Michael Anthony Smallwood Starks

June 12, 1990 - November 21, 2008

Michael Anthony Smallwood StarksJune 12, 1990November 21, 2008 

There is a vast hole in our hearts that can be matched in size only by the infinite amount of love Michael gave each of us during his lifetime.  Just as easily as he loved, he was loved in return, for no one could resist his compassion, sensitivity, and faith in humanity.

His kindness and love shined while serving as a waiter to residents of Friendship Manor Retirement Home where he worked for 3 years.  His kindness and love shined while volunteering to serve the homeless through the Cathedral of the Madeleine’s Good Samaritan Program.  His kindness and love shined in each of the innumerable ways he connected with family, friends, and strangers every day of the 18 years the world was lucky enough to have him.

Michael had a remarkable dedication to his family.  He admired and loved his father George beyond words; the two spent many hours playing chess and watching old movies together, “the classics!”  He was the joy of his mother’s life, being home for dinner nearly every night and saying, “I love you” every chance he had. 

As a little boy, Michael dutifully fulfilled his role as baby of the family, letting his sisters Megan and Mary dress him up as if he was a doll, and instigating more cheek pinching that one could imagine.  As he got older, his brother Jason taught him the virtues of restoring old cars; namely, the Volkswagen Bug Michael was so proud of.   He loved visiting his older sister Kelly in Arizona, where he entertained his nieces and nephews with his endless shenanigans and quick laughter.

Over the summer, Michael spent 2 weeks in Australia with his brother Georgie, participating in World Youth Day and making his first big trip outside of the States.  Just three months ago, he began his freshman year of college at Utah State University, quickly engaging himself in his classes and new friends.  He simply loved it and looked forward to his future as a fireman. 

            We stay strong because we know Michael could not bear to see anyone sad.  His legacy of service and love has been passed on to all of us courageously willing to take care of each other, all in this beautiful world together.


He is survived by his parents George and Jane Starks; sibling Kelly (David), George, Jason (Shayneh), Megan (Ryan), Mary; and grandparents Virgil & Betty Michaels; many nieces, nephews, uncles, aunts, cousins and friends.

 Preceded in death by aunts Mary Beth Sahami, Elizabeth (Starks) Brummell, Helen Louise (Starks) Gall; Grandmother Elizabeth Smallwood Starks; Grandfather George Allen Starks; and special friend Roger Goudie.  A Vigil service will be held on Monday, November 24th at 7:00 PM at The Cathedral of the Madeleine, 331 East South Temple, Salt Lake City.  Friends are invited to pay their respects following the vigil service.  Funeral Mass will be celebrated on Tuesday, November 25th at 11:00 AM, also at the church.  Interment will follow at Mount Calvary Catholic Cemetery.  His funeral arrangements have been entrusted to the care of his family.

In Loving Memory

Jason, I am so sorry to hear about the death of your brother. You and your mom have been so wonderful to our family. Just a year ago your actions brought my family so much comfort. My heart just breaks for you right now. Please know you are in my prayers. God Bless You, Becky Robinson & Brent Hansen

Becky Robinson

Dallas, TX

Georgie/Jason/Mom/Dad and the sisters.....This isn't supposed to happen to good kids with a plan - I wish it would have rather been me, I have no plan! Micheal was born to help others, maybe it's our turn now. We miss you Micheal.

Rebecca /Sarah Mcloney

Salt Lake City, Ut

I am so sorry for your loss. I know how much you loved being an older brother to him. My heart goes out to you and your family.

Amanda Hemingway


Jason/Shaneh/Family No words could describe how sorry we are to hear about your loss. Knowing you (Jason) I feel like I knew Michael too. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. May the love of those around you help you through the days ahead. "Perhaps they are not the stars, but rather openings in heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy." Peace, prayers and blessings.

Sam & Gohar Grigorian

Salt Lake City, UT

I wish to offer my prayers and love to your family at this time. I wish I could attend one of the services to offer my condolences in person, but it will not be possible. So please, all of you know, especially Jason, Kelly, George Jr, George and Jane, that you are in my heart and prayers constantly at this time. May God and his angels be especially close to you at this time. Veronica Brand

M. Veronica Brand

West Jordan, Ut

Jason and family, My heart goes out to all of you. Michael was a great kid! I am blessed to have been able to teach him. I always enjoyed his presence in my classroom. I am praying for all of you!!! God Bless, Joan Brand- Jensen

Joan Brand- Jensen

magna, UT

I have gotten to know Michael very well the last 5 months at USU. He had this presence whenever he walked into the room. He could always make you laugh and smile. He loved his family so much, and was proud of his shield tattoo and being a "Starks." The pain that is rushing through my body is undescribable. I knew of his dreams to become a firefighter, or work in his family funeral home. He had so much ambition and brought so much beauty into this world. There will always be a void in my life. I wish I told him about how amazing he was, and how much he was loved. I have never met anyone like Michael. I am proud to have known him and I am grateful to have had him as a dear friend. There are so many things I want to say to your family, and I have so many memories with Michael that I would like to share.... But as we all know he was an amazing person and had so much love for everything he did. I am truly sorry for your loss. I will always love and miss Michael. He will be in my thoughts and prayers always. I hope your family will be able to find closure and peace in the coming days.

