Rev. Ubald Rugirangoga

May 16, 1956 - January 7, 2021

Fr. Ubald Rugirangoga, the renowned Catholic priest from the east African nation of Rwanda, and self-described Catholic Evangelist and Apostle of Forgiveness, passed away at 11:17pm MST on January 7, 2021, at the University of Utah Hospital in Salt Lake City, UT. Fr. Ubald died of fibrotic lung disease as a result of having had, but having also cleared COVID-19, the devastating virus at the heart of the pandemic that has impacted millions of people worldwide. Fr. Ubald first developed Covid symptoms in mid-October, 2020, in Jackson, WY, and was hospitalized for a week. On October 30, 2020 he was flown by MedEvac to Salt Lake City where he spent 10 weeks in ICU before succumbing to respiratory failure at age 64. 

Fr. Ubald’s incredible life was a study in contrast between humanity’s worst acts of evil and God’s transcendent love. At the time of his birth in 1956, specific birthdates were not registered on birth certificates in the small village of Nyagatongo in the Western Province, so Fr. Ubald took as his birthdate May 16th, the Feast Day of his namesake St. Ubald of Gubbio, Italy, who is also known for gifts of healing and peacemaking. Ubald Rugirangoga was the eldest of four children born to Anesie Mukarahamya and Jacques Kabera, both of whom were Tutsis, Rwanda’s minority ethnic group. For years, Rwanda was racked by vicious tribal tensions between the Tutsi, which comprised 15% of the country’s population, and the Hutu, which accounted for the remaining 85%. Often, this conflict erupted in brutal violence, as Ubald experienced as a small boy when his father was senselessly murdered at the hands of Hutu members of their village. Tragically, the pain and loss that Ubald’s family suffered that day would be amplified exponentially for them and countless others in the years to come. 

The ethnic hatred and persecution that most Tutsis endured forced Ubald and his brother to flee Rwanda in 1973 when he was 17 years old and studying in minor seminary. Convinced God had called him to preach love in his beleaguered country, Ubald returned to Rwanda in 1978 to finish his studies for the priesthood, and in 1984 he was ordained a priest at age 28. In his early priestly ministry, during an outbreak of cholera in his area with many resultant deaths, he gathered a small group of Christians to begin praying for healing.  After one month the epidemic ceased, but he and his small group continued to pray with people for healing.  Many people were healed through his prayers. Several years later he received a knowledge gift in which God told him what was being healed. Through the mercy of Jesus, and Fr. Ubald's healing charism of the Holy Spirit, countless people have been healed physically, emotionally and spiritually over the past 35 years.

Assigned by the Bishop to the Nymasheke Parish, a thriving, rural parish made up of thousands of faithful Hutu and Tutsi parishioners, Fr. Ubald preached love and unity for ten fruitful years, right up until the spring of ’94 when Rwanda’s frightful ethnic strife exploded into genocide. Between April and July of that year, Rwanda’s Hutu majority slaughtered upwards of one million Tutsi men, women and children, including Fr. Ubald’s mother and 80 other members of his tight-knit family. Once the killing began, as many as 45,000 Tutsi of many faiths sought sanctuary under Fr. Ubald on church grounds, hoping to escape death at the hands of their once-peaceful Hutu neighbors. As parish priest and a village leader, Fr. Ubald stood up against the Hutu extremists, but by doing so—and because he was a Tutsi—he was targeted for death.

Fr. Ubald then faced a terrible choice: either flee the village to avoid execution and expose the 45,000 Tutsis he was protecting to possible harm; or else stay, knowing that as a high-priority target himself, his presence put everyone else’s safety at risk. Urged by his Catholic superiors to leave, Fr. Ubald finally agreed to do so only after their village’s mayor vowed to safeguard the thousands of frightened Tutsis sheltering inside the church compound. Using the car loaned to him by his Bishop, he drove to the Bishop’s residence, praying constantly for the safety of his Tutsi parishioners. He arrived safely at the Bishop’s house, but three days later the killing began and the 45,000 Tutsis at his church were slaughtered by Hutu executioners, many of whom had lived and worshiped alongside their Tutsi victims. He then received a call from another priest informing him that a mob was coming to the Bishop’s residence to kill him, too.

