Rinze Lance Davidson

August 24, 1992 - April 9, 2011

Rinze Lance Davidson

Mina Rina

Live Your Dreams


Living life to the fullest, Rinze continued his journey early in the morning of April 9th, 2011.   In time, we will all be together again.

Born August 24th, 1992, he shared the same birthday as his father.

He graduated from Kearns High with ambitions to make it big and become a DJ.  He loved animals and had a strong passion for music.  A big fan of the great outdoors, he enjoyed traveling and the experiences of what life had to offer.  He truly lived to laugh. Rinze could light up the room with his smile.  His outgoing personality captured the hearts of many.  With all the friends he made, he was always in the social scene.  Some might say he was the center of attention without even trying.  So many sought his advice and enjoyed talking to him; he was a great listener and friend. As a true optimist it was rare to see him down and out, even on a gloomy day.  His time was short but he lived it to its maximum potential.

His memory lives on in the hearts of his mom, Danielle; dad, Michael and Mayuko; brother Michael; sisters Connie and Olimpya; dog Missy; and so many friends.

Friends are invited to celebrate his life at Starks Funeral Parlor, 3651 South 900 East, Salt Lake City on Friday, April 15th, 2011 from 6:00 until 8:00 PM.

In Loving Memory

Mike, I am so sorry to hear of the death of your son. Because I, personally,have never experienced such a loss, it's hard to understand what you're going through. But our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. God bless, Marcel & Janet Davidson, and family

Marcel Davidson

South Jordan, UT

I was one of many Friends that Rinze had, because his heart was so big he let all of his friends have a piece of it and I am very grateful and happy to have known him. I would like to send your family all my condolences and hope that you will be able to heal after this accident. Love, Kimberly Howard

Kimberly Howard

Kearns, Ut

Mike-- I'm so sorry that Rinze left this life so early--my thoughts and prayers for you and your family!! from Jahn, Kenya & Jordan

Jahn Curran

Salt Lake City, UT

Son, I just want you to know how much I miss you and how much I love you and how much I am going to miss you smiling when I walk through the door. How much I am going to miss you asking me how my day was, and I thought I would never say this, but I am going to miss your techno. I am going to miss you going grocery shopping with me and miss us riding into work together listening to B 98.7 challenge game. Stopping at 7-Eleven for coffee, donuts and beef taquitos. Most definitely going to miss our talks and you telling me about your day and the plans you had for the week and the weekends. You never hid anything from me..you were always honest and open with me even if I didn't want to hear it LOL. Eww. I will miss our camping weekends together with pelted marshmellows. Life is like a river...some people choose to walk across it, others choose to sit on its banks or simply wade it out but you, my son, were the one to grab your tube and ride out the rapids and the rocks but also enjoy the calm of the matter and take the scenic route (like Daniel did with his GPS after we got into Idaho :P ) Be safe and I love you. Mom


Murray, Ut

The picture that is up is exactly how I remember Rinze. Every time I saw him, he would be laughing and smiling. He was an awesome person and I will miss him.

Sheri E Nielson

West Valley, Ut

Danielle, Michael, Connie and Limp- we are so sorry that you all have to deal with this. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Stacy And TK

Herriman, UT

I'm sorry for your loss. It really hurt when I heard he was gone and I'm still hurting now. I'll always think of him as my best friend the one kid who talked to me when no one else did. I miss your son like crazy and my prayers go out to Rinze's family From Francisco Segovia

Francisco Segovia

West Jordan, Ut

Rinze always made everyone laugh and knew how to put a smile on any face. I've known him since elementary school I regret not keeping in touch with him. Everyone loved him! I have so many memories of him and I always thought he was crazy. He was always getting in trouble in class because he was too busy cracking jokes, but that's why everyone loved him. He will most certainly be missed and will leave behind a legacy. You will be remembered, Rinze. Even by those who weren't that close to you or who didn't know you all that well. Rest in piece my friend. You are in a better place. And to the family, I want you to know that he is a wonderful person. My condolences to you guys. I wish you all the best and I know that things will get better. Even though it may be hard, you must know he is in a better place and is happy. Best of wishes.

Saige Millsap

West Jordan, UT

Rinze was one of the greatest guy I've ever met, he was always there for me. I'm going to miss being able to just dial his number and just say "Hey Rinze, I've had a bad day, let's go to Coffee Break?" And he would drop whatever he was doing and meet me there. Words can't describe what he ment to me and how much I love and miss him. My prayers go out to his family and friends.