Sharlee Elliott

Salt Lake City, UT

Jason and Shayneh, We are very sorry to hear of your great loss. We wish somehow we could be as comforting to you in this difficult time as you were to our family just two weeks ago. Our thoughts are with you. Love, Mike and Sharra

Mike and Sharra Woodbury

Salt Lake City, Ut

Dearest Georgie, Jason, Shayneh and Your Wonderful Family, I love each of you and I am thinking of you now. I wish each of you peace and I hope you move gently through your grief. Many, many friends, including me, are here for all of you. With deep love and care, Marc

Marc Simmons

Salt Lake City, Ut

Jason- I'm so sorry for your loss. I just wanted you to know you are always in my prayers. God Bless you and your family, "Bree" Sabrina

Sabrina (Jones) Russell

West Jordan, Ut

Megan and Family I'm very sorry to hear about Michael, I still remember him being a little kid and getting teased by his big sister. Stay strong, he was a very happy and loveable person. We're here for you if you need us. Liz and friends

Liz Perez

Santa Barbara,, Ca

Starks family, We are so sorry to hear about the loss of Michael. We are dear friends of Megan and Ryan, and our hearts are breaking for all of you. It's clear Michael was a very special young man who was devoted to his family and who was dearly loved by all. There are so many friends praying for all of you during this very difficult time. You are in our thoughts.

Erin Shea McCann and Mike McCann

Seattle, WA

I am so very sorry for your loss. I was shocked to hear about Michael's death. I got to know Michael as an adult leader of his Scout troop for several years. I was always impressed by his infectious good humor and positive outlook. He will be greatly missed. My thoughts and prayers are with you. John

John Mason

Salt Lake City, Ut

I can't say how sorry I feel for the family. My heart goes out to you. Mike was always such a good guy to me. Just Monday I told him how sharp he was dressed, while my dog continued to chew on his freshly shined shoes. I feel for his brothers who from what I saw were closer to him than words can describe.

Taylor Paul Howard

Logan, Ut

Jason, There are no words that will make the pain any lighter...I wish there were. You and George were so tremendous when my brother passed. You personally stepped up to make sure that he was cared for, that the process was going to be taken care of... I only hope that you would call on me for I would feel grateful to return the same considerations that you showed my family and myself. All my love, Kenni and family

Kenni Burdette

Las Vegas, NV

Dear George,Jason and Shaneh and familey Our prayers are with you all. You guys were really great with our loss of our son Micahel which was also to young to leave us. But know they are in great hands. Your Freinds Phillip and Ruby Martinez amd family.

Phillip & Ruby Martinez

Saltlake City, Ut

Starks Family, I am so sorry to hear of Michael's tragic death. I know I speak for many when I say he will be sorely missed. I had the pleasure of working with Michael at Ruth's Diner over the past summer. He was a fabulous busser and a joy to be around. You knew that if you were working a shift with Michael, you would undoubtedly have an eventful evening. We spent many shifts telling stories, playing practical jokes on each other, dancing, and laughing until we cried. Even now, I laugh out loud thinking about some of the dance moves Michael came up with. He was quite the entertainer. And he was first in line if you ever needed a hug. It was certainly not his time. I know with death there is never any closure to be reached, nor any resolution to grief, but I hope your family finds some comfort in knowing the indelible mark Michael left on all those who knew him.

Aly Ainscough

Salt Lake City, UT

I am sorry for the loss of Michael, he was a remarkable person and will be missed by everyone who ever had the pleasure of knowing him. We love you Michael!

Breanna Caruso

Draper, UT

Dear Starks Family: We are heartbroken over the loss of Michael. Your family has been so wonderful to ours. You are in our prayers. Shannon and Michael Lee

Shannon and Michael Lee

Murray, UT

Shayneh & Jason,

Reinette Schultz

nan, nan

Shayneh & Jason, We are so sorry for your loss. Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.

