Patrick M. Day

February 2, 1979 - September 23, 2015

Words are hard to come by when it comes to describing my brother Patrick. He was an awesome person. I don't think I’ve ever met a more kind hearted soul than Patrick . He would always give you that big cheeky grin of his and I always lit up when we greeted each other. He sure knew how to love his family with all his heart. He was always so worried about us younger siblings that he forgot to worry about himself. Patricks love for nature was unmatched by anyone Ive ever met, he loved that damn cat. Thelma Lou, was his go to for a little swim in the creek or to grab the fry that had fallen under the table. 

Well brother it looks as if we have to part ways for now and move into different parts of life. But, tonight as I sit here in your room surrounded by your things I keep thinking, I cant recall another time in my life I’ve felt as lonely as I do tonight. Kind of like an old violin, soon to be put away and never played again. 

I will never forget you brother. So don't be to shy to stop in and say hi to me or the family. I know your lil panther will be happy to know you're around. This definitely is not goodbye or farewell, but for now, until we meet again, I know you'll be keeping a close eye on us. I love you so much, Patrick. So, fly high and fly right my sweet angel. 


With Love,

your brother Joshua.




As the memories of Pat come back to me certain ones stick out. Like the time he took off the training wheels on my first bike because, “its easier to learn without training wheels.” I promptly crashed into the palm tree in the front yard.  Or when we played baseball in the the backyard and the ball ricochet off the patio post and through the window. Dad got a front row seat for that one. Our countless basketball games, which he could usually win due to being a better shooter than me. Or board games, which he would usually win due to being a dirty cheater. I remember him prodding me to get a foul ball in the cheep seats we would sit in at the Bees games. I was hesitant at first but was able to swipe it before a little kid could. I was booed by an entire stadium. A highlight of my life for sure! I don't think he stopped laughing the rest of the game. Dad still chuckles thinking about our debate as to which basketball we should have Deron Williams sign. I remember a night he was in the hospital and the Utes-BYU game was on. The nurse on duty was making quick rounds so she could get back to his room, as we were the only ones watching the game. She was a Ute fan as well and after the victory swiped a couple pieces of banana cream pie from the cafeteria for a victory party. I feel like I could keep going on but mostly I’ll remember him for being my best friend. 

Pat had a love of many things but chief amongst them was the Miami Dolphins, blame Dan Marino. Pat had faith that every year was the Dolphins year. Seriously, if that franchise gets its shit together and wins this year, I’ll know why. Its Pat. Fins up! He loved nature and photographing it. The memory of hiking to get shots of a giant arch? Hell yeah! Clouds? Yes! Animals? Of Course! Pat was the only one brave enough to feed the stingrays at Sea World. But, it didn't matter what kind of animal it was. Pat seemed to have a connection with them. The final thing I’ll hit on is hip-hop because my love comes from him. We played that Ice Cube: The Predator tape until it broke. He would always tell me about new people he found. So, when I found one he hadn't heard about I would feel cool. People will remember his love of shoes: that comes from growing up with hip-hop. Gotta look fresh! Ill add one more thing I know he loved: Riff and Raff. 

I’m happy your spirit can be out in the universe blasting through the stars and cosmos. Ill miss my best friends, co-piolet, pitcher who throws garbage and quarterback. Until I see you again, find someone to throw to. 


Love you always,

Brother Bear



Brother, my best friend. 

Irish twins… That’s what we are! We’ve always been so proud of that. First, because not many people even know what that means (conversation starter; check!) Second, to confuse people for our own amusement! 

Truly, lets give credit to mom and dad. 1980’s warriors. They married, moved, and apparently wanted to stay busy. A 13 month old son and a new born baby girl? Because of you, I refused to wear a t-shirt till age 4 when it became “necessary”. I’d tell mom, “brother doesn't have to wear one, so why should I?” At least I was allowed the freedom to idolize my Bro-Bro and try to impress you always. I always let you know that I was tough enough to hang with the boys. You never ever made me feel like a tag-a-long little sister. In fact, most times I knew you preferred to have me beside you. I felt so special knowing you liked having me so close, it seemed like your quiet way of protecting me. I would gladly go anywhere with you. The card show was always a favorite. I remember the day you got a Ken Griffey, Jr. rookie card. Didn't mean a whole lot to me. Ken Griffey, Jr? You knew exactly and the way you lit up with every collector card told me that you were on to something. 

I’ll never forget the day we decided to ride our bikes as far away from home as we could, till we got scared. The challenge seemed safe enough because we were together. I think we stopped in the middle of the road at the same time, looked at each other and with out saying a word, we raced our butts back home. I don't even know how many miles out we were. 