Shayli Olsen

Herriman, Ut

I have known Rinze since Kindergarten and he was always such a loving and care free person. He was never selfish and always would give to others reguardless if he wanted to or not. I will miss him always. He was a brother to me and was thought of that way to many others that came into his life. I know that Rinze is happy where ever he is and he would want the same for all of us, to be happy. That was his tole here, making others happy. He succeeded. He was truly a precious blessing to us all and will be greatly missed but we will never forget all wonderful things that he has done for all of us. Love you Rinze! Your parents raised you more than well, and I know they will always be proud of you. :) Love an old friend, Mandi Hardy

Mandi Fai Hardy

Syracuse, Ut

I'm sorry for your loss, and my prayers continue to go to you and your family. It was a total shock for me to learn Rinze had gone, and it still hurts. I've known him since the 1st grade, and was my first real crush. He was the sweetest person I've ever met. He always was funny, and smiling so cheerfully it made everyone truly happy to be around him. I loved him very much, and I'm sure he's smiling down at us, Rinze will live on forever in our hearts. I send my condolences and pray for all of you always. Rinze's the ray of sunshine. :)

Rachel Myers

West Jordan, Ut

Rinze and I had a great time in the classes we've had. You have no idea how friendly he was, he help keep everyone's spirits high. He was a friend unlike any other. It was an honor knowing him. With Love, Jessi Jimenez

Jessi Jimenez

West Jordan, Ut

Rinze, i have known you since elementary, so many memories with you through out school. It is so hard for me to believe you are gone, but i know you are in a better place and when my time comes i will see you again. you will be deeply missed. There will always be a place in my heart for you. To the family of this wonderful man, i am sorry for your loss. I understand the pain you going through. I love you Rinze. Rest in peace my brother.

Dillon McCauley

West Jordan, UT

I was one of rinzes many friends also. We met in elementry and kinda grew up together from than on. He was a brightful kid, I never seen that kid without a smile on his face. I'll never forget our little play dates and hanging out with his brother Michael. He was a huge sweetheart towards me. I wish we hung out more than we did but I'm just happy I got to be one of his friends. I love him and miss him dearly. And hope hes makin sick mixes up there haha. My prays go out to his family. Rest in peace rinze, see ya soon(: From an old friend, lacie Matthews

Lacie matthews

Salt lake city, Ut

Rinze my work man I miss coming to the booth talking to you messing and joking around with u. U were my closest friend I still cant believe you gone whenever I come to workk ill always remember yout nice and ironic humor and also remember u spilling listerine all over the booth what a day ill miss and and well meet again soon love you rinze rest in peace brother

Jimmy huynh

murray, ut

Love you guys. So sorry. Be strong and help each other make a difference. So good to see how close you all are. A good family for the kids to grow up in. Love. Uncle Mike Luke

Mike Luke

Salt Lake City, Ut

Danielle and family, My thoughts and prayers are with you. Rinze was loved by so many people. Your love and guidance made him the person he was. May he rest in peace. And may you find the strength to get thru this time of sorrow. Sincerely, Pat Wolff

Pat Wolff

Midvale, UT

Poem, Death is nothing at all. I have only slipped away to the next room. I am I and you are you. Whatever we were to each other, That, we still are. Call me by my old familiar name. Speak to me in the easy way which you always used. Put no difference into your tone. Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow. Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes we enjoyed together. Play, smile, think of me. Pray for me. Let my name be ever the household word that it always was. Let it be spoken without effect. Without the trace of a shadow on it. Life means all that it ever meant. It is the same that it ever was. There is absolute unbroken continuity. Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight? I am but waiting for you. For an interval. Somewhere. Very near. Just around the corner. All is well, Poem by Henry Scott Holland

Tiffany Murri

Saint George, Ut

The world is a little less brighter without you. You were born on the darkest day of my life (Hurricane Andrew) and then I found out I was a new aunt and the world was brighter. I know you will be watching over us and in God's wisdom I hope to see you again some day. I love you Rinze Lance. Love, Your Aunt.

Deneen Elder

Miami, Fl

My son Kyle and Rinze were good friends since Jr high and my heart just aches for you. I am so sorry for your loss. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with your family at this difficult time.

Brandi Shaver

Kearns, Ut

Rinze was always so happy and positive and smiling and was great to be around. Seemed like he was always laughing and making jokes. I'm gonna miss him so much and my condolences go out to all his family.