Reinette & Dale Schultz

Salt Lake City, UT

Jason and Shayneh, I am so sorry for your loss. While I didn't know Michael, it sounds like he was a very special young man. I pray that the comfort and care you've provided to so many, now finds its way back to you.

Barry Huddleston

Salt Lake City, Ut

Dear Starks Family, I am so sad for your loss of such a wonderful son, brother and friend. For the short time we had known Michael we were very impressed on his humility, kindness and generosity. "We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give" Sir Winston Churchill (1874 - 1965) Much love and respect, Greg and Rosie

Greg Adcock & Rosie Banchero

salt lake city, UT

I went to school with Jason at Judge and was shocked to hear of your familiy's loss. I didn't know Michael, but the tremendous words I've read clearly show that he was a really great person. Your family is in my prayers and I'll continue to pray that the many memories you have of Michael will keep him with you always. God bless. I am truly so sorry for your loss

Amy (Sharp) Conte

Sandy, UT

Jason, I would like to offer prayers of peace and comfort from my family to yours at such a hard time. What a difficult cross you and your family have to bear. I know Michael was loved greatly, and with that love he will remain close to you always. Gods Peace, and Love Jeff perrick Midvale, Ut

Jeff Perrick

midvale, ut

George jr. and Family, Your family has been an example in love and service. Michael touched many peoples lives... following in your footsteps. George you were so lucky to have spent that time with Michael in Australia, memories are eternal. and families are forever. Know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. With Love,


Salt Lake City, ut

Dear Jason, Shayneh & the entire Starks family, We were so saddened to learn of Michael's passing. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and the family in this difficult time. God bless,

Michael & Adrienne Pollock

Lakewood, WA

I didn't even know Michael but have been following his story of the TV since I've been in SLC. I live in Birmingham, Al, and came here for the illness and death of my only brother. I can only say that I am so sorry for your loss. Michael sounded like a wonderful person, and I know he will always be with you and others who loved him in spirit. God Bless You and Your Family, Victoria

Victoria Pence

nan, nan

Dear Starks Family, My Heart, my Love, and my thoughts are with you. Please, if there is anything I can do, use me to get you through this time. I 'm so sorry for your loss. I love you all very much, you're truly a wonderful family. Your love in God will get you through this sad time. God Bless You, Rosa

Rosa Jensen

Salt Lake City, Ut

George/Jane and Family, May the Lord hold you close to His heart as you allow your faith to sustain you and reassure you for He is closse to the brokenhearted. Be assured of my and Fr. Andrew Skrzypiec's prayers and masses. (he is in Rome on Sabbatical.)

Reyes G. Rodriguez

Salt Lake City, Ut

Starks Family, Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I pray that God's loving arms will surround you, uphold you and sustain you. God Bess You, Edye

Edye Wagstaff

Kaysville, UT

Jason & Shayneh, I am so sorry for your loss of you bother. You were there for us during our times of sorrows with my dads. Know our thought & prayers will go out to you during your time of sorrow.

Dana & Leon Sullens

Clearfield, Ut

George & Jane, Family, May God in His great love hold you close to His heart and be the comfort that your faith knows so well. "i will be with you always..." Fr. Andrew Skrzypiec also sends his heartfelt prayers and we assure you of masses for you and Michael

Reyes G. Rodriguez

nan, nan

Jason and Shayneh We were all so sadden to hear of your loss. We feel for all of you and wish there was more that could be said or done. You have been such wonderful friends. May you find confort in knowing your brother was loved so much by so many. Our Love and Prayers go out to you and your family. Ken and Kea Jewell

Kea Jewell

Sandy, ut

Dear Starks family, We are so very sorry for the tragic loss of your precious son Michael. Words can not even begin to express how horrific the loss of a child is. We are members of the Judge community and also members of a very exclusive club that no one ever wants to join. Our son Josh passed away two years ago. Not a day goes by that we don't think of and miss him. One thing that we can promise you is that as the days pass the intensity of your pain will begin to soften. While we never get over the death of a child, somehow we learn to live with it. Hold onto your faith with everything that you've got. Let God and those around you carry you through these very difficult days. Know that there are many of us who have gone down this path ahead of you who hold you in our thoughts and in our prayers. May his memory be eternal! Layne and Sandra Kresser

Sandra Kresser

Salt Lake City, Ut

Jason & Shayneh, We want to express our sympathy on the passing of your brother. The comfort and kindness that you both extended to our family when we were dealing with our loss will forever be remembered. May God's peace be with you all.

