Marjorie Criswell Hicks
Our much-loved mother died on Saturday, March 13th, 2010. She was born in Chicago, Illinois, on May 2nd, 1931. She spent many years living in the Bay Area and attended the University of California at Berkeley and San Francisco State University. She moved to Salt Lake City, Utah, in the early 1960’s when she married. Here she worked hard, lived frugally and raised three children.
She loved nature and animals and cared deeply about the environment and humanity. She was happy when President Obama was elected. She felt it signaled a turn away from the war, mean stupidity, greed, and environmental destruction mentality that is often prevalent among many, especially the powerful.
Survived by her children Amanda, Frank, and Joseph; sister Cynthia Taylor; son-in-law Mark Woodliff; three grandchildren Criswell, Aric, and Garnet; as well as many of her husband’s relatives, which she considered her own.
She is preceded in death by her husband Frank Hicks; much beloved father Emory Criswell; her mother Margaret Dudley Criswell; as well as many others of her and past generations. She did not know what became of her brother, Robert, but his absence was keenly felt.
No funeral will be held, instead, take time to be kind to your neighbors and those around you. Have faith in and appreciate those who are different from you.
In lieu of flowers, send donations to the Humane Society of Utah, Best Friends Animal Sanctuary or any legitimate environmental charity.
The world has lost one of the great wise souls. We miss her!