Jeffery E. Lenci

March 19, 1941 - June 4, 2017

Jeffery E. Lenci (76) passed away Sunday, June 4 as a result of a lingering illness. Jeff was born in Great Falls, Montana March 19, 1941. Addy and Eddy Lenci were his parents. He had no siblings, but his young aunt Sharon LePard, only three years his senior, was like a sister to him. They shared many happy childhood adventures, like putting on plays and inventing fantastic characters. They literally grew up together, and grew inseparably close in the process. Despite the passage of decades and the distance of hundreds of miles, they were never far from each other's hearts or thoughts.

Jeff graduated from Great Falls High school in 1959 and then went on to the University of Montana in Missoula. He earned a bachelor of science degree in business administration. He also became a member of the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity. A fraternity he would remain active in for the next half century. When his job brought him to Utah, he became a volunteer working with the University of Utah chapter. For more than 25 years, he was an important and valued advisor for the fraternity's many projects and activities.

But Sig Ep was not Jeff's only interest outside of work. He was a central organizer and promoter of the beautiful Sugarhouse Garden Center, a big supporter of the Ladies Literary Club and a consummate collector of fine junk.

Jeff's garage sale and swap meet exploits became the stuff of legend. In a 2005 newspaper article based on his bargain hunting passion, Jeff described one of his notable acquisitions as a $400 cremation box he scored for an unbelievable $4! Now if you think Jeff would buy just about anything if it was enough of a bargain, you're right. Still, he'd often generously give his best finds to friends. Like a catch-and-release fisherman, Jeff frequently didn't keep what he'd reeled in. It was the finding, not the keeping, that was the real fun. And that fun only got better when he could share his good fortune and great discoveries with others.

As an interesting side note, when the cremation box story was recently told to one of his friends and co- workers, she remarked that Jeff gave the box to her for her husband's funeral just two years ago.

So a seemingly unnecessary purchase years before, turned out, as many of Jeff's bargain purchases did, to be just the item a friend truly needed.

Despite his many interests, Jeff did find time for work. Jeff held important management positions with American Stores and Masseys Jewelers. Many customers at Masseys, even decades later, still fondly remember Jeff. To them, he was not just salesman interested in selling them jewelry but a true friend. Jeff, as he so often did, became genuinely interested in their trials and tribulations, personal triumphs and unique life stories.

If you lookup the term "people person" in the dictionary, it would be no surprise to find a photo of Jeff Lenci (perhaps holding a "new-in-the-box" Hoover vacuum cleaner with a $5 Deseret Industries tag dangling from it.)

Jeff always had time and concern for others. If he could help in any way, he would. From arriving unrequested with a complete array of delicious food for a friend's mother's wake, to delivering goodie baskets, like a giant mustachioed rabbit, to porches on Easter mornings. He did that, much to the amazement and delight of his friends and their children, year after year without fail.

Jeff was kind and generous to a fault. But if one has to have flaws those are two we all might benefit from acquiring. In his passing, Jeff will leave a void. The space he filled with optimism, generosity, kindness and a determination. Yes, determination. He was, after all, determined to find the next opportunity to encourage, mentor, sympathize and befriend. And he was perhaps equally determined to find that next great bargain. If you get to heaven one day and want to look Jeff Lenci up, check the local garage sales. He's the one buying the like "new-in-the-box" wings and harp.

We will miss you Jeff. We shall miss you, dear friend.

In Loving Memory

I felt very fortunate to interview Jeff for an article I wrote about garage sales. He was so much fun and so helpful and had so much insight. I learned so much from him and the interview process itself was a delight. The article about garage sales was one of my favorite articles ever. May I express my condolences to the family of this wonderful man.

Carolyn Campbell

Salt Lake, UT

I will always have great memories of working under Jeff's skillful Management. Working my way up through the ranks of Retail Management, Jeff was my favorite tutor....He taught me so many things about Retail and made work so much fun. Everyday it was a pleasure to go to work and listen to him teach, tell stories, and Joke.....He was a Friend who could make you laugh all the time....I will miss running into him and talking about the "Good Ole Days"...Take care my are missed.

Ron Martinez

Magna, Ut

As an undergraduate in the 60's at the University of Montana, I went through fraternity rush and joined the Sig Ep house there.. Jeff was president of the chapter that was 100+ strong,, due in a large part to his input and his usual enthusiasm and delightful way of rallying the troops,, Certainly was full of ideas and crazy/funny stuff,, Well Remembered and Will Certainly Be Missed By Any and All Who Knew Him!

Dennis Nierenberg

East Boothbay, Me

Jeff I did not get to say goodbye, I am sad but happy you are at peace now. You are a great person are many talks day after day the inspiring words you bestowed upon me the story of the dog on the train track and how I would have you tell it to the people I held dear to me. You are a amazing person Jeff and I just know I will see you heaven one day so be watching for me. The world will never be the same with you gone but i know that heaven will be. May you rest in peace I will see you again

Jeremy ludlow

Taylorsville, UT

My deepest sympathies to the family and friends. Death at any age is difficult. May you find comfort in the words found at 1 Corinthians 15:26. It says: And the last enemy, death, is to be brought to nothing. And Hosea 13:14 says "From the power of the Grave I will redeem them; From death I will recover them." A wonderful promise from Jehovah God who cannot lie.


Newark, Nj

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