Rick and Cori Garcia

Salt Lake City, UT

Shayneh, Jason and the entire Starks Family, I was so very saddened to hear of your brothers passing. I can't even begin to imagine what that must be like for your family. I give you all my good thoughts and prayers and hope that there can be some resolution to this. I had only met Mike once but in that brief meeting, I could feel his love for life and family, the excitement of graduating and his search for a car. His smile was contagious and I found myself smiling when he was. I know in my heart you will see Mike again and your family will once again be whole. Please take care of each other during this time and let me know if there is anything I can do for your family. Sincerely, Heather

Heather Griffin

Taylorsville, UT

Our deepest sympathy. David, Bonnie and John Bennett

David, Bonnie and John Bennett

Salt Lake City, Ut

George, In God's eyes we are all family. My heart breaks for your and your family's loss. I pray in my heart you will feel the overwhelming comfort of God's love for you at this time. Just as you comforted me with beautiful words in my time of loss I want you to know I'm here in yours. Love, Andrea and Lucas

Andre Kuwik

Las Vegas, Nv

Mr. & Mrs. Starks, It was an honor to teach your son. Michael was a man of strong faith and commitment to the service of others. Although his life was too short, his mission of goodness is everlasting. He changed the heart and lives of all who knew him. May God's healing grace be with you in this time of great sorrow. Kandie Brinkman

Kandie Brinkman

West Valley City, Ut

Jason, I am so sorry for you loss. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Misty (Peterson) Day

Herriman, Ut

George, I am so sorry for your loss, I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. May God be with you! Major Andrea Van Leeuwen

Andrea Van Leeuwen

West Jordan, Ut

To The Starks family. Our hearts broke when we heard about Michael.No words can say,only prayers for you. You have been so kind to our family and now Michael is with God blessing us all. The Catrows

judith l catrow

salt Lake, ut

Jason, Wishing you and your family our deepest condolences in your time of sorrow.

Tom & Amparo Johnson

Salt Lake City, Ut

To the Starks Family, Chris and I are truly so sorry for your loss. Michael frequently visited us and so we had an opportunity to really get to know him. We saw a genuine, smart, kind hearted and wonderful young man in Michael and we are going to truly miss him. Chris really enjoyed helping Mike work on his beetle and I, of course, enjoyed being able to capture his spirit in his senior photos. Our prayers and thoughts are with you in this difficult time.

Chris and Amy Larson

Sandy, UT

Jason & Shayneh, I was so sorry to hear of your loss. Your family was so kind and thoughtful with our family and others at our time of loss, I hope that comfort is there for your family also.Just wanted to let you know our thoughts are with you. Words just are never enough. Doug & Mindy Downey

Doug & Mindy Downey


Shayneh and Jason I will always remeber that sweet, chubby cheeked litle boy we took to the zoo, he idolized you both! What a great kid! And a great family... I am sorry beyond words. My heart aches for the loss I know you are working through. Please let your family know my prayers and thoughts are with you. If only the love surrounding you and yours right now were enough. Please let me know whatever it is that I can do. Just know that I love you and admire the love and the closeness your family shares. Jenny

Jenny Child


George and Jason, Love to all of your family, Peter

Peter Baxter

Los Angeles, CA

To the entire Starks Family, My heart aches for you. I want you to know that I am with you in spirit at every moment. Each of us who have children who are Mike's age fear for them every day. There is nothing that I can say to make the pain better. I pray that you will cherish your memories as you celebrate his life and your family. Remember, "Death is not the end, it is putting out the candle because the dawn has come." Hugh B. Brown I am here if you need to talk.

Chaplain Lenae Peavey-Onstad

Salt Lake City, Ut

Jason & Shayneh, I am so sorry for your loss. You are such wonderful people & I pray for God to wrap you in His arms. As soon as my Dad told me of your tragic loss I offerd a Rosary for your family at the Newman Center on Campus. I will continue to pray for healing and peace in you life. "You'll be consoled, if you unite your pain to the pains of the holy Virgin who lost her son & your tears of those of Jesus when he wept over the tomb of Lazarus" Saint Therese of Lisieux

Shelly & Shane Gonzales

Logan, Ut

George and Jane and family. We are stunned and unbelievably saddened by your loss. You are all in our prayers and thoughts and will remain so. Love, Frank and Kathleen Leonard

Frank and Kathleen Leonard


Megan and Family, We are so sorry to hear about Michael. I only met him once or twice, but he was an amazing young man and he will be missed. Please know that Forrest and I are sending you our love. Always, Tiffany and Forrest

Tiffan Mecca and Forrest Carlson

Seattle, WA

Starks Family, I am so unbelievably saddened for your loss. As a friend of Megan and Ryan I've had the fortunate opportunity to get to know your extraordinary family--a family whose love and connection to one another is vast and deep. I can only imagine how difficult this time is for you all. My heart and thoughts go out to you, Megan, and your entire family.

