John Pienezza

June 25, 1979 - January 7, 2013

John (Jay) Pienezza

Jay Pienezza passed away suddenly Monday January 7, 2013. Jay was born June 25, 1979 at Ft. Hood, Texas to Joe and Debbie Pienezza. He was born 1 minute after his twin brother, Rob. John graduated from Oakdale Academy, Trenholm Culinary school (Montgomery, Alabama), and Culinary Italia (Torino, Italy). He cooked in Italy for 5 years, worked as a private chef, and cooked at the Yellow Dog Tavern (Canton, Maryland). He was a June 2012 graduate of the University of Maryland.

Jay's spirit is perhaps best described by what his friend Amy Matheson wrote on Facebook: Yesterday we lost our dear, sweet John Pienezza. Jay loved wholeheartedly, never judged and was a wonderful friend to everyone he met. Jay's laugh would brighten your darkest day and if that didn't do it, one of his hugs sure would.

John is survived by his parents Joe and Debbie Pienezza, and his companion and soul mate Christopher Kabara. He is also survived by his brothers Rob (Tiffany) and Mike (Whitni); and nieces and nephews Zenna, Olivia, Luca, and Isaac. John was also close to his special friends, Bonnie Kabara, Valorie and Becky Kemp.

John's family would like to thank everyone who tried so hard to save him: Rose, Brett, the West Jordan first responders, and the staff at Jordan Valley Hospital.

A wake to celebrate John's life will be held at Starks Funeral Parlor, 3651 South 900 East, on Friday, January 11 from 6 to 8 PM.

In lieu of flowers, donations to the American Heart Association or a charity of your choice would be appreciated.

In Loving Memory

Debbie, Joe, and Family, I am so sorry for your loss. Take comfort from the wonderful memories that I know you have. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I love you all. Terri

Terri Van Winkle

Sandy, Ut

I only knew John for a bit less than a year, but he had a huge impact on me. He was a great friend and I will miss him so much. I am so sorry for the loss we are all feeling. May his family and friends always cherish the memories created by this wonderful guy.

Bill Rayman

Linthicum, MD

Debbie and Joe, I am so sorry for your loss. I have so many fun memories of Jay at your house as he was growing up. I have so enjoyed getting tidbits of the exciting things he was accomplishing as he grew up and did all the exciting things and we only dreamed of doing. He was always so fun and full of life. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Love, Susen

Susen Ingledew Zobel

Kearns, Ut

I met John about five years ago when he started dating my brother. I was drawn to him immediately. He was funny and outgoing and always told you how he really felt about things. He was such an awesome cook! He took over making our holiday meals and I would look forward to every single one! To John's family, I am so sorry for your loss. Also, I want to thank you for raising such a wonderful loving man. I will miss him so much!

Carrie Chwirut

Baltimore, MD

Joe, Deb, Rob and Mike. I have so many memories, most of my childhood memories involve one of you. It has been wonderful to grow up with all of you, and to watch you all grow. I know that this time is hard, but I know that Jay is standing by all of you, He is there with you crying when you cry, and laughing when you laugh. Chris thank you so much for taking care of my Jay bird. He loves you so much. I am so happy to also call you my brother. I love you all!

Becky Kemp

West Valley City, UT

My brother... Our bond grew stronger as we grew older. I never really showed it but I loved you immensely, I will never forget your smile, your laugh or your leather jacket because I stole it. I wish we could have one more knock down, drag out fight!

Rob - Joe - P-nut


Jay, you are already missed so much. I remeber the 1st time we met. It was the Christmas Eve that I attended Christmas Mass with your family. My very first impression was that you were a very spiritual & kind person. As I got to know you better I learned just how kind and gentle you were. I know that you are deeply loved by all because of your kind and genrous heart. God is lucky, he gets to have you back, now. We are so saddened at your loss. May God be with you till we meet again.

Vicky Clark

South Jordan, Ut

My deepest sympathies go out to your family and Chris. John was an amazing person. I have a lot of wonderful memories of him I will cherish.

Jake Simmons

Baltimore, MD

Debbie & Joe I am so sorry for your loss. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Love & Hugs Marcia

Marcia Ingram

West Jordan, UT

I am so very sorry for your loss, John was an amazingly festive and fun loving man. He came into my life and instantly added a special spark that I was so missing, he introduced me to the love of his life and instantly we were all bonded. This friendship continued to grow and to flourish and now it will continue with his partner Chris and in my memory....We always laughed that we were so much alike and that are partners are so much alike, I think that is why we got along as well as we did...I am very proud to be able to call John my friend am very honored that he allowed me to be part of his life and share those closest to him with me. I will miss him so very badly, but will think of him fondly as I proceed in this life....John my friend, I will look after your baby, don't you worry...... Love always Alan

Alan Schukart

Baltimore, MD

My heart goes out to Chris and to John's family during this time. I did not know John long. Our friendship was still in it's infancy. But in the time I knew him, it was very easy to see why he is and always will be loved so much by those close to him. He recently came to my home, and we had wonderful conversation. I was very happy to have a new friend like him in my life. I will cherish the fact that, even for a short while, I got to know such a great person.