Tyler J Hall

Salt Lake City, UT

Nephew, although we lived so far apart and only met a few times I knew this about you Rinze. You touched so many peoples lives and hearts. You were your mother's best friend, your sister's right hand man, your father's one and only. I thank you for being the son and brother they needed you to be and for the the man you would've been.......AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! All my love Danielle, Michael, Connie & Jaik. Thoughts and prayers are with you always.

Aunt Moi

Lake Wales, fl

Rinze, you were an Amazingly outstanding friend. I remember being homeless for a minute and you were there to talk to me, make me feel better. And i remember later that night you texting me, telling me you talked to your mom and she said it was fine if i stayed with you guys for a little while. You only had school every other day, but yet you took the time out of your days off of school to drive me all the way to kearns high, just so i wouldn't miss school, even with kearns being like a 45 minute drive away from your house. And never once did you ask for gas money, or for anything in return. You just made sure i was okay. It's so hard to say our goodbyes, and not cry. I mean, what else can you say or do when someone very important to you passes away? But i can say, that i'm very thankful an very lucky to have made many AMAZING memories with you. My memory for you will never fade, and we have our friends and family to make those memories last, and to keep them strong. We'll deff remember all the good times with you rinze, but also the most crazy ones, and even the worst. My most recent memory i have of you, was when we went to that mardigras concert with elmer last month. We were dancing and like a 15 maybe 16 year old girl fell to the ground grabbed your leg and started having a seizer. I in all honesty had no idea what to do, i've never seen someone had a seizer before. so i just dumped my bottle of water on her face. Her so callled "boyfriend" kinda just watched with her friends and they didn't do anything to help her. And as for Rinze, not even knowing the girl, flipped her to her side, because i guess that's what you should do when someone is having a seizer, hahaha i had no idea. About ten minutes later she woke up and was fine, and it was all because of rinze's help. He just cared so much for anyone really, even ppl he didn't know. Everyone just LOVED the facial expressions he made all the time, in just about every picture you see of him he's making a funny face(: or always smiling! He was always just so happy, always laughing, playing c.o.d with me! even though i suck!;p always making sound effects,haha! I love you Rinze Davidson! And will NEVER forget you. Rest in paradise! I'll see you soon someday(: In Loving Memory of Rinze Davidson. Maudi De Leon

Maudi De Leon

West Valley City, ut

The hardest thing in the world to go through is the lost of a child. Rinze was a great kid I loved him dearly he was a joy to be around each and every time you saw him. My condolences to Danielle,Michael, Connie, Olympia, and Mike I feel I am a better person for having known him and being a part of his life. You all will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Renee Crouch

Steele, Mo

Dear Rinze, You were a one in a million kid. Everyday that you have been gone, there has not been a minute that has gone by that I have not thought of you. You made everyday that I spent with you amazing. You were always such a happy kid. No one brought light to a room, like you did. No one would shine as bright as you would. I'm really upset with the fact you are no longer in our lives anymore, but I am also happy that I got to know and be with someone like you. You changed my life. I love you, Rinze Davidson.

Sondra Earnhart

Kearns, Ut

Danielle,Micheal, Michael, Connie and Olimpya I don't even know where to begin with my empathy for you all.. i love your family, at one point in time you guys were like my family. My deepest thoughts and Condolences go out to you all.. Rinze has left leaving a wonderful impression of what he will be remembered by, i love you all and once again my deepest condolences to you all. Love, Kiesha Thieling

Kiesha Thieling

kearns, ut

Hey friends and family- My heart is with you always. Your family is so tight and close. Danielle thank you for letting get so close to your family and learn the spirit and happiness that your family always creates. for what I knew of Rinze was he was a great successful child/friend. I wish you and your family to recieve the enough caress and love from everyone that enjoyed his spirit and happiness. Love you all!

Lara Bailey

Riverton, Ut

Rinze was always an awesome guy. If you were having a bad day you could always turn to him to brighten it up with a joke or two. If you needed help with something, he would do his best to help. I'm so sorry for your loss, and I offer my most sincere condolences. You guys are in my thoughts and prayers.