Sara Springer

Seattle, WA

Jason, Georgie, Jane & George, Mary, Megan, Kelly, Shayneh & Ryan, Michael and I not only shared the same birthday, June 12th; we also shared laughter and bright conversation during happenstance encounters around town. I watched Michael grow from a promising young boy into a stunningly enthusiastic young man! I share profound sadness and devastation with you. Utter shock and pain. I pray for healing and peace, states of being inspired by Michael's soothing soul and warm personality. Condolences from my temporary Pennsylvania local at mom and dad's house. Dante


Pennsylvania via Salt Lake City, Ut

Dear Starks Family, You are in our hearts as you grieve the loss of Michael. Although we cannot begin to know your pain, we want to reach out and offer our support in anyway we can. We are thinking of you adn sending our love and support. Lots of love to you Megan, and to your entire family. Love, Gena & Sal

Gena Bomotti & Salvador de la Cruz

Seattle, WA

Jason and Shayneh, I am so very sorry for the loss of your brother. My heart aches for you and your family. You helped my family so much last year with all the support you offered us during that very sad time - I wish I could do the same for you. Please know that we are all thinking of you and are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Chad, Libby, Ireland & Isabelle Crapo, Eve Bertran, Ron Crapo and Hailey Tracy

Libby Crapo

South Jordan, Ut

All Starks Family Members, Having spent much time in Logan this year while preparing for the TOU Marathon I can only pray and cry with you over this loss of God's brave soldier here in Utah. May all his friends and you family members know that he is helping each of you, and each of us who will know about his great loving ways to achieve our own best efforts. In God We Trust, may Michael rest in peace. And may his love be with you all in memory and in deed. God bless you all with your every wish, your every need and your every desire to be with Michael in spirit always. James

James Winfield

Park City, UT

I knew Michael briefly because of his love for his VW beetle. I met him when he joined our VW club...Salt City Air Coolers. He was a joy to have around and i wish i had more time to get to know him. My thoughts go out to you all in this time of loss. He will be missed.

jamie mansouri

south jordan, ut

Dear Starks Family, I had the honor of teaching Mike while he was a student at Judge Memorial, and it was a pure pleasure to be able to work with him in the classroom. His smile was infectious, and his sense of timing for his witty comments was always impeccable. I will forever remember his laugh, his humility, and his enthusiasm for film. Your family is in my thoughts, and I wish you all much strength.

Elaine Peterson

Salt Lake City, Ut

Megan and the Starks family, Beyond this time of sadness are the loving memories you will have of Michael. Although his physical body has passed, he will forever be in your hearts and memories. Keep him in your lives by rejoicing in these memories. My deepest sympathy to you all.

Michelle Strohrmann

Everett, WA

My thoughts and prayers are with the starks family. I did not know him in this life, but I am sure he will be missed. God bless and be strong.

Hayden Troy Blauer

logan, Ut

Jason & Shayneh Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. You all helped us so much when my Dad died and having your friendship means a lot to us. Debbie, Caitlin and Ryan Young (Rimbach)

Debbie Young

North Salt Lake, ut

Dear Starks family - Your family has always been such an inspiration to me. It saddens me that such a great family has had such a loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you!

Sara Kimball

Salt Lake City, UT

Jason and Family, My heart and prayers go out to you in this time of despair. Having known you, Jason, I am sure your brother was a wonderful young man full of life and love. I am so sorry for your tragic loss. Chelsie Acosta

Chelsie Acosta

Salt Lake CIty, Ut

Dear Jane-George-Family I am so sorry to hear about Michael's death. May he rest in peace. I have such fond memories of Michael and all the Starks family, and it doesn't seem possible. In times such as these I find great consolation in the words of Julian of Norwich: "All shall be well, all shall be well, all manner of things shall be well." Julian's words do not take the pain away, but they express our fundamental hope. Love and prayers, Owen

(Deacon) Owen F Cummings

Silverton, Or

Starks Family, I cannot even begin to imagine what you are going through. I just wanted to send you my love and condolences. I too had the opportunity to work up at Ruth's Diner with Michael over the past summer. He was such a wonderful loving and fun person. I was always excited when I would come to work and see him there because that always meant that we were going to have the best time at work today. He was an amazing friend outside of work as well, he helped me move with your huge van when I was desperate and I knew I could count on him for anything. Especially for having the coolest sunglasses in town! The world is not the same without him. He is very loved and will be missed.