Don Twine

Baltimore, MD

Words can not express the loss felt. John was a wonderful person and friend who will be missed. We have lost an awesome guy but heaven has gained an amazing angel. God bless everyone in the family and may the lord give you all strength to get through and deal with the days to come.

JR & ROnnie

Catonsville, MD

My dear Jay, I don't have words to express the loss I feel. Our times together were way too short. I will always cherish that smile, our hugs, the laughter and love we shared. To this day, no one else has ever gotten me to ride the space shot! ! You touched many lives in wonderful ways - I'm going to really miss you. For those of us left behind, may our faith and love for one another carry us through the days to come.

Terri Tippett

Huntsville, Al

Debbie, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss! I hope you can find comfort and support in the memories of him. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!

Erica Owens (Kent)

Salt Lake City, Ut

Debbie, I rarely see the paper, but was so sad to read today of Jay's death. Working with the group at Brockbank we used to have such fun sharing stories of our kids. The last I talked to you Jay was loving his career and his life. I hope your family can share the good memories of a good boy and man. Love, Fae Roberts

Fae Roberts

Axtell, UT

John became a wonderful member of our extended family a few years ago. His bright, conscientious presence will be deeply missed by us. Despite his long hours working as a chef, he still always made sure our holiday meals were top notch and was always sensitive to the needs of a vegan with a peanut allergy. We are a welcoming clan, and John soon feel right in with us. Robin and I will always treasure the time we got to spend with John.

Robin Jacobs and Timothy Kabara

Baltimore, MD

I will never forget the time I spent with Jay. All the great memories! He will always be remembered by all who have met him. I love him very much. His nieces love him and know he will be with them forever. We will always keep his spirit alive.

Tiffany Pienezza

Bountiful, Ut

I really cannot believe Jay is gone. I'm SO glad he came to Alabama when Daddy died. We picked up right where we left off a million years ago. I remember all the times y'all came to visit, the trip to the beach when it stormed the whole time, trips to pick strawberries, trips to the lake, movie watching. He was such a good soul, such a good companion to have with us. I still dreamed that he would come to Tallassee and run the hotel. We will surely miss him!

Suzy Solomon Wilson

Tallassee, Al

MY heart is broken with the loss of my beloved cousin Jay. My sorrow encompasses Chris, Debbie, Joe, Rob, Michael and all his sisters-in-law, nieces and nephews. We all share the loss. He was a beautiful soul who lived through love. I am consoled that he can be with his grandmother now, who adored him. Love and healing goes out to all in our family, related by blood or not.

Michael Graves

Santa Fe, NM

When Jay visited us in New York he was a breath of fresh air. Curious and open, we had great fun showing him around. On his second visit, he insisted on cooking for one of our parties. I took to him immediatley. His kindness and thoughtfulness were his most evident characteristics and I realized that came from a close and loving family. He will be hugely missed.

Jennifer Graves

Santa Fe, NM

I only met Jay a few times. During those times, I learned that he was a very silly, loving, and fun man. He was a great uncle. His nieces and nephews always had such a great time playing with their Uncle Jay! His parents and brothers love him very much. They have been and will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Maddy Colledge

Taylorsville, UT

I met John a few years ago when I started working at Yellow Dog. I knew immediately that I had found my favorite coworker. John felt like an old friend and he acted like one too. His commentary on the various food network shows was priceless. And his advice and suggestions for my own cooking were greatly appreciated. My Saturday mornings were always a little less pleasurable when he was not there. I had the pleasure of meeting John's parents on a couple of occasions and I knew the apple didn't fall far from the tree. His fondness and love for his family and partner was sincere and admirable. My thoughts and prayers go to all who loved and knew John. He will be greatly missed.

Terresa Carter Wotring

Baltimore, Md

I knew John for only a short while, but he somehow managed to find his way into my heart as he did everyone whose life he touched. I'll miss his humor, his smile and his ability to make people laugh. I'm grateful to have had the pleasure of knowing John, if only for a little while.

Frank King

Linthicum, MD

Joe, Deb & Family, It is with a heavy heart that I send my deepest condolences. Jay really was a ray of sunshine, full of love, laughter, a hint of mischief, and an amazing perspective. I am a better person for having known him. I am so sorry for your loss.

