Hettie F. Kelm

June 23, 1921 - May 30, 2017

Hettie was born in Salt Lake City to Lee Brayton and Winnie Schrack Wight on June 23, 1921.  She passed away very peacefully on May 30, 2017, in Prescott, AZ, just three weeks before her 96th birthday.  She led a wonderful life full of love and joy and her family and friends will miss her kind and loving spirit. 

Her childhood was spent in Salt Lake City and Los Angeles with her parents and three incredible brothers, Earl, Lester and Lee Brayton, Jr.  She was a lifelong member of First United Methodist Church where she had met her future husband when they were both young. She became a member and Honored Queen of Bethel #1, IOJD.  After graduation from East High, she attended Westminster College which then was a two-year facility.  After that graduation, she attended and graduated from the University of Utah with a degree in elementary education.  

Within days of that graduation, she married her adoring sweetheart, Robert Gordon Kelm on June 10, 1943.  They moved to Los Angeles where Robert was working in the factory that was building P38s for use during WWII.  They spent many delightful evenings drinking sodas and listening to the Nat Cole Trio in a club nearby their little apartment.  Too soon, however, as Robert had enlisted in the Marine Corps, he was called up and sent to the South Pacific.  

Their first child, Linda Lee, was born while he served his tours of duty.  She was 18 months old when at last Robert came home.  Not long after that, son David Carl was born.  Robert and Hettie lived in the Avenues until moving to the Sugarhouse area where they spent the rest of their 63 years together.  Hettie Elizabeth was born shortly after that move and the youngest of the four, John Robert, rounded out the family in no time at all.

During most of her adult life, Hettie was deeply involved in Job's Daughters, a Masonic organization for young women.  She served in many, many capacities, most notably Guardian of Bethel # 1, and as Grand Guardian of the state of Utah.  She spent well over 60 years devoting her time and energy to the Masonic family of Utah and will be remembered for her tireless efforts to improve the organizations as a whole.  She and Robert together were also members of the Order of the Eastern Star.  

During that time she also spent 50 years as a member of Chapter E, PEO.  She derived so much pleasure from the friends she had throughout the state, but mostly her Chapter sisters whom she loved so dearly.  She studied and learned and had great camaraderie with those women and cherished the part that PEO plays in the education of women around the world. Hettie never stopped teaching English!  Education was all important to her.

She had a special fondness for convertibles which allowed her free spirit to flourish.  She owned several, but the one that fit her best was the '64 Impala SS.  White, with red interior, it was her special car, and was bedecked with a bright red rose on the antenna.  We could always find her car in a parking lot!  And we could always see her coming and going on her many errands.  Her red hair and this car set her apart from all others and it's one of her kids' favorite memories. 

She was also quite the prankster!  She loved telling the stories of how she surprised Robert many, many times.  One time, she sewed the sleeves of his pajamas closed and watched him in the moonlight as he struggled to put his top on.  She had great difficulty lying there in bed watching him without bursting into laughter.  He'd fight to get his arms in, lay the top out on the bed again, get it all straightened out and try again…all the while struggling and fighting those closed arms.  Again he would lay it out, straighten the top and try again.  After a few futile attempts, Mom could no longer keep from laughing.  Thankfully, Dad had a great sense of humor as well and they both could always laugh about the story!  Another late night, she waited until he got into bed next to her and then s-l-o-w-l-y rolled over to face him and watch him jump right back out of bed.  She'd faced him wearing a skeleton mask!  Our Dad had a strong heart!!  Those two had so much fun together.  They were so good for each other. 

She had been a loyal Jazz fan during the Stockton/Malone era.  One mention of the name "Karl Malone" brought a big smile to her face, and "Oh, that lovely man!"  She absolutely adored Karl Malone.  Even during her final week here on earth, son John and daughter Hettie got the very same reaction when having a conversation with her in Arizona.  She lit up like a candle at the mere mention of his name. "They were so much fun to watch," she'd say.  And speaking of lighting up, John or Hettie always made sure that she was stationed somewhere she could watch the fireworks shows every July here in Salt Lake City.  It was one of her favorite things to do, and she didn't miss a showing.    

Before and after Robert retired from Graybar Electric, the two of them spent a great deal of time traveling the world.  Tahiti, Mexico, England, Italy, Germany, France, Canada, Alaska, Venezuela and Hawaii were just some of the places they visited.  And summer vacations with the family when the kids were younger included many of the American states, especially in the West where Hettie had beloved cousins who always opened their hearts to the Kelm family whenever the opportunity was presented to them.  Many visits were made to one of Hettie's favorite spots, Laguna Beach, CA, where her brother Lester lived.  She adored being on the beach listening to the waves and enjoying the salty sea air.  Even in her seventies, she still visited Disneyland with her adult children and her grandsons. 

One might think that with all of the time devoted to organizations and world travel, her family might have been set aside.  That couldn't be farther from the truth!  She was a devoted, loving Mom to her four children, and in time, loved her ‘in-law' children as her own.  She always had dinner on the table for us, kept up with our school activities, careers, educational endeavors, our heartaches and our joys, and when her beloved grandchildren arrived she had time and love enough to go around.  We were all blessed with her presence, her knowledge, her generosity and her loving devotion to her family.  We consider ourselves most blessed to have had such a Mom and Grammy.   Our hearts ache now but we are all filled with loving memories that will not fade with time.  

Hettie was preceded in death by her parents, brothers, her loving husband Robert, their eldest child, Linda, and her son-in-law, C.H. Miller.  We're sure that there was an emotional reunion of these family members!  She is survived by son David and Diane Kelm, their boys Karl A. and Robert G. Kelm; son John Kelm and Suzy Burton; daughter, Hettie Miller, her children Cara, Mason, Patrick and Christian Miller; and great-grandchildren, Tayler, Nicole, Robert and Stephen Miller.

Hettie's family has said farewell at a private graveside service at Mount Olivet cemetery in Salt Lake City.  We encourage all of you to remember Hettie in your hearts and know that you all meant so much to her.  Thank you for being such a big part of Hettie's incredible life.  

In Loving Memory

Just to you Mom, I will always be in honor of the way you lived your life. Thank you for your last "I love you" John

John Kelm

Salt Lake City, Ut

Dear Hettie, We lost touch many, many years ago, but I think about you often, all the laughs, good times and friendship we shared in and out of work, Read your Mom's obituary in Sunday's paper. I am so sorry to hear of her passing and also the passing of C.H. I had no idea. If you would like you can get my e-mail from Starks.. I would love to hear from you and get caught up. My condolences, Janet

Janet Bitner

Sandy, UT

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