Overcome by the devastating loss of his friends and parishioners, Fr. Ubald was determined to return to his village church, despite knowing that decision would lead to certain death. But while deep in anguished prayer as he prepared to leave, Fr. Ubald heard God’s voice telling him not to go back, that his life had another purpose. Fr. Ubald made his way on foot in the cover of night to neighboring Congo, where he joined hundreds of thousands of Tutsi refugees who had fled their homes to escape certain death at the hands of homicidal Hutus.

Fr. Ubald felt crushed by the weight of his unbearable anguish, believing he had failed to teach his people how to love, which would have saved his parishioners. He made his way to the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes in France. With tears flowing, he sought solace in the healing waters of St. Bernadette’s holy baths and prayed for a sign of God’s plan for him. Then, with sudden clarity, Fr. Ubald heard the voice of Jesus, who told him, “Ubald, pick up your cross.” At that moment, Fr. Ubald felt his spiritual wounds begin to heal as his anger and grief melted away, and in their place, he was filled with compassion for the very people who had brought him so much pain.

Thus did God reveal His divine mission for Fr. Ubald: to teach his fellow Rwandans that the secret to peace was through absolution and reconciliation, to ‘forgive those who trespass against us’ as we ask ’forgive us our trespasses’, in return. 

In the two decades following his divine revelation at Lourdes, Fr. Ubald preached forgiveness to literally hundreds of thousands of his fellow countrymen—genocide victims and perpetrators, alike—with the message that healing of inner wounds is indeed possible. While preaching at a prison, the man responsible for the death of Fr. Ubald’s mother identified himself and asked for forgiveness. In Jesus’ name, Fr. Ubald embraced the man and prayed that they both would find forgiveness and be God’s instruments of peace. As difficult as that gesture was for him, Fr. Ubald went even further by adopting the man’s young children, whose mother had died, and providing them with tuition, medical care and a nurturing environment for their school holidays. Today those children are adults, one of whom is married, and the other recently completed medical school.

For most Rwandans who survived the genocide, Fr. Ubald’s miraculous act of mercy was unimaginable. So to help others achieve such miracles for themselves, he created the Mushaka Peace and Reconciliation Program to carefully prepare courageous victims and perpetrators to come together in forgiveness and rebuild the social fabric of their broken nation. Today, the Mushaka model is used around the world to teach adversaries how to overcome their differences through personal acts of absolution and reconciliation.

Fr. Ubald helped create other instruments of faith as well. With Sister Donata Uwimanimpaye, he founded the Missionaries of Peace of Christ the King, an order of brothers and sisters focused on peacebuilding through various initiatives including education, schools, parish missions and large evangelizations. He regularly traveled the country to pray with Rwanda’s poor and prominent alike, and tens of thousands of Rwandans would flock to his healing Masses which overflowed large stadiums, where he would remind them again and again, “Jesus is alive” and “forgiveness makes you free”.

Over the years, devout believers were drawn to Fr. Ubald’s message of healing and often asked him to pray for God’s divine intervention on their behalf or for their loved ones. Because Fr. Ubald’s faith was so strong, countless persons actually experienced miracles of healing of all kinds, especially that of their souls, through the pious prayers of that blessed man.

In February 2009, Fr. Ubald was invited to visit the USA by Immaculee Ilibagiza, another genocide survivor. During that trip, he stopped in Jackson, Wyoming where he met Katsey Long, who became his American coordinator in a ministry of evangelization, healing, and preaching on forgiveness that over a decade spanned across the US into 22 states and Washington, D.C. In particular, his ministry in Chicago bore wonderful fruit, with many miraculous healings reported. While Jackson, Wyoming became his home away from home, parishes and families across the country welcomed him into their hearts and homes as he shared his compelling message. 

Bishop David Ricken of the Diocese of Green Bay invited Fr. Ubald to travel with him, praying for healing throughout the Diocese. But it was the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help in Champion, Wisconsin, where Fr. Ubald felt most called to share his healing ministry. Thousands of people would come from across the nation when he celebrated Mass there. He said, “Jesus heals at every Mass, but when He is there with His mother, it is like it is raining miracles”.

