Loretta Catherine Gonering Nikolai

February 4, 1921 - July 11, 2014

On July 11, 2014, Loretta left behind the mortal shell that served her well for the better part of 93 years. She was ready. Loretta was preceded by her husband William L Nikolai, Jr., and three of her six siblings. She left behind her two children Bill (William L, III) and Ann, both of whom currently reside in Salt Lake City; and three grandchildren Kenneth, Travis and Will (William L, IV).

Loretta was a good woman with a good intellect. She was well-read at a time when women were generally encouraged to read nothing more challenging than a recipe book. As a young woman, she earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology. Decades later she returned to college to obtain a Master’s Degree in Counseling. Although she was, as a rule, neither a vain nor prideful woman, she found the achievement gratifying. While Loretta, like all humans, had faults and foibles, she balanced them with a lifetime of charitable works and social and political activism. She taught her children to think of others and to think for themselves. She was immensely supportive of her grandchildren-a support that will continue to shape and enhance their lives.

In lieu of flowers, we ask you to pray for peace around the world, support equality for all, speak for those who cannot speak for themselves, and give generously to the disadvantaged and downtrodden, as Loretta did her entire life. And, consider voting for a Democrat once in a while.

A memorial mass will be celebrated on Monday, July 28th at 6:00 pm at St. Catherine of Siena Newman Center, 170 University Street in Salt Lake City.

In Loving Memory

My condolences. I remember mrs. nikolai well and fondly. spent many happy hours visiting with her and ann many years ago. She was a kind and wise woman. And I am also a strong Democrat. My sister Barb was in Bill's class at PHS.

richard j bisbee

platteville, wi

Thank you for the excellent picture of a remarkable Lady. Remembering those wonderful eyes from so many years ago with which she could welcome you, question you or comfort you, always with a twinkle of humor and irony. Many memories honor her as an example of success. Thank you, Loretta, for leaving your part of the world a little better than you found it.

David Koss

Tucson, AZ

Dearest Anne and Bill: Our love to you for your loss. Loretta was such a strong and amazing woman with such a great sense of humor! She was always so gracious, loving and welcoming to us for all the great gatherings you had in your home Bill. You two have been great children to care for her and be there for her there in Salt Lake City. You have the true understanding of what family is all about. Love, Simone, Gulliver, Marcia

LaValle Family

Morgan Hill/Portola Valley, CA

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