Alice'n Kindall

Salt Lake City, ut

Starks Family, I cannot express the deep sadness I feel. It was an honor to teach Michael. I have so many fond memories of him. I remember his wonder smile, warm presence and open heart. He was a joy to be around. My heart and prayers are with you at this time. Michael will always hold a special place in my heart. May peace find you, Jeanette

Jeanette Sawaya

Salt Lake City, Ut

Starks Family, Hearing about the passing of Michael has left a whole in my heart. He became an honorary nephew to me when Brian started to hang out with him. Those two were inseparable during the summer when Brian was in town and I cherish every moment I was there to watch him grow into the wonderful, caring, generous young man he was. Mike always brought sunshine with him wherever he went, along with laughter and fond memories. When my brother Doug passed away, Michael and your family were there for my mother and me. I can't even begin to tell you how much that meant to us. I knew that Michael was feeling just as much loss as we were, but because of his compassionate spirit, he made sure that we were taken care of first and foremost. Your family has comforted many people when called upon; treated others as if they were part of your own family. In your time of need, Please know that the Blakley family has your family in our thoughts and prayers

Nancy Blakley

Salt Lake City, ut

George, I felt such a pain in my heart when I heard about the loss of your son. I am so sorry for your loss. No parent should ever have to experience the loss of a child. Over the years that you and I worked together, I felt that you and I were family, so hearing of this loss hurts my heart at an even deeper level. Please let me know if there is anything I can do. My prayers go out to you and your family.

Mark Daniel Pendleton

West Jordan, UT

Kelly, My deepest condolence to you and your family.

Cecilia Vasquez

Chandler, az

Jason & Shaneh Jeff and I are heart sick to learn of the tragic death of your brother. No words can express how sorry we are. Our prayers and thoughts are with you.

Jeff & Trish Rasmussen

Mt. Pleasant, ut

Jason,Shayneh,The entire Starks family. I am so sorry. sincerely,RonnyRon


salt lake city, ut

Jason and Family - We are so sorry to hear about your loss. Your brother sounded like a wonderful young man and his spirit and kindness will live on. You and your familly are in our thoughts and prayers. Take Care Mike and Mandy Walters

Mike and Mandy Walters

South Jordan, UT

Sorry for your loss. Your in ours thoughts. Becky & Darrell Burton

Becky Burton

Herriman, ut

I am very sorry to hear of your tragic loss.My deepest sympathy to you and your family,my prayers and thoughts are with you during this most difficult time.

Deann Dickinson

West Jordan, ut

Dear Kelly, I just wanted you to know how sorry I am about the loss of your brother. I cannot imagine how you and your family must be suffering. May God's peace be with you during this tragic time and may you somehow find comfort. Much love, Marnie

Marnie Maza

Tempe, Az

Jason, We are sorry to hear of you tragic loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless You and your family.

Sean & Ashleigh McMahon

Pagosa Springs, Co

Dear Jason, Shaneh and Family, Everyone at Inspiration Hospice sends their thoughts and prayers to you at this time. What a wonderful supportive family you have. Although we didn't know Michael, we can tell he was an amazing young man. Please know that God is watching over you and yours during this time. With lots of Love and Prayers, Judy Winegar McCurdy & everyone at Inspiration Hospice

Judy McCurdy

Salt Lake City, Utah, Ut

Dear Starks Family, My family and I are so very sorry for the loss of your loved one. It is always hard to lose someone, especially such a young person. Jason and Shayneh made our hard time with the passing of my grandmother a bit easier about a month ago. I wish you as much ease as possible at this very difficult time. The whole Starks family is in all of our prayers! Much love to you all, Brooke Diana and all of the extended Diana family

Brooke Diana

Salt Lake City, Ut

I worked with Michael at Ruth's diner over the summer, and had a lot of fun getting to know him. He and I had a light-hearted vendetta towards one another, and were always goofing around and playing practical jokes on one another. I saw him as a very sweet, kind kid with a great sense of humor, and was always very fond of working with him. I remember when a few members of your family came to the restaurant to eat with Michael. It was plain to see that this was a family with a lot of love and closeness. Losing such a bright, young life as Michael's is unimaginable, and I just wanted to extend my most heartfelt condolences. I am so deeply sorry for your loss.