As his reputation in America grew, Fr. Ubald was a frequent guest on Relevant Radio, praying for listeners all over the world. He appeared on EWTN and developed an internet presence on Facebook, praying the Rosary and preaching. Fr. Ubald gave a TED Talk, and was the subject of an award-winning documentary film. His autobiography was also published, all in the service of retelling the incredible story of his life-changing journey from the darkest depths of evil to the very heart of God.

Perhaps Fr. Ubald’s most lasting achievement was, with the generosity of supporters around the world, the purchase of a pastoral parcel of land on the shores of Rwanda’s Lake Kivu, on which he built The Center For The Secret Of Peace, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting pathways to forgiveness in Rwanda and beyond. Founded with the indispensable assistance of Fr. Ubald’s friend and ‘partner in peace', Katsey Long, of Jackson, WY, the Center’s hallowed message of forgiveness is relayed through workshops, lectures, videos, publications and a website designed to help guide Rwandans and others from conflict to reconciliation.

Given the gravity of his personal experiences, Fr. Ubald was very serious about his mission, but he was also utterly joyful and filled with gratitude, with a megawatt smile and infectious laugh. He had a strong and sonorous voice and expressive eyes which sparkled when he pronounced, “We will make joy!”; a commandment, not a suggestion. He found great amusement in bouncing down rutted Rwandan backroads with one foot on the accelerator and the other on the brake, shouting, “Enjoy African massage!” as his hapless passengers flailed helplessly and prayed for a quick arrival at their destination. Fr. Ubald enjoyed the adventures of life, “making sport” with friends in outdoor activities and sharing communal meals. 

Fr. Ubald leaned into what he feared—a lesson in survival he learned as a child—but he never feared the truth and he never gave up hope. Unable to leave the US due to the pandemic, he lamented being kept away from his beloved homeland but remained a paragon of patience and strength, which served as a balm to his American friends. While Covid raged and the national elections turned contentious, Fr. Ubald prayed for the U.S. every day, and he kept saying those daily prayers after he fell ill. Even on his last full day on earth, he prayed for the growing number of Covid victims and for the United States, in the midst of post-election discord. He warned that the US must not go the way of violence, which is the way of genocide, for  “where America goes, so goes the world”. Fr. Ubald died peacefully the following day.

This remarkable man leaves an enduring legacy of love and peace in the ongoing missions of The Center for the Secret of Peace and the Missionaries of Peace of Christ the King in Rwanda, and in the countless hearts, minds and souls of the people from around the world whom he loved, served and was loved by in return. To be in friendship with Fr. Ubald was a truly life-changing experience, and his spirit lives on in every person who was blessed to be under his saintly influence. Above all, Fr. Ubald maintained a sacred and ever-deepening relationship with Jesus, his Savior, and Mary, the Blessed Mother of God, and the Holy Spirit, which filled him with light and wisdom. Fr. Ubald was truly blessed. 

Fr. Ubald’s surviving family members includes his brother, Reverian Rugwizangoga, and sister, Pascasie Nyampundu, their spouses, his nieces and cousins, his adopted children, many friends, coworkers, his fellow clergy, and his beloved people of Rwanda. He also leaves behind tens of thousands of people who have heard his message of forgiveness and who will continue his work to bring peace to themselves and their families, communities, and nations. Fr. Ubald’s bodily remains will be returned to his people in Rwanda, where he will be interred at The Center for the Secret of Peace.

Fr. Ubald+, Pray for Us! His greatest work is yet to come through the legacy he has left for us to carry on.

In lieu of flowers, please consider a tax-deductible donation to The Center of the Secret of Peace, (a US 501(3)(c) nonprofit) c/o Katsey Long, PO Box 4992, Jackson, WY, 83001. All monies donated will continue the support of The Center of the Secret of Peace in Rwanda, and Fr. Ubald’s ongoing work and ministry in forgiveness and reconciliation around the world. 