Braden McElreath

Kearns, Ut

Danielle, My heart hurts for you and your family. So many thoughts and prayers are with you always. God bless you all. Lynda Sweet

Lynda Sweet

Lehi, Ut

Wow..what can i say about Rin, he was more like my brother than my cousin. I can't think of a time when he wasn't happy cause thats just how he was, always smiling always joking and laughing. I remember the family reunion when all i could think about was how cool he was and how much i wanted to be like him. He used to always make fun of me but he made sure he knew that he cared and loved you. As long as you live you will never meet someone as loving and with a big of a heart as Rinze he will be missed so greatly, but we all know even though its hard to say that he wouldn't want us to be sad and worry about him. He is in a better place now and he would rather us celebrate his amazing like cause he is was such a giving and caring person. He will always be in our hearts. I would like to give my deepest condolences to your family, and know i'll always be here if you need me Love , Buddah

Kevin William Crouch

Steele, MO

I didn't know Rinze very well but him and i did talk a few times in Jr. High and ever since i heard about his passing istill can't believe it he was such a happy go lucky kid and could make anyone smile my thoughts and prayers are with your family.

Ashley Winkelkotter

Taylorsville, ut

初めてレンザを見かけたのはもう6年前のこと、真由子の家に行った時、夜の間に積もった雪を朝早くマイクと一緒に雪かきをしてくれていた、まだ幼い、と言っていいような少年でした。私の人見知りから、声もかけずにしまいましたが、真由子とマイクが付き合い始めて、あの子が将来私の孫の一人になるのか、と心に喜びを感じたものでした。それなのにもう二度とこの世では会うことが出来ないとは、なんと寂しいことでしょう。何時の日にか、また天で会うことが出来ることを心から願っております。 一日も早くこの苦しみを二人が超えられるよう祈っています。

Matsuo & Ayako Okada

Tokyo, Japan, nan

Danielle, I know how close you were to your son Rinze. You are a wonderful mom who raised an amazing son who touched so many lives. My thoughts and prayers are with you always. Kirk

Kirk McCracken

Littleton, Co

Hi Family. i love you Rina. you are the sweetest person i know and i know your in a better place now. watch over us and protect us. you will be very missed little brother. your our guardian angel now :) LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Olimpya Barrett

west jordan, ut

My thought and prayers our with you and your family.

Robyn Hortin


Hello sweeet Family, Hi Minza, II love you, you are the sweetest person on this planet and you know we will all miss you so much! please watch over us and our kids! kloey says "hi" and she misses her uncle. i feel you everytime that sun is shining, i know its you saying your ok and and you love us and everything is going to be ok! you are my angel and im soooo thankful to have you as my little brother, you are my everything and i cant wait til we meet again and you are at the gate in heaven awaing us! your gunna get the biggest hug you will ever receive!!!! be prepared for the day we allll meet!!!!! :) im happy we all did chilis that day, i cant get that laugh you always did out of my head. makes me smile everytime! I LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH, NEVER FORGET THAT YOU ARE IN OUR THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS. i will always be thinking of you day/night. im glad i got to spend that week with you in the booth. you made me soo happy every morning! you are the greatest most wonderful person i will have ever met. this is not good bye, never say goodbye, say i will see you later. . soo rinze i will see you later, i love you and miss you more then you will ever know! may god be with you!!

Connie Arnold

West Jordan, Ut

Danielle and Family, It was easy to see why you all loved Rinze so much. He really did have the spirit and personality to light up a room. Some of my favorite memories of him include him hiding in a closet at my house and jumping out to scare me before making breakfast for me and D, long talks and walks while camping, and target shooting with the 22. I was lucky to know him. His spirit will live on through all who loved him. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. ~C

Cheri Primm

Herriman, UT

I'm so so sorry for your loss Danielle. I am so glad I got to meet you and your beautiful family. I only met Rinze a handful of times, but I will always remember how amazed I was at how quick-witted he was. He was absolutley hilarious. Best wishes my friend. Much much love to you and your family.

Alex D Hall

Salt Lake City, Ut

I am so very sorry to hear of the death of your son. May you be comforted in your grief, and may the good memories bring tender smiles at this most difficult time. My prayers go out for your family. Hugs, Marilyn & family

Marilyn (Duerden) Huffaker

Lewiston, Id

私たちはレンザの死を心から悲しんでいます。まだ無理だと思うけど、マイクに元気になって欲しいです。いつも祈っています。 We are very sorry for your loss. We truly miss Rinze. You are always in our thoughts and prayers. Hiromitsu, Tomoko, Rin, and Hatsuho

Tomoko & Hiromitsu Takahashi

Tokyo, Japan, nan

To Rinze The man, the legend. Rinze you were the greatest at bringing a smile and laugh to everyone's life. Just remembering one of our conversations together, I was having a crappy day and you blew on your thumb to inflate your ?muscles? and spoke like Rambo . It's moments like that it's hard to cry, because you really were the funniest person I knew and every memory I have of you is of us laughing. What I have learned from you is to not take life so serious, and live your dreams. Gone but never forgotten. P.S. I still want a rematch on COD MW2 Rinze. To Family & Friends Rinze was a great man; he is my example of what a great person is. No matter the challenges in life if you handle it like Rinze did you will come out on top with everyone smiling. In this difficult time just remembering him for all the great things he has done, and all the people he has touched you will see that he was one of a kind. When I heard the story of when he asked his Mom if he was suppose to tip for a haircut and she said some people did, he left and went back to where he got his hair cut and gave a tip. That is so Rinze thinking and putting people before himself, he had the biggest heart and was the most caring person I have ever seen. Now he is watching out for all of us, take comfort and know that he still is looking out for all of us.

