituaries at lunch time and saw your daughter, my eyes filled with tear reading it. she was a true little princess . God Bless you all at this time. sincerley, Jennifer Shepard

jennifer shepard

salt lake city, ut

Dear Porter Family, Hold on to your memories and let them guide you during this time of sadness. Please let us know if you need anything. We are a part of the St. Vincent and St. Thomas More community. Our hearts ache for your loss. Deepest sympathy.

Michele, Bob, Nash, and Nya Elder

Cottonwood Heights, Ut

Dear Porter Family, We are so saddened at the loss of your little Ellie. Every time we saw her at school events, and with Devan and DeVaughn she was all smiles! There are no words to express our heartfelt sympathy. Our prayers are with your family. May God bless you during this time and grant you peace knowing Ellie's love is surrounding you always.

The Caruso Family

Draper, UT

Patrick, Please accept our heartfelt sympathy to you and your wife and family. Losing a child has to be the toughest trial anyone ever goes through. What a beautiful and livewire little girl you had. May you be comforted by so many good memories of her, and by God's open arms as she is hugged into heaven. Pat & Chet (clients)

Pat and Chet Banta

Salinas, CA

Dear Holly - I haven't seen you in years and years, but Renee told me about your little girl's passing. Words cannot describe the sadness I feel for you and your family right now. As a parent, to lose a child is the worst thing imaginable. I cannot pretend to know what you are going through, but please accept my deepest sympathy in this time of great sorrow.

Guy Pearce

Salt Lake City, UT

Dear Porters, I'm very sorry for your loss. I don't know you-- but I helped Shayneh when she called, Schmidts Pastry for the sugar cookies, I was the one that took the order. I just wanted to reach out--- and give you my support during this horrible time. When my parents' passed, it was truely the worse thing I had ever gone thru. But somehow I manage everyday in hopes to reunite with them someday. Keep her memories close to your heart---use those memories to get you though. Love is forever!! You will see her soon.

debbie swasey

Murray,, Ut

To the Porter Family, I am so sorry for your loss. I loved watching Ellie when she would come into Mrs. Sanderson's class to be with Grace. She has a beautiful smile and infectious laugh and you could see how much she wanted to be in the class too. Holly, I cannot imagine the pain you are all feeling. May the happy memories of her help you through this time. Hang onto each other for support and live wonderful lives in her honor. May God bless you. Cindy and Jackson Grange

cindy grange

cottonwood heights, ut

Pat and Holly, and the whole family, I am so sorry for your loss, and I share in your grief. My prayers are with you. Although Ellie was just about to celebrate her first birthday when you opened your home to Breanna and me for a ski vacation back in 2007, I have fond memories of her wonderful smile and her loving personality. I remember feeding her in her highchair, and wishing that I could take her home with me. Love to all of you.

Dave Benz

Richmond, VA

Dear Pat and Holly - This is sad news indeed. May God bless you and hold your family now and in the coming years. You are in my prayers. With Deepest Sympathy, -- Paul Kuhn

Paul Kuhn

Sandy, Ut

Dear Holly, Pat, Nicole, Devon, Maddie, and Grace; Our prayers are with you during these difficult times. Ellie was a cutie pie! She will be greatly missed. But use her great love of life and energy to get you through these hard and difficult moments. She is looking out for all of you in heaven now. Our heartfelt sympathy to all of you. Love, Tony, Liz, Anastasia, and Nicholas Gonzalez