A vigil will be held at 7:00 PM MST on Tuesday, January 26, 2021 at the Cathedral of the Madeleine, 331 East South Temple, Salt Lake City Utah.  Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at 12:30 PM MST on Wednesday, January 27, 2021, also at the Cathedral of the Madeleine. Reservations are unnecessary as seating is first come first served and COVID capacity restrictions will be observed. Kindly wear a face covering. For those unable to attend, please use the “Watch Service” button above to join the vigil and the mass virtually. Services will remain viewable on Starks Funeral Parlor website thereafter.

Father Ubald will be sent home and laid to rest at the Center for the Secret of Peace in Rwanda. 
Please share your photos and memories with his family here on this site by using the photos and condolences tabs.
Requiescat Father Ubald Rugirangoga in Pace.

In Loving Memory

Father Ubald you will be greatly missed. You changed our lives for the better. My husband Tommy and I will be forever grateful for having had the privilege of knowing you. We were blessed enough to attend your healing mass not once but twice. We were even more blessed to have been a part of a private small group mass with you through Internal Balance along with Tamara and Jude Mariea. We love you and know you are at peace with our Lord Jesus Christ. We will never forget you. May you Rest In Peace and intercede for us still here.

Darla Franklin

Torbert, Lo

Dearest Fr Ubald, I don't know where to life has changed since the day I met you in October of 2016. Little did I know that as a result of your friendship, prayers, and God's great goodness, numerous physical healings and spiritual healings have happened in my family. I thank you for your ministry. I'm beyond blessed and fortunate to have been in your presence so many times these past 4 years. My heart is full of love and gratitude and I will never forget you. Jesus is alive, and I know you are right there at His side. Please keep me and my family and our world in your prayers before the heavenly throne. I look forward to seeing you again and seeing you smile and getting that big bear hug from you. I love you dear Fr Ubald. May your memory be eternal with all the Saints!

Suha (Sue) Sweiss

Oak Lawn, IL

Dearest Holy Man of God, thank you for your total yes to God that even encompassed us here in America. In 2019 I heard you praying on Relevant Radio. I was so moved by your connection with God that I knew you must come to my parish in Reedley, CA. Miraculously you came and did a Youth Rally and a two day Mission with healing Masses. I thought your message of forgiveness was for the parishioners only; but after nine months, it has taken root in my own life. I rejoice in your new life and pray for your intercession. I look forward to our laughter when we see each other again. May the God of all mercy hold you close.

Barbara Alaimo

Sparks, NV

Our lives were forever changed when we heard Father Ubald’s story, attended healing masses and shared a few special moments after each mass. I was drawn to his light. His living example of forgiveness and healing truly is the secret of peace. Thank you for sharing your gifts with us. You will live in our hearts and inspire us by your example. You were one of a kind. Here is an Irish Blessing for Father Ubald: May the road rise up to meet you, May the wind be ever at your back May the sun shine warm upon your face And the rain fall softly on your fields And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of his hand.

Sheila Whalen

Chicago, nan

REST IN PEACE,you will always stay in our hearts, I will always remember you through fasting prayer via Facebook as it was your habit. May God rest you in eternal peace, Amen.��


Rusizi, Rw

Dearest Father Ubald! I know how valuable you've been in my life. As my storytelling could be summarized in "From Orphanage to Ordination", I always keep you in my heart. When I survived the Genocide against the Tutsi in 1994, after losing my parents and siblings, you cared for me, my dearest Uncle and Father to me! From the Orphanage, you raised me up to priestly Ordination; and now I'm a priest of the Lord. I remember when I was ordained a priest on 21st July, 2019 you told me that Jesus is our stronghold. This is one of the legacies, among others, I got from you, Father! So pray for me your son, to go on walking in your footsteps, following Jesus the Master. "Beyond the tomb there is right life!"