Connor Duffy

Murray, Ut

I knew Rinze through the eyes of his mother. Whenever I would see him at work I would smile thinking of the stories she told. What a sweet young man with a heart of gold. He will be missed. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Lorna Gwilliam

South Jordan, UT

Mike and Danielle, We are saddened by the loss of your son. We know he was precious to you and is impossible to replace. We pray for healing for you and your family. Love, Leroy, Eileen and Glennie

Leroy and Eileen Smith

West Jordan, Ut

Danielle and family, My heart breaks for your tragic loss. I have always heard so much good about Rinze. I just cannot imagine how hard it must be for you. May God bless you with anything that you need. Susan Colver

Susan Colver

Riverton, UT

Rinze was an amazing person through and through. He meant so much to A LOT of people, and he will forever be in our hearts. He was one of the happiest kids I have ever met and he always had a smile on his face. He was a huge inspiration to me. I am incredibly sorry for your loss. I can't imagine what it would be like to be in your position. If there is anything I can do, please don't hesitate to ask. Love, Haylee Alvord

Haylee Alvord

Kearns, Ut

Death never comes easy. Rinze was fun, loving, and an all around good person. It wasn't a party without him there. I've never met someone with such a big heart in my entire life. Gone, but most definitely not forgotten. You and your family have my condolences.

Megan Carter

Taylorsville, Ut

rinze, I will never have the words to explain how I felt the morning of your passing. I remember waking up around 4:30 thinking something is wrong but I didn't have any calls or texts on my phone so I went back to sleep. Knowing what you went through in your final moments makes me sad to think about. I sat and wondered, "WHY God?! WHY Rinze? WHY did he have to die alone when he was there for so many people when they didn't have someone?!" And although I don't have the answers, I saw you last night and this morning and I know you are ok. You had an awesome funeral. So many people attended to honor your life. Amazing to see how many lives you touched. Heard some interesting stories, too! But I still think our camping trip was the best of all. Ranger Rick, the beer pong table, the river, the stupid car, the battery shocking Connor, and the MARSHMALLOWS!! *giggles* oh man, just thinking about it makes me want to double over in laughter. Oh, and never forgetting the time Autumn peed in your bed! I remember the last thing I said to you "ya gonna give me free parking?" you were workin the booth and I came to show Odin off at your moms n Connors work. You only met Odin once but, the other night your mom took me into your room and both dogs went NUTS! Of course, Autumn was trying to pee on your bed and Odin was searching desperately for you as I know all of us will never stop doing. After we closed the door, Odin kept pawing and scratching and whining at your door. He knew you were in there. Your mom said the night before your death, you went and got a hair cut and when you came back home you asked if people were supposed to tip or not and when she said it's up to you, you drove back and gave her one..(I hope it wasn't Stacy who gave you one! jk :p) But that is the Rinze we all knew. It has been sooooo hard to mourn your loss. So many people were crying last night and for a brief second, I started to comprehend you leaving and I didn't like it and immediately I knew you were there with me. I still haven't been able to really fully mourn your loss because it doesn't feel like you are gone. You're Rinze! You can't be gone! Who are we going to pelt marshmallows at now? Who is Connor going to play COD with? Oh, he still has to beat that scary game you gave him. He is having a hard time with losing you especially knowin he still has your game. We definitely lost a brother that cold Saturday morning. We miss you like crazy. I keep thinking if I wait long enough, I'll be at your moms again and you will be there playing xbox or walk through the door after dj-ing a party for a week and I'm going to beat you up for being gone so long and not calling. ;) I wish heaven had a phone. I wish I could pick it up and call you and hear your voice one last time and have you tell me a joke to make the pain that has set up camp in my heart go away. I wish I could text you and tell you to get your butt home because your mother is scared sick. I wish we could come over and bring the doggies because they loved you so much. We got home this morning and I was laying on the couch with Autumn n Odin and Autumn started to whimper and had tears in her eyes. She knows something is wrong - you aren't here to play with her, to rub her belly and she lost her best babysitter. We took them to the tree this morning and let them down to walk around the crash site and both of them were crying. So you left a huge impact on them, too. I read your stories last night you wrote when you were little and you said you wanted to be a vet. I know your up in heaven mixing beats for God and taking care of all the animals. Rinze, I miss you like crazy. We all do. Hold it down for us up there. Lord knows I'm going to need all the help to get in there. You know what I am thinking so please guide me, in your own little way, towards the direction I should take it. I need you there with me so I know I'm doing the right thing the way you would want it. Still can't believe you aren't here but wings have GOT to be freaking awesome. Glad you don't have to deal with all the bs this world has to offer. Always know you made a huge impact on my life and you are part of the reason I am who I am today. As your mom would say, be safe and we love you. Come visit sometime. I know you were there this morning with us. You kept hiding behind the tree and as soon as I whipped out the camera, you were peeking around it. Goof!! love you, dude. xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