Brenda Grady

Plainville, CT

Right now, I have so many emotions and memories bombarding my mind, I really don't know what to write. My first memory of Jay was the day he and Robbie were born. Daddy and I drove to the base hospital at Ft. Hood, TX. Jay and Robbie were asleep in their basinets. I will never forget the expression on Daddy's face. His expression was priceless. He was looking at Jay and Robbie with absolute wonder written all over his face. They were his beautiful grandchildren and he was spellbound. You could tell that it was love at first sight. I will never forget that day and the joy and happiness we felt as a family. Since Jay's death, I have been flipping through my mental scrapbook trying to recall events and places. Jay has left an indelible mark on my being and soul. I am a better person for having known and loved Jay. I am so proud to call him "Nephew." Untll the day I draw my last breath, I will flip through my mental scrapbook and recall the days spent in Tallassee, AL, especially, the Christmas'; the beach trip to Panama City Beach, FL, and the trips to Lake Martin. We were so blessed when Jay moved to Tallassee to live with his Grandmother. Jay gave Mother a new purpose in life. He gave me new purpose, as well. I still cringe when thinking of Jay behind the steering wheel. I had many near-death experiences when he was learning to drive. By the grace of God, we survived. I paid many a penance sitting in the passenger side of the front seat with Jay barrelling down the road. Jesus was sitting in my lap. I don't know. I may have been sitting in His. I know I said many breath prayers of "Thank You, Jesus. Thank You. Thank You." God bless you, Jay. You are in heaven with Jesus and your grandparents. I know you are happy. We will never be the same. Your loss has left a hole in our lives that will never be filled. Grieving is going to be a long, arduous process. Joe and Debbie, Jan and I love you more than you will ever know. Rob, Tiffany, Zenna and Olivia, we love you. Mike, Whit, Luca and Isaac, we love you. Chris, I wish I had met you before. Just know, that Jan and I love you. You will have to step in Jay's shoes and be our "Nephew." God bless!

Charles Pienezza (Rocky)

Birmingham, AL

Joe, Deb, Rob, and Mike, My heart goes out to you all. I loved Jay and he always brought a smile to my face. I still remember sitting in Val's kitchen and having a beer and just laughing. Please know he is looking down over you all and Chris. May God help you through this sad time. I love you all very much Peggy

Peggy Dagley

Sykesville, MD

Joe, Deb, Chris and Family - I can't wrap my mind around the devastating loss of Jay. The pain in my heart is so severe and I can't begin to imagine how ya'll feel. I am taking comfort in visualizing God having His loving arms wrapped around him. Deb, I truly believe that your parents, Bill, Bobbie, Aunt Jo, Olivia & Jack, Harriet, Kemp & Aggie, Uncle Dan & Aunt Kate and all the others that went before him were there to greet him when he passed over. Even though we didn't get to see each other very often, Jay & I had a strong bond and connection. I loved him so much because of his sweet spirit, that beautiful smile, his wit, the way he told a story or recounted an event. Rock & I were so proud of the man he became which was a direct result of his "raising" & the love & support of our family, Chris and all his friends. The world has a dark spot where he used to be but heaven has a much bighter spot where he is now. There are people all over the country praying for God to give us strength to get thru this and we will. Our present sadness & grief will pass and we'll then be able to focus on all our happy memories of Jay. He touched so many lives and will never be forgotten!!


birmingham, al

We are deeply saddened to hear the news of your loss for John. Our prayers are with the entire family for peace and comfort during this very difficult time. Sincerely, Jarrod and Barbara Coker

Jarrod and Barbara Coker

Tallassee, Al

Pinezza family, I am so sorry for your loss. I take comfort in my many memories that Jay and I made together. Jay was such a loving and kind person to know. I consider myself lucky to have known him because it's not often you cross paths with someone so genuine and giving. I am a better person having known him. May God bless you and your entire family. Lynn Norrell

Lynn Norrell

Tallassee, Al

I only met John one time. I knew right away that he was a great guy and a good person. I am very sorry for your loss.

Mark Ritter

Monkton, MD

Joe, Debbie and all the Pienezza Family- I was so saddened to hear from Chief Galbraith of the loss of your beloved Jay. May all the fond family memories sustain you in this difficult time. My family sends you our most heartfelt sympathies and our prayers are with you.

Brett Hardcastle, MSG (Retired) US Army

Holladay, UT

I thought I would be done with all the tears, and yet I am sitting here crying again. I feel in love with Jay the second I meet him. He was the brother-in-law every girl dreamed of. I am greatful I told him these exact words the Friday before he passed. I along with everyone else never imagined he would be gone shortly after. My Christmases will never be the same. I am sure the whole family feels the this way I am just so greatful for the Pienezzas and heart broken that there is one less. Jay I will never forget you! I love you so much it hurts. p.s. Don't worry Jay I won't let Chris excape this family.

Whitni Pienezza

West Valley City, uT

I didn't know Jay very well, but I did know that he was a great uncle, and a wonderful person. He will be greatly missed. My heart is broken, but I know that Jay is still with us all. We keep him alive in our hearts. My prayers go out to the Pienezza family. I didn't get a chance to meet Chris, but I know that Jay loved him very much and I can't even imagine what you are going through. I pray for your broken heart, that it may be mended. I love you all very much!

Jessica Coffey


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Hi about your post on nuts it isnt true. Nuts are very healthy esipceally peanuts popularly known as groundnut in nigeria. In fact peanuts shud b taken every day as well as peanut butter as its very filling and dat way it'll help u reduce your food cravings. But dont 4get it shud be eaten in moderation. If u do not believe me u can always goggle it.



I'm sadden to find out you passed away. My condolences to Joe and Debbie. Please look me up on Facebook. 

Daniel Wayne Stinger

West Valley City, UT

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