Rev. Fr. Valens

Kigali, Rw

Father Obald you have been a blessing to many including myself. Imana wakoreye ikwakire. we will always remember your noble heart


Kigali, Rw

We are all saddened to see this great man of God depart from us as he has touched so many lives all over the world and has brought countless physical, spiritual and emotional healing to so many. Although we are sad go to see him depart from us, we are filled with joy to know he has gone to be with Our Lord and Our Lady whom he served so faithfully and for so many years. I am thrilled as well that he is once again reunited with his family and those he lost in the genocide. We were very blessed to have him come to Atlanta a number of times and several of my friends had profound healings as well as many others. Although he will be sorely missed we have the great joy and hope of one day being reunited with him and all the saints in Heaven one day for all eternity! We also now have an intercessor in Heaven! I know I speak for Fr Ubald in saying thank you to all those who assisted in his ministry in anyway and a special thanks to Katsey Long for all she did! Fr Ubald, rest in peace and thank you for all you did!!!

Greg Amaya

Cumming, GA

We trust that Father Ubald has entered the Eternal Kingdom of life and that he continues to pray for all of us on the earthly plane. With great gratitude to him for all those family and friends he prayed for and healed with his gift of healing. Thanks also to Katsey Long for bringing him here to Jackson and for shepherding him through his process. May we continue. To receive his blessings!

Michele & Lloyd Dorsey

Jackson, WY

We are so blessed to have spent such special times with you over so many years and to have been touched by the exquisite Grace that you imparted. We were always thrilled by your excitement and huge appreciative smile when I reached out to you in French. You were there for us at important times in our lives and we will hold you closely in our hearts. May you rest in peace Father Ubald.

Frances Pollak and Ernest LaBelle

Jackson, Wy

Dear Father Ubald, May you joyfully embrace your Divine Savior, Jesus, for all eternity. The beautify documentary, Forgiveness, the Secret to Peace, is a wonderful tribute to the love and dedication you gave to your ministry.

Fr. John McHale

Columbia, MD

Wir danken Dir, dass wir Dich kennenlernen durften. Nun haben wir einen Fürsprecher im Himmel. Wir bitten Dich für unsere Familienmitglieder. Du weißt um unsere Sorgen. Danke!!!!!

Karl und Christel Paar

A-8041 Graz, A

Rest in Paradise Father Ubald Rugirangoga. Forever in my heart until the day, I meet you again in heaven. inoubliable date in my mind on08/01/2021���� Oooooh Lord, why? why? why?������ Fathet Ubald, I will never forget all the time, spent together in prayer. We will miss you for sure. feeling crying��


Kigali, Rw

RIP, Fr. Ubald, and thank you for your ministry and wonderful example!! ✝️��

Deacon George & Mary Reade

Salt Lake City, UT

Father Ubald, you touched my life with your incredible mission of forgiveness, with healing prayers, a brilliant smile, and deeply loving heart. We shared wonderous and funny moments. I am sad and angry that covid got in your way and into your body. No doubt you have been called to something greater. I do believe you are able to do so much more without the confines of your body in the loving arms of Jesus. As your family and friends mourn together we also walk with the message of peace and forgiveness within our cells. Rest in Peace Father.

Marcia Male

Bishop, CA

Have been and always will be in our Prayers!

William & Frances Hayes

Algonquin Illinois, I

Gracias a JESÚS por todo lo que ha sido la vida del PADRE UBALD. En nombre de Jesús gracias por los Retiros que dirigió en Madrid y por sus carismas del ESPÍRITU SANTO. Le pido a Jesúscristo que ya le tenga en su abrazo y que siga intercediendo por nosotros. Ven Espíritu Santo en el nombre de Jesús

Raquel Pérez vieco

Madrid, nan

You will live forever in my Heart. Your dedication to Forgiveness and Reconciliation is great Legacy to the people of Rwanda. Rest in Eternal Peace our beloved Father����


Kigali, Rw

Words are simply not enough to express how devastated our family has been feeling since that fateful night of January 7th 2021. From presiding my Father's funeral mass years ago, to giving me my first communion, to marrying my sister, to giving us your niece Francine so she can live with us and to supporting us in so many other ways, you will always hold a special place in our hearts. We know you are with Jesus and we will see you again soon. In the meantime, we will terribly miss you! �� Lots of love, Nkubito family.

Nkubito family

Indianapolis, IN

Sincere condolences to all who loved father Ubald!!!! Let keep praying and do what he requested us during his preaching " forgiveness and love" . We will meet him again and glorify the Lord together!!!