Allegra Westfall

Salt Lake City, UT




Dear Jason, and Shayneh, Dano and I are deeply saddened for your loss. We are holding you in our hearts and thoughts. Cherish your memories as you try to make peace with what has happened. We are always here for you if you need anything. With our deepest sympathy, Dano and Christine

Christine Martin Dan Schwab

salt lake city, ut

Jason,Shayneh and family, Our hearts go out to you at this time. We pray that our Lord will hold you tight and carry you through these tough times. Remember we are always here for you. Jason you were here for us when Darrell had his accident. You helped me so much and now its our turn to help you . We love you . Darrell & Bev Olseth

Darrell & Bev Olseth

Salt Lske City, Ut

Dear SLC Starks Family, To Kelly, George, lilttle Georgie, Jane, Jason, Megan and Mary, I'm very sorry for the tragedy regarding Mikey. He was a great boy. I unfortunately was not there to see him growing up but I remember him as a very fine person with unlimited promise. No words that I can offer could ever comfort you but please know that anything I can do or say or provide is yours for the asking. I'm sorry that we haven't been as close as a family should be, but please be proud for setting an example of how the Starks family could be with love, commitment and care. Love to all of you, John

John Starks

Tarpon Springs, Fl

Starks Family, Our thoughts and prayers are with you as you begin this new journey. I cannot imagine the pain you are all suffering right now. You are a wonderful family and have been there for so many of us. Please let us be there for you now. Kay and Harold

Kay Robinson


G, I am so sorry to hear of this. I do remember how much Micheal cheered us up at the shop each time he came in. Once you got him talking he was irresistable to converse with. He was always ready to help us out, and never missed a chance to do so. If you need help with anything george, I am just a phone call away. Much Love, Whit

Whitney Redd

Cottonwood Heights, Ut

Jane, George, and Family: I was shocked to hear of Michael's death. He was such a special young man. I have loved your family since I met them when I moved into Friendship Manor. Having lost both my husband and my 12 year old cat in the last year I know what you must be going through. May God be you. Jean M. Sixfin

Jean M. Sixfin

Salt Lake City, Ut

Dear Jane, Father Patrick told me about Michael. I am so sorry. I remember when you were carrying him and decided on his name so his initials would be M.A.S.S. I will ask the Ogden OCDS to pray for him, for you, and your family. In God's Love, Jeanne Sottosanti

Jeanne Sottosanti

Roy, Ut

What an unbelievable tragedy. We are wishing the entire Starks family strength during this difficult time. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Erin & Chris Glass

Bellingham, WA

Our hearts are aching for your family, we are grieving with you and praying for all of you. May the repose of the soul of Michael Starks rest in peace let perpetual light shine upon him.

The Carranza Family

Apache Junction, AZ




George and Jane, Kelly and Dave, Georgie, Jason and Shayneh, Megan and Ryan, Mary - My heart goes out to you all in this very difficult time. The Vigil and Mass were beautiful and truly showed just how much Michael was loved. I am sorry for your loss and you will remain in my prayers. All my love, Joan Moffat and family

Joan Moffat

Farmington, Ut

Jason and Family, I am so truely sorry to hear about your brother. You and all of your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Take care.

Jenifer Moore

salt lake city, ut

My mother, sister and I send our thoughts and love to you and your family.

Chelise Floyd

Salt Lake City, UT

Jason and Family, Words cannot express how deeply we are saddened by your loss. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Don & Fran Carpenter

Don & Fran Carpenter

Salt Lake City, Ut

George, I did not have the privlege of knowing Michael as I have you, however knowing you and meeting the rest of your wonderful family I have missed much. Just as you were there for us during our time of need please remember we are her for you, If there is anything we can do please let my family and I be there for you. Jane may Michael's spirit stay close to you and George. May God watch over you and your wonderful family. Kathy/Keith/John and "Rory"

Kathryn Medina

West Jordan, Ut

Dear Starks Family, We are so deeply sorry for your loss. Michael was an amazing person with so much love to give, and he will be missed. You will be in our thoughts and prayers as we grieve with you during this difficult time. If there is anything at all that we can do for you, please do not hesitate to ask. Love, Mark & Katie

Mark & Katie Taber

Denver, Co

Meemz and the rest of The Terrill Clan, I can only imagine your grief, and all I can do is offer my help, love, prayers, and support. I know there is nothing I could ever do to ease your pain, but I promise if there was, I'd do it. Everything happens for a reason, and this is all a part of God's plan, as hard as this may be. Know that when you come home, even though we're not 'family', I'll be here for you. A shoulder to cry on, someone to talk to, to help get your mind somewhere else, or just to sit there with you to pass the day. I love you all as if you were my brothers and sisters, and will always be here for you. I hope you find some closure when you're with your family, and know that we're always praying. Much Love, Jade

