Quincy Jake Adams

July 5, 1991 - November 2, 2021

With profound shock and overwhelming sadness, we had to say goodbye to our much loved sweetheart, Quincy, as he was suddenly taken from us on the evening of November 2, 2021.

Quincy was born on July 5, 1991 and joined his big brother, Bentley, to complete our happy little family. From the first minute Bentley saw him, they had a connection to each other that would last a lifetime.  Quincy was always watching Bentley to learn from him. Bentley loved that his brother looked up to him and tried hard to teach him everything he knew.  Bentley, who was only 2 years older, thought Quincy was his baby right from the beginning and was always very proud and protective of him. He loved to see what he could teach him…even if it was something that mom would rather that he didn’t learn. He made sure Quincy was included in everything he did, whether it was great or not so great. Bentley watched out for his little brother throughout his life, and made sure he was always there for him. That bond was always strong and evident throughout his life.
As a toddler, Quincy seemed like an old soul in a child’s body. His wise spirit radiated from him and he was intuitive beyond his years. If Mom was having a discussion with Bentley and the point was not being well received, Quincy would jump in and try to explain it to him better…usually with more success.

One day, as Quincy and Bentley were learning how to dig dandelions with their new diggers, they were offered a nickel for each one that they got the root out. Quincy was usually competitive where money is concerned but soon left to go shoot hoops in the backyard. He defended himself by saying, “Well, I looked at the big picture and decided I didn’t want to grow up digging dandelions for a nickel each, I would rather grow up to be an NBA basketball player so I came out here to work on that!”

He loved sports and shooting hoops was a favorite pastime that continued throughout his life. He was always so happy to have one of his friends to throw a football with as well, even if he had to teach them how to throw. Quincy was a longtime fan of the UofU football and basketball teams and loved when he had the opportunity to attend a game. GO UTES!!  He was a loyal fan of The New Orleans Saints and considered them “his” team. When Quincy was 8 years old, Dan Holstad joined our family and that began many years of sports, fishing, Lagoon, rodeos, and any event that happened to be going on. Dan was a father figure who loved Quincy and Bentley and taught them many life lessons and formed a lifelong bond with our family.

Quincy was an empath….he felt others’ pain and tried his best to relieve their pain or take it on himself. Whether it be lessening their burden physically, helping lift or carry things, assisting strangers who needed a hand with something or just a kind, thoughtful word to people he passed. He was always a gentleman. He always held doors open for anyone to pass, although most never acknowledged it, and was so thoughtful to people.  He always gave an appreciative “Thank You” to anyone who showed him a kind gesture.
Quincy truly wanted to take the burdens from his friends and loved ones. He connected emotionally to those who were suffering and always reached out to them. He wanted them to know they could count on him for support.

The highlight of Quincy’s life was the birth of his daughter, Kenzilyn, in October, 2014. He loved her so much and was so delighted that she looked exactly like him. He was so happy that she continues to look like him to this day. He loved every single minute that he could spend with her and proudly displayed her photographs. He was very proud of how talented she is. He loved to watch her dance and sing. He loved the pictures that she drew and painted. He thought everything she did was just amazing. He was so thankful for Amilyn Call, her mother, for taking such good care of her and raising her to be the wonderful little girl that she is. Now he will be her guardian angel to proudly protect and watch over his very special little girl.

Quincy was so happy in September, 2018 when his brother, Bentley, married Lizzi Swenson. He thought they were just perfect for each other, and he felt he finally had a sister. He was so happy that Lizzi included him and made every adventure fun. Quincy lived with them for 2 years and enjoyed being included in their lives. He was happy to have time to be with his brother and Lizzi who loved everything that Quincy hated …camping, fishing, hiking, and anything in the mountains. He finally realized that he really did love those adventures too.. They weren’t his favorite activities to begin with, but it was with his brother, so he just couldn’t let Bentley outdo him, and tried his best not to let that happen. He loved Lizzi and was grateful for her advice and caring nature. For his birthday this year his present was to go skydiving with Lizzi. He was so excited and thought that was the greatest gift ever. Unfortunately, they hadn’t been able to go yet, but he was always excited and looking forward to the day they could jump out of a plane. He was always proud of Bentley’s successes. He felt like Bentley could do anything and was grateful he could count on him.