kristina autumn and odin duffy

muttay, ut

As Rinze's cousin, we were almost inseparable when we were younger. There were almost entire summers that we hung out. We began to go our separate ways as time went on, though we still got along greatly. Rinze was a remarkable person, and he will be greatly missed. I cannot find words that will sufficiently describe my feelings. The world will be slightly darker without you here Rinze. I hope to meet up with you again cousin.

Daniel Johnson

Kearns, Ut

Awhh.. Your Son Had Thee Most Amazing Eyes I've Ever Seen.( Never Could I Forget Them), The Most Beautiful Smile and The Best Personality Ever! Reading The Posts, Status's, Seeing The Pictures and Everything and Anything Someone Had To Say About Him, He Seemed Like An Amazing Kid. With Big Dreams and Goals, With A Big Heart and A Loving Personailty. I'm Sorry I Never Got The Chance To Know You Like Many Others Did, I Know I'd Be Blessed/ Honored If I Had. Rest In Paradise Rinze! To His Family and Friends, I'm Deeply Sorry For Your Loss. May My Prayers Be With You!


Murray, UT

Rinze, I know the memorial everyone put on for you was exactly what you wanted. I'm glad we were celebrating your life rather than having a traditional funeral with everyone crying all at once. You were such an amazing person and I can only speak for everyone when I say you meant a lot to us and you will always be in our hearts. We love you, and we'll see you soon. To Rinze's family, thank you so much for letting me and Yonatan perform at the memorial. It really meant a lot and I hope you enjoyed the last little part we contributed to his memorial. Love you guys.

Lacie Greenig

Kearns, Ut

Rinze, your so called "funeral", i'd call it a party in all honesty, was awesome! did you see how many of us came to see you? that building was packed! We listened to the dj, we shuffled for you and danced(: remember at mardigras when me an you were trying to teach jazzy how to shuffle? haha good times. i'm super stocked i got to take you to your last "concert". oh! oh! remember going wit like 4 cars full of our friends to big cottonwood? we all went for fun, you and jimmy had night vision gogles, we all begged you to let us play with em, and of course you did. even tho you were like "okay, everyone gets only ONE turn!' haha Remember playing kings cup with your sister, then going to the hot springs?! later that night i threw up in your car, i never seen you so mad, but you forgave me(: sorry about that tho haha! Remember getting a big black tube thing and getting in it and rolling down the big snowy hill by the oval? then we saw ALIENS! or so we thought(; ilove and miss you sososos much! but i'm going to try my hardest to keep my head up, and just be thankful for getting to live with you, play COD, go to parties, dance with you(;, laugh, yell, sing, all of the above. You were precious to many of us. Rest In Paradise, i'll see you on the other side

Maudi De Leon

kearns, ut

When this news came, my heart broke. It's still shocking to think that a friend I knew clear back in my childhood had reached the end of his life so prematurely. I'll always look back on Rinze's antics fondly, even more so now that he's gone. My sincere prayers go out to everyone affected by this tragedy; especially his parents. I'll miss you, old pal.