Jade Lucin

Apache Junction, Az

My dearest family,I think of all of you so much during the days and nights,trying to make scence,but it is just not possiable.I wish I could be there,I wish for one tiny glimpse of a smile.I pray that you will be able to smile again and not forever be heartbroken,at this time that seems like a tall order.You as a whole have so many blessing and so much to be happy for and a family that is truly something to be proud of!Michael had a better life and better family than many adults.I love all of you ,in my heart,pray for some kind of peace,and find comfort in all the people you have there for you.Take care of yourself,eat good,take vitamins,stay strong,as we know,this is not over!Love much,Kimmie,Christina,Evan&,Christy Gall

Kimberly Gall

Goose Creek, Sc

To George Jr. & Family: George, I am so sorry to hear of the unthinkable loss to your family. I did not know your brother but can imagine he was full of love and light like you! I wish I could offer you comfort, but know I am thinking of you and your family. With Love, Susan

Susan Brown

Carlsbad, CA

Dear Jason and Shayneh, It was almost exactly one year ago that you helped with my dad's funeral, Francis Kearns. You were so loving, empathetic, friendly, sincere, etc. Jason, you driving us at the last minute, on that snowy day, meant the world to us. You made the whole process easier for us, thankfully. And now, I wish so much that I could return the favor. In tears I sit here wishing you both comfort; comfort through your family and through your faith. I pray that you all have someone as special yourselves in your lives to assist you through the process of bereavement. I am so sorry for your loss. Love always, Theresa Kearns

Theresa Kearns Steadman

Salt Lake City, ut

George, I am so sorry to hear of the death of your brother. Please know that my thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time. I hope that your happy memories of your trip to Australia and the experiences you shared with your brother then will be in the forefront of your mind. Take care of yourself. Jennifer

Jennifer Weaver-Spencer

Charlotte, NC

George, I was very sorry to hear about your brother, Michael. What a great loss for you, family and friends. Know that I love you and I am praying for you family. Townes

Townes Banner

greensboro, nc

Dear Starks Family - I am so very sorry for your loss. It is heartbreaking. I wish you all the very best and think of your family often.

Camille Izatt

North Salt Lake, Ut

Starks family, I was so sorry to hear about Michael's death. I had the privilege to teach him at Judge Memorial where he brought joy and happiness to the class. He made an impression on me and my life was enriched by his. He will be missed and remembered. I will keep you all in my prayers. Dale Schreck

Dale Schreck

North Salt Lake, UT

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Through the intercession of our Blessed Mother Mary we join in prayer to comfort all of you in this most difficult time. May the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. May the perpetual light shine upon them. Love & prayers, Mary Piorkowski

Mary Piorkowski & Family

Mesa, AZ

Family Of Michael, i wanted to write and tell you how sorry i am to hear of his passing. I attended Juan Diego/ St. John The baptist with michael. He used to always say he wanted to work in the family business at the funeral parlor. He was always so nice and funny, and adored by the teachers. Its been about 4 years since i spoke with him but he made such an impression on me i was heart broken to hear! i wish you the best and also Megan, my mother worked with her, and leaves many prayers with you all!

Deseray Brown, Virginia Park

Riverton, ut

Starks Family, I am so sorry to here about the passing of Michael. I know that he was truly blessed to be with you for the short time he was here. I have so many incredible memories of growing up with Jason and being around the Starks family. You were all very positive influences in my and I always admired the way your family interacted. There will never be a trip through Ogden valley that I will not stop and remember the many trips to the monestary. I met Michael only a couple of times when he was very small but I am sure he was an outstanding person given the family he had as an example. I feel your loss and my heart is with you all. -Alex

Alex Gardiner

Pinedale, Wy

Jason & Shayneh, My deepest, most heartfelt condolences go out to you and your family. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Much Love, Lulu

Melissa Sharples

Phoenix, Az

Dear Stark Family, Please know that everyone in the Southern Marin Fire Protection District has all of you and Michael in their thoughts and prayers. Michael, we honor you as a future firefighter. May you rest in peace.

Tamsen Bell

San Francisco, CA

George, Jane, and the Starks Family, We were very saddened to read of Michael's passing. We remember him fondly from youth group at the Cathedral. May God comfort you in your time of loss. Our prayers and thoughts are with you.

Jennifer Loudiana & Brian Hollinger

Massillon, Oh

Dear George: I recognized your face on channel two news this morning. I was sad to learn about your son Michael, passing. My prayers go out to your family. I hope that your efforts in the legal case, will help to prevent this happening to another child. Sincerely, MSgt Dave Myers UTANG Chaplain's office

David Myers

Cedar Valley, UT

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