Quincy was a caretaker and took that role seriously. When his grandmother became elderly and needed care, he, Bentley and mom stepped up to care for her. He adored his grandma and was honored to be able to participate in caring for her and keeping both her health and spirits up.
He had a strong bond with his mom. They were best friends and he would talk with her for hours. He knew she would always be there for him and love him unconditionally. From a very young age he felt his purpose in life was to take care of his mom and that never changed until the minute he died. He would tell her, “I will always be here for you and take care of you when you get old so you don’t have to go into one of those care places.”

He suffered with Long Haul Covid for over a year. It zapped his strength and his energy and gave him difficult symptoms to deal with but he always said “Don’t worry mom…I’ll be healthy again. Don’t forget I’m going to always take care of you.”

In August of 2021 he was able to go on a vacation with Dan and mom to Tucson for a family reunion. Coming from a small family, he was amazed to see what a huge family they have, and how everyone had fun together. He felt great and loved every minute. He visited the Grand Canyon for the first time and was excited to be there. He hoped to be able to return there with his brother, who had finally given him a love of adventure and the outdoors, and he wanted to share that with him.

Throughout his life he has always had a loyal canine companion that he treasured. Zac was a gift for his 10th birthday and was his loyal friend for many years. He took such good care of him, even building a carpeted ramp so he could climb on and off of his bed when he got old. His next companion was Summer and they were the best of friends. He felt Summer got him through the rough spots of life and he again assumed a caretaker roll as he nursed her through a wicked battle with bone cancer. She had her leg amputated, but he  loved her unconditionally and was proud that she lived a year longer than was possible with that diagnosis. He would often take her on walks in a wagon so she could join Bentley and Lizzi with their dogs on a family outing. Peony was his other canine companion  that rounded out our family and gave Quincy so much joy. He missed them so much but they were waiting for him and ran to greet him when he passed.

Earlier this year, he reconnected with his high school girlfriend, Tabitha Fogle, who moved to Salt Lake to be with him. He was so happy to have her here and we are grateful that she was with him the last few months of his life, and was there  the awful night that he passed away.
Quincy’s motto was “NEVER GIVE UP” and he never did!  We love you, Quincy!

He was welcomed at his passing by his Grandma, June Adams, Grandpa, Russell Adams and his loyal friends, Summer, Peony, and Zac. Left to grieve is his mother, Linda J. Adams, dad, Dan Holstad, brother, Bentley Adams and Lizzi, daughter, Kenzilyn Call, her mother Amilyn Call and his partner, Tabitha Fogle.

We will celebrate Quincy’s life on Saturday, November 13, 2021 from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm at Starks Funeral Parlor, 3651 South 900 East, Millcreek, Utah. He will be laid to rest on Monday, November 15, 2021 at 11:30 am at Mount Olivet Cemetery, 1342 East 500 South, Salt Lake City, Utah.

In Loving Memory

To Linda, Bentley and Dan, Such a beautifullly written obituary! It is exceptionally nice. I remember well the dandelion and hoop story. That story will be told and retold over the coming years as Quincy's name is remembered and honored by those who love him most and who will forever miss him.  I, along with several other devoted friends, will express our love and pay respect Saturday with words and flowers. We are saddened by Quincy's departure so early in life, but we rejoice about the happy memories he leaves and the hope of a joyous reunion some future day. Daryl 

Daryl V. Hoole

Salt Lake City, UT

I never met Quincy in person, but I do know and love his mom. After 20 years of listening to her tell me stories about him and Bentley and Dan, I feel that he was immensely loved and deservedly so.  After reading this tender tribute, I now know him much better and can appreciate the love and caring this family shows to each other and to others around them. So many wonderful memories will be shared always.   Carroll        

Carroll B. Wolstenholme

Bountiful, UT

I know how incredible your relationship was with your son and I am beyond saddened knowing that he has passed away. Know that he will be missed by many and I am here for you. My deepest condolences to you and your family.


Tooele, UT

Linda, Bentley & Dan, How sad this made me. To lose such a gem at his early age is just tragic. Hold all your good memories dear, and know that there are many people who grieve with you.  Kay Quealy

Kay Quealy

Millcreek, UT

I'm so so sorry Linda! My heart is breaking for you and your family! Please know I'm always here for you! You and your family are in our thoughts & prayers always! Sending big hugs xoxo   

Heather powell

Salt Lake City, Ut

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