Kigali, Rw

Sincere condolences to all who loved father Ubald!!!! Let keep praying and do what he requested us during his preaching " forgiveness and love" . We will meet him again and glorify the Lord together!!!

Ngarambe Antoine

Lyon, Fr

Deepest condolences to all whose lives were touched & blessed by Fr Ubald. This man of peace is now at peace in God’s heavenly kingdom. Please continue in Father’s honor to spread the love & peace of Gods word in your own lives

Jay & Louise Thomas

Wallace, Mi

Thank you Fr. Ubald for touching the lives of my family while you came to Texas and Louisiana . I thank Immaculee for introducing you to us . And I thank all Rwandans who shared this beautiful priest with us . Pray for us Fr. Love, Trish

Dr. Patricia Harris

Orange, TX

Fr Ubald. Your story inspired and strengthens me. your work here may be done but you left some might big shoes to fill. Rest In Peace.

Carol Leedy

South Bend, In

Our family has been forever touched by sweet Father Ubald. He stayed with us while evangelizing in DC and we will never forget the joy, peace and incredible holiness he brought into our home. We are mourning his loss, but thanking God that He gave us the honor of knowing Father and having personal time to sit at his feet and learn. There is no one quite like Father Ubald nor anyone with such a beautiful smile and hearty laugh! God bless you, Father, for your love of Jesus, your sacrifice for so many, and the love you showed me and my family.

Marianne Fogelson

nan, nan

Father Ubald it was an honor to meet you. I am forever grateful for the blessings and healings you bestowed upon my family and friends. I cannot believe your still seems impossible! May you enjoy your heavenly rewards . You forever will be missed!!!

Mary Kanoski

Hometown, IL

Rest in Eternal Peace, Father Ubald. I am sure that you are seated with our Lord Jesus. Now, you are forever in power to pray for us. Your legacy will live forever on. Fr Ubald, pray for us.


Kigali, Rw

Sincere condolences to all who have been blessed by knowing this Godly Shepard who taught us the importance of forgiveness and reconciliation. As the world around us changes in many fronts, Fr Ubald and I agreed, “The Church does not change!” Until we meet again Fr Ubald, Rest In Peace and please pray for us! Jesus & Blessed Mother, plz kiss Fr Ubald for me and tell him “thank you”.

Donna Pelletier

Naperville, IL

We are sorry to hear about The passing ofFather Ubald. We will remember the wonderful masses he gave at Santa Maria depablo. To his family you are all in our prayers. RIP Father Ubald.

Lisa and jessica visconti

Naples, Fl

I am called Valence Rukesha from Kigali, Rwanda. I was suddended by the returning of Fr. Ubald to the Heavenly Father. Fr. Ubald, pray for us. My sincere condolences to the family of Fr. Ubald and the Diocese of Cyangugu as well as all his friends in Rwanda and beyond and, the Rwandan community in General. Condolences and sincere thanks to his friends in the USA who cared for him at his difficult moments. We have lost a saint here on earth but gained him in Heaven. I already undoubtedly believe that Fr. Ubald is already a saint. Ever since I encountered Fr. Ubald in the year 2003, I have never seen any other man like him. God was really with him. I praise God for having given to us this great gift of Fr. Ubald. I cannot express the joy I always had whenever I met him in the many healing masses he celebrated but also whenever I was blessed to meet him out of mass. The last day I met him and shook his hand was at the priestly ordination of his nephew (and my friend) and that picture remains in my eyes and my heart and his presence on that day was full of joyful moments. I thank God that Fr. Ubald has left us with the Secret of Peace and many other gifts especially the 5 Keys and trust that the work that God began in him will be perfectly completed until we meet him again in Heaven. I think that there is a lot of testimony (more than the world can accommodate on a paper or computer) on the life of Fr. Ubald and how God used him in an extraordinary way but I very much hope that most of this will be gathered and put in writing so that his life may help the generations to come (as we pray and wait for his quick canonization as a saint). We will miss you so much father but hope you remain with and beside us Saint Fr. Ubald, pray for us and present us to the Father for His Divine Mercy on us so that we too can come to Heaven and join you in praise and worship to the Holy Trinity. Amen. Valence M. Rukesha, Kigali.