Gonzalez Family

Murray, Ut

Dear Pat & Holly: The experiences in life that truly cause us to stop and think about ?what's really important? are unfortunately often tragedies that also remind us just how fragile life is. They provoke us to continue to hold hope that this life is not the beginning or the end. We can't think of a more shocking or painful tragedy than the unexpected loss of a young, healthy child. Upon learning of the passing of Ellie Kate and reflecting on her ascent into a larger sphere, as she fell asleep in the arms of Jesus, We can't stop thinking of comforting scriptures, from the King James Bible, such as:  ?Be still and know that I am God (Psalms 46:10 Old Testament),?  When the Savior, even Jesus Christ, said, ?Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted?I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever?I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you?peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid (Matthew 5:4; John 14:18, 27 New Testament).?  ?For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts?And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus (Isaiah 55:8-9, Old Testament; Philippians 4:7, New Testament)? This life is a time to prepare to meet God, and – for reasons beyond understanding – Ellie Kate's time came sooner than expected. Nevertheless, she couldn't have been more ready, more clean & pure, and is probably an even wiser and more mature soul than we realized until her destiny was abruptly revealed. Happily, she has been taken home to God, who gave her life, and received into a state of joy and happiness, or in other words, the paradise of God. Life is like a river; sometimes it sweeps you gently along – sometimes the rapids come out of nowhere. There comes a time, probably for all of us, when we must be more than we are – when we must follow the course which God has laid out. Your faith has shown me that you strength isn't something you just have – it's something God helps you find. And, although difficult, you'll help each other find it one day at a time. Your strength is uplifting – to see your faith and confidence in knowing that God's hand is in everything; especially the things we fully don't understand. You are great friends, great people, and great parents. We have seen, first hand, many evidences of this. You have a wonderful, great family. We're certain that God, our Heavenly Father, and His Son Jesus Christ, love you unconditionally, with the pure love of Christ, and that they will shower you with their spirit, like a warm blanket, to comfort you in your loss. You have many friends and family praying for you and for your peace and comfort. When Christians throughout the world have this faith in Jesus Christ coursing in their veins, when they feel a loyalty in their hearts to the Resurrected Christ and to the principles connoted thereby, mankind will have taken the first great step toward the perpetual peace for which we all are daily praying – and for which we know He will bring you. Until you meet her again, it can cheer our hearts to remind ourselves of who she is with, that she has escaped the envy of man, the sorrows and evils of this present world, and that you shall see and be with her again soon. Ellie Kate is safely with family, friends and loved ones who have preceded her in moving on, to a heavenly home of the just. We believe you, as her parents, will have her as your child again some day, and will have the joy, the pleasure, the satisfaction of nurturing her until she reaches the full stature of spirit. And, it will be a far greater joy than you can possibly have in mortality. This world is full of catchy phrases that are what we would call ?big wind, loud thunder, no rain!? Some seem profound enough to get us to remember them, such as ?live each day as if it were your last.? Most of these ?trendy? phrases are seldom taken to heart on a daily basis. Yet, when disaster strikes and sudden heartbreak occurs, the purpose of life instantly becomes crystal clear, and there is ?rain? to go with the ?big wind? and ?loud thunder? in our thoughts. People and relationships are the answer to what really matters. Families are of eternal significance. Our families and our friends are what make life worth living. And God, in his infinite wisdom, planned it so we would not have to experience the trials and afflictions of life alone. We're thankful for great friends like you and your family, and we pray for you and hope that we can demonstrate our love, appreciation, and support through our thoughts, actions and prayers. We are so sorry for your loss; but you have not really lost her. She is yours, and continues to belong to you and in your great family. May God bless and be with you. With all the love in our hearts and prayers, Rob & Julie Cheney

Rob & Julie Cheney

Draper, Ut

Dear Patrick, Holly, Devon, Nicole, Maddie, Gracie, I express my deepest sympathy to you at this trying time. It is difficult whenever any loved one dies but especially hard when it is a child. I can not imagine your pain but the Lord will help you through this time. You will be together again some day. Everything about the service was beautiful - the words by Reverend Van Massenhove, the music, the pictures, the eulogy. It was a tribute to Ellie and your family. It was great to see all the support you had from the parrish, St. Vincent's., neighbors, friends. May God bless you, Love Janice Jones

Janice Jones

Salt Lake City, Ut

We were so saddened to hear of your tragic loss. Words cannot express how sorry we are. We never had the chance to meet Ellie, but she looks and sounds like she was a very special little girl. Our thoughts are with you during this difficult time.

Janet and Mike Christensen

Salt Lake City, Ut

Pat and Hollie, We are so sorry to hear the news of Ellie. Know that we will keep you in our prayers.

Ryan and Bridget Banta

Reno, Nv

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