Travis Hymas

West Valley City, UT

We were blessed with just a short time with you Rinze. Within that small amount of time we shared, you made this huge wonderful spot in our hearts. That spot is filled with your laughter, amazing energy, and your absolute love for life. That time and those memories will never be forgotten. Thank you so much Rinze. We love you. Love, Uncle Shane

Shane, Amy, Shea, and Alexis Coffman

Frankfort, In

I can not imagine the pain of lossing a child. I pray for you Danielle & Mike also for Michael, Connie & Oylimpa that God would comfort you and assure you that Rinze is safe in his arms! That one day you will reunite with him in heaven! I know I look forward to that day! I'm sorry that I didn't get to know Rinze as a young man but I did enjoy the short times I did get to spend with him.His life here on earth was cut short but what hope you have, life everlasting in heaven when we all meet again! I will keep all of you in my thoughts & prayers! Love ,Aunt Gina

Gina Arnold

Babson Park, fl

Danielle So sorry for your loss. Never knew your son but I knew you, so I know he is a fine young man.Let God help you heal your heart. I'll put you and your family in my prayers and keep you in my thoughts.

Ron B

Topeka, KS

My Condolences to the family I am so sorry for your great lost. I just new Rinze for a short time and he was awesome to be around we had a great time together. I will miss you always and i love you.

David M. Coffman

Frankfort, In

I was very sorry to hear of your loss. Please know my thoughts are with all of you. Brice

Brice Marshall

Salt Lake City, Ut

Rinze, We only got to spend time at the family reunion. But then we we were really close. All of us cousins were. I remember your famous words at the time was, JK guys JK! Haha, when I look back and think about it, the whole time you were smiling and laughing. You had a great attitude, and you were a big cousin I looked up to. I wish I would've gotten closer to you and that we could've stayed in touch. But I love you hope to see you one day again. My prayers are with the family. I love yall.

Jordan Arnold

Babson Park, Fl

Hi Son Just wanted you to know that Jimmy Elmer Yonni Paul and Courtney were here Monday Night and Olimpya Maudi Ayla Eva and 2 other chicks sorry I dont remember their names. We all were here talking and going thru lots of GREAT memories together. Of course I cried like a baby, Had a little set back. But just so you know I am ok. I miss you sooo much. I here you in our home telling me to go to bed or telling me something. This is so very hard for me. I know i keep telling myself I am ok but I'm really NOT! or maybe i am and I am just playing tricks on myself. I dont know. I visited the SITE the other night and broke down really bad. I apologized to Courtney Yonni for snotting all over them. They told me NO worries. I went to work today for the 1st time it was hard but i did it. I want to say you made me go. It was weird i cant explain it. But I went, I was recognized for my work at the college. It was nice. It was so bright today I loved it. I just want to say I love you so much and I miss you so much. I know everytime the sun is OUT its YOU! I so feel you with me. Everyone misses you son, I cant believe this happened to OUR FAMILY. YOu were NOT suppose to go b4 me Son. Michael Connie and Olimpya miss you so much. So does Dad & Uki. She wrote me the most incredible letter. Took my breath away and of course I cried. Sweet Dreams my Son and be Safe on your journey, I will see you again someday. All the babies love and miss you too. I love you Son, MOM


Murray, UT

I'm sorry to learn of the death of your son. There is no ?good? time or age for such loss; so young is an extraordinary kind of ?tragic?. Blessings to all affected by this loss.

Kevin Miller

Salt Lake City, Ut

D, I am so sorry to hear about Rinze. I was sitting think of how nice it would be to have my kids gone and then I received the call. I hurried and prayed that it wouldn't happen. You made me be grateful for the blessing I have. I am here for you as you were for me when I needed you. You are in my heart, my friend, as I hope I am in yours. Love ya, Cathy & Kenyon

Cathy Blake

West Valley City, UT

Hi Rinze, Even though I have only met you couple of times, my impression of you was that you were really a bright and great kid. And based on what I've heard from your family and some friends, you seemed like somebody who didn't have a mean bone in your body. It is truly a shame that you had to leave so early dude. Rest in Peace my friend. Danelle, Michael, Conny, Olympia and Rinze's dad. My condolonces go out to all of you. I can never truly understand how hard it must be for all of you. All I can do is be there for you guys, if you should ever need anything. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.