Valence Rukesha

Kigali, Rw

Rest In Peace Father Ubald. We continue to pray and forgive. Amen


Holtville, Ca

My deepest condolences upon the death of my friend, Fr. Ubald. I met father, first as a volunteer and later as the Operations Manager of The National Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help, in Champion, Wisconsin, Diocese of Green Bay. Father Ubald and I had become friends over the years and I appreciated his devotion to forgiveness, healing, and Our Lady, Mother of Mercy. His tenderness, compassion, and gentleness for those in need of physical, emotional, and spiritual healing was remarkable. Yet father was always working to draw attention away from himself and redirecting to the true healer, Jesus. Father Ubald was the instrument that God used in this century to witness to and provide for His son Jesus's love, mercy and forgiveness. By the power of the Holy Spirit, through the instrument of the sacraments, Fr. Ubald was gift given to us by God. True Apostle of Jesus Christ and true Apostle of Forgiveness. May the God of Love and Mercy grant unto Father Ubald His everlasting love and mercy and welcome him into the Heavenly banquet and grant him eternal rest. Eternal Rest Grant Unto Him O Lord and Let The Perpetual Light Shine Upon Him. May Father Ubald's soul and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.

Jeff Koss

De Pere, WI

Rest well servant of God You lived your life to fulfill God’s mission assigned to you: we pray that we would also imitate your good deeds of mercy and reconciliation ���� Rest in Peacet

Angellah Kayesu

Kigali, Rw

Rest well servant of God You lived your life to fulfill God’s mission assigned to you: we pray that we would also imitate your good deeds of mercy and reconciliation ���� Rest in Peacet

Angellah Kayesu

Kigali, Rw

Rest well servant of God You lived your life to fulfill God’s mission assigned to you: we pray that we would also imitate your good deeds of mercy and reconciliation ���� Rest in Peacet

Angellah Kayesu

Kigali, Rw

Father Ubald, we will miss you all. "The Lord has given, and the Lord has taken away. May His name be blessed." (Job 1:21). Fr. Ubald you were an ordinary person who accomplished the extraordinary work in many ways. Thank you for being my good counselor in many ways since we met in 1984 to 1986. Young priest full of energy and love. I remember telling me that the only way to be connected with Jesus is to give him a time through Adoration, then you will be in touch with him like a good friend in your life. I don't doubt that you are with your twin Father Silas. Thank you for a true legacy (Center of Secret Peace) of a perpetual presence. I am sure you will continue to use your gift of healing, forgiveness and peace. Thank God for the wonderful gift of life you gave to our country Rwanda and to the world. May you R.I.P Sister Marie J.

Sister Marie J. Mukabayire

Kalamazoo, MI

I always wanted to attend your healing services and did not have a way. I sent you prayer intentions about my son Brandon, he is an alcoholic and you wrote back and said you would keep him in your prayers. I am going to continue to ask you to pray for him. I am praying for someone to help him. He has 5 children and is a good dad and husband. A good provider but he is so sick in alcohol. Thank You Father, you will be for all of us a Holy man from Heaven and healing all the more. Please pray for my family and friends. I love you, Cheryl Thomas ... also pray for my little daughter Sarah she is severely disabled and her and I would like your prayers

Cheryl Thomas


In our hearts you will remain Fr Ubald! Thank you for your prayers for my family during healing masses. Keep on praying for us kuko udusize muri ya si y’ibibazo n’ibigeragezo.May Lord grant you Eternal peace, we will miss your healing masses we used to attend.


Kigali, Rw

Rest well Servant of God and many thanks for your live Rosary prayers.


nan, nan

We miss you so much Padre. I thank God for the gift of your friendship and the grace of your good example. You were the hardest working, most joyful servant the Lord could have asked for. Thank you for giving your life to God, your  strong faith and powerful story of forgiveness inspired so many people around the world! Pray for us, we will be praying for you. Murakoze, turagukunda kandi Kuruhukira mumahoro. 

Polasky Family

nan, WI

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