Jaron Dean Hall

March 27, 1976 - October 23, 2012

Jaron "P" Dean Hall
A life cut too short, too soon….

Jaron "P" Dean Hall came into this world on March 27, 1976. He was a gentle giant from the beginning to the end, with a large and loving heart. Jaron did not have a mean bone in his body, nor could he ever hold a grudge or speak ill of others. He was the most selfless, caring person one could ever hope to know and love.
He did many things in life but his true passion was mechanics. If it was broken he wanted to fix it, even if it was cheaper to buy a new one. His other passions included golfing, baseball, football (Go Atlanta Braves and Falcons!), camping, fishing and especially dirt bike riding.

His big heart grew even bigger when he met the love of his life, Angela Eileen Allen, on New Year's Eve 2002. They committed themselves to each other on August 13, 2005, becoming part of the Allen Family (even though they are all Green Bay Packers and St. Louis Cardinals fans). His heart grew even larger when their union was blessed with the birth of their first son, A.J. (Anthony Jaron, but only when he gets into trouble) on February 2, 2011. To complete the A to Z Team, their second son, Zach (Zachary Robert, for when he is old enough to get into trouble) was born on June 21, 2012 (oops – wasn't planning that one so soon!). He was the best dad any boy could ask for. No duty was too tough for him – dirty diapers, bath time, tickle fights or sucking snot out of miniscule nostrils!

The people he leaves behind to carry on his memory in their hearts are:

His wife, Angela and sons, A.J. and Zach; his parents, Grant and Janice Hall; siblings Jennifer Brussow (Chris, Hailee and Xander) and Michael Hall; Grandmother Lois Nelson; In-Laws Laurie and Robert Allen; sister-in-law Jessica Allen (Jacob Barham) plus many more relatives, in-laws and out-laws, but especially friends that meant the world to him.

His family invites friends and family members to an Open Reception to celebrate his life on Monday night, October 29, 2012, from 6 to 8 pm at Starks Funeral Parlor (3651 South 900 East, Salt Lake City). In lieu of flowers, a college fund has been set up at the University of Utah Credit Union under the name of Anthony Jaron Hall for both of his sons.

P.S. I will see that the A to Z Pack grow up being Falcons/Braves fans!!! Xoxoxo GDD

In Loving Memory

My dear Angela, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Your husband sounds like a wonderful man. My prayers and thoughts are with you, your sons, and the rest of the family at this time. Much love to you.

Veronica Brand

Kearns, Ut

Dear Jan, Grant, Angela and boys, I'm so very sorry to hear this sad news. Sounds like he was an amazing young man! Sending loving thoughts to you all.

Kate McPharlin Breivik

Fredericksburg, VA

Dear Jan and Grant, words just don't say what is in my heart right now. Sending my love and prayer your way. Losing an child is the most painful thing I can think of. .. Love you xoxoxoxoxo

Lee McPharlin

Holladay, Ut

Bob and Laurie our thought and prayers are with you and your family at this hard time in your lives.

Cheryl & Larry Nak

Magna, UT

Angie, You and your boys have been in my thoughts since I heard the news. I will keep you in my prayers.

Candace Madill

Ashland, OR

We can all certainly look back on solid memories of the great kids in our Woodstock, Cottonwood community. Jaron was one of the best.

Flamminio Di Sera

Salt Lake, ut

Dear Grant, I am so sorry for the loss of your son Jaron . Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family through this most difficult time.

Loralee Novosel

Sandy, Ut

Angie, My love, prayers, and thoughts are with you, your beautiful boys, and the rest of your familty. Jaron was a great guy and an amazing dad.

Rhonda Woodward

West Jordan, UT

Jan and Grant - we feel so sad and wish so much we could be there to help you through this terrible circumstance. We love your family and know of Jaron's caring sweet personality. Our love and prayers are with your family.

Brian and Gayle Nelson

Haysville, KS

I would like to thank Monty Williamson for notifying me of Bill's psanisg. He and Lori have been a real blessing to the Cooks and all of us as well. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.Bill and I were phone and letter brothers. I never met him personally but for years we had such joyous times talking and sharing God's immense love for us. Bill was such a dear man. I know Elaine will miss him so, as will I. At times we would be sharing the word of truth (Christ Himself) and Bill would break down and weep that weep of purest love and anointing from the deep well of life within his spirit. Then he would regale me at other times with stories of his former adventures and life in the province. He was quite an historian I found. He also loved his animals. Such tales he could recount. Of all the memories I treasure of this wonderful man, I will treasure always the letter he wrote me a while back on bits and pieces of paper he scrounged. It was hard to read but it melted my heart. He longed for the fellowship we had but now could not as he had moved into the in-patient residence there in Creston. Such a heart of the servant Jesus so desires of us. The scribbled out letter I shall always treasure for it manifested the Christ I know and he knew (knows). Bless you Bill.Bill, I will miss you as a true friend and our times sharing across the border. But I rejoice with you for your first and foremost love was the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.Therefore my tears are of joy and saddness as you pass from this earthly realm intoHis waiting, embracing Arms. Bless the Lord for you my dearest friend.Cal CobbFarmington, NY


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>Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dihnosor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.


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