Dino Prste

Salt Lake City, Ut

hi son, sorry some retards decided to post shit on your site. but eventually someone will 4give them. I justed wanted to let you know i miss you sooo much, and i so want you home with me. but i know that wont happen, cuz you are here with me now, your dad brought you over. i love you Son, be safe in your journey to me. MOM


murray, ut

Son, Sat Aug 27th is your day. It will be a wonderful day. I love you and will always Miss you. I know you are watching over me and keeping an eye on your brother and sisters. Reality hit me the other day and I knew within myself I stopped living! And I am sorry. I know you wouldn't want me to do so, but I did and have. I will try to be a better living person. Maudi posted the most amazing words and got bashed for it. But I so thought it was beautiful. Maudi is an amazing person and thank you for letting her in my life. And I also appreciate you letting Shayli in my life as well. She is also an amazing person. I know, know reads these posts anymore but I do. And I find it very comforting to read. I love you Son and I wished you were here next to me. But I know deep down you are. I will close with WE all miss you very much and wished you were here. May you mix on and keep us all in check. I love you Son Mom


Muray, Ut

hey rinze! i miss you lil brother. i hope your doing good and learning stuff up there you never thought you would. :) the family still has moments where we break down and ball like babies. i think we always will. its crazy to think your not here with us anymore. i hate it!! i wish i could have one more day with you. theres so much i would do and say to you. im soo grateful to of have you in my life. i can honestly say i have the best brother and im so proudd of you. please watch over us and the kids. kloey cries alot ove you,it breaks my heart becasue she misses her uncle rinze sooo much! im sure you hear her. lol. i love you i wish i could say that to your face and you say it back to me. tamokos up there... you to stay together and watch over us! shes awesome!! good night lil mina!!!! i love you more then you will ever know. xoxoxo

Connie arnold

west jordan, ut

Happy Birthday Son. I hope you had a wonderful birthday. Hope you seen all that we did for you. Sorry about the tree. The old man took it upon himself to rip everything down. I was on my way to clean up the streamers and paper stuff with the flowers. But when i got there the old man already ripped everything down. I am so sorry. I wanted to clean up everything but again he ripped that away from me. He even ripped out the plants that were planted for you. Really not a FAN of his but o well. I want you to know, I/We did alot for your birthday and I appreciate everyone that was at the tree Tue/Wed eve/morn. WOW what a turn out. I know you heard what we/and each of us said. It was a HELLA moment. Sorry your brother & sisters couldn't be there, but they made other plans as always. I love you Son and I miss you so very much. I tried to make your birthday so very special and it really was. Have a peaceful evening SON, be safe in your journey to me. Love you so very much! Mpm


murray, ut

Hi Baby, just wanted to let you know that i love and miss you so much, I have not been doing all to well. Its been really hard dealing with the loss of you. At times i dont even know what to do. I just feel so lost and lonely without you here without me. We were/are a team. I honestly feel so alone. I know i have others around me but without you its not the same. Well have a peaceful evening I love you and miss you so much, I know you know how much I do. Stay safe and Sweet Dreams my Son. MOM


Murray, ut

4/7/12 hi baby, jus wanted 2 let u kno i am here 4 u. i have a great plan 4 u on monday, ok not going 2 get sappy but 2 let u kno its going 2 b a beautiful morning 4 u. i have no idea abt anyone else but i am making a banner & disc's 4 u, its going 2 b incredible. I found a pic of u n kloey when she was just a baby, beautiful pic. jus watch over me baby i have no anymore. it will b a sp moment esp 4 me. I love you Rinze Lance. Mom misses u so very much. See you :)


taylorsville, ut

4/9/12 Hi Baby, just wanted to let you kno there were so many of us there at the tree this morning. I decor the tree with so many memories of you. It was a wonderful morning. I love you so very much. And I miss you more than words can ever describe. Have a safe and peaceful time. Mom misses you so very much its just heart-breaking for me to describe. As I always said to you.... be safe my son and I so truly love you. I miss our times together I honestly do. Love you dearly Mom


taylorsville, ut

6/11/12 Hi Son, just wanted to let you know I went to the Bee's Game tonight it was fun. I remember the one time you Limp and myself went with Tyler and his family. You and Olimpya had no idea what the hell was going on. You were on ur PS3 and Limp on her phone. I know you guys didnt want to be there but you guys were there for me on Mothers Day, I still have those tickets, it was a bad ass day for me. Thank you both for being there with me I so appreciated it very much. It was awesome. Again thank you. I love you Rinze Lance and I miss you dearly. Be safe my son, I shall see you on the flip side. Love you Mom


taylorsville, Ut

12/3 Hi Son, I know its been a long while. I just stopping in to let you know I have volunteered my time to talk to Utah Young Drivers Zero Fatalities. I will be telling your story on Wed 12/5. I just need your strength to help me thur this. I am and will break down. I love you and miss you everyday. I know you will be there for me thru this presentation. I told myself I can/will do this. I have only YOUR love to guide me thru this. Thank you Son. Wish me lots of Love and Support. Love you so very much Son Mom


taylorsville, ut

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