The first test I had on my conviction for the love and pride of my big brother came to me on the playground in third grade. A kid came up to me and asked “is Patrick your brother?” and with all the confidence and conviction a little sister could have I said “YES!”. The kid asked me “Is he stupid?” and with out any hesitation I said “No he is not!!” the kid said “Well he looks stupid with that one crossed eye.” It was then that I knew it was my job to protect you. I don't really remember what I said back to the kid but it must have been good because I was never asked that again. I knew that day that WE HAD EACH OTHERS BACKS and every time we left the house dad would tell us to stick together… and we did. I am not surprised that once I became a mama, you would so naturally fall in love… Riff and Raff. I am so honored to have given you the gift of being an uncle as you took such pride in it. The way you stuck up for Kira is nothing short of identical to how you always stuck up for me. The big brother example you gave to Dom showed him just how to rile his sister up then ease up and reassure her that its just part of the big brother job! 

We answered each others prayer on Tuesday. I know you wouldn't leave us without your Riff n Raff so I asked and prayed for you to hang on until we got to you and you did. You basically told me that they were all you needed by your side before you could go in peace. Blessed are we for communicating telepathically. You've always liked your space, wanted to go out in space, space is the place. Im just happy that I am always allowed in that place.

One last thing, you don't even know how cool it is when a whole room or house full of people cannot find the answer to any given question and I got to be the girl to say, lemma call my brothers. grrr. Here we go… To hear, ‘Your brothers?’ ‘yea, they know’. Oh sure they do… Never Failed. Truly awesome!! 


We love you, kisses on your lips.

Sister Bear, Riff and Raff 



My sweet son, with a heart of gold. I have so many memories of the little boy with the blond hair, You and your sister running around in the backyard, swimming and chasing each other. The time when you thought you could ride your tricycle down the hill backwards only to find out that the light pole didn’t move, which made for a trip to the hospital. Or the time when you thought that you could drive the “Green Weenie” out of the driveway. Thank goodness Dad was able to rescue you. The baseball sock game, you and Sean played down the hallway, resulted with a broken clock. Your love for baseball started in little leagues. You were the only kid that could throw the ball from 3rd to 1st on the fly with out bouncing it over, you had an arm like a rocket. The coaches finally decided to make you a pitcher, because of that arm. You were also the kid that played football as a wide receiver with hands that could catch any ball and the QB’s that loved throwing to you. You were an avid Cubs fan and had gone to several states to watch them play, but your favorite was Wriggly field. Back to the future you told me this year, the year the Cub’s win the world series. Your love of the Dophins, especially Dan Moreno. You took a different path on your football team always telling me Bears suck. You had a love of nature, hiking and taking pictures. But you're greatest love was of animals and your siblings, family and people. 

Every animal absolutely loved you. Joshie dog and little dog, which you named because she was a puppy, not big like Joshie and Thelma and your “Black Panther,” that you said “mom don't let her out of her cage cause she will stay here”. She was in your room sleeping on your chair and all the pictures you have taken of her. But your biggest was your sweet heart and caring soul and a smile that lit up the room. Mom will miss your kisses and our “debates.” Fly high my sweet angel till we meet again. I love you. 





A Story From Patricks Father: Michael Day

  Patrick always had a special relationship with Dogs and Cats, all animals for that matter. An Incident that illustrates this, is when Patrick was four years old. We were living in Las Vegas at the time, I was invited by a coworker to see his new home he had built for his young family in north Las Vegas. Patrick came along, after the tour we all went to the back patio. My friends had a huge Belgian Malinois he imported from Europe that he was training as a guard dog. Patrick and the Malinois started playing together. The dog sensed Patricks kind soul and they played ball, wrestled in the dirt and had a great time. Patrick loved this animal. Im sorry I cant remember the dogs name. 



In Loving Memory

Dear family of Pat, We didn't know Pat well but want you to know that we share your grief in his passing. You will be in our prayers as you walk through the difficult days ahead. Love, Mark and Becky

Mark and Becky Nelson

Slc, Ut

I would like to send my condolences to the family. I would like to leave you with a comforting scripture during this difficult time Psalms 38:18


nan, nan

I was touched reading how much Patrick's family loved him. What a great son, brother and uncle he was! I was a coworker of Patrick's and thoroughly enjoyed working with him. He had a crazy sense of humor (not unlike myself) and oh yes.....I knew all about his shoe collection and that crazy cat(s). Too young to leave us but his memories and crazy stories will endure. Catch up with you later Patrick!

Troy ontiveros

Salt lake city, Ut

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