Robert H. 'Bob' Jackson

February 18, 1950 - February 11, 2021

Words left for us from Bob: 

I was loved and raised by my mother Mary Nicoletti and step-father Bill Peterson; and loved and supported by my brother and sister-in-law Rick and Jayne Peterson. After devoting 41 years to Catholic/Christian education in various roles at both the high school and college levels, my final years were working for Catholic Community Services of Utah at the Weigand Homeless Resource Center. To all those who affirmed me, supported me, and blessed me with your friendship throughout my lifetime, please know of my heartfelt gratitude and appreciation. 

No funeral or memorial service will be held. If possible, please donate time, talent, and treasure to CCS of Utah Homeless Services. I’ve established a specific fund for Homeless Services in my memory. God bless you all!


In Loving Memory

God bless Bob! I lived with him, worked with him, prayed with him, laughed with him and will long miss him. Peace to you all, and special greetings to Rick with grateful memories of our time at Camp De Sales and gratitude for some lasting guitar lessons. We’ll say a Mass for Bob here at St. Rita. What a gift! What a loss....

Fr. Tom Helfrich

Clarklake, MI

Bob and I taught together in Niagara Falls, New York, and he was a "ray of sunshine" each and every day. He helped me grow in my love and appreciation for each and every student, accepting each as the unique person God made them to be. May he be at peace in the embrace of our loving God.

Fr. John Lehner OSFS

Toledo, OH

You had a true gift that touched the lives, hearts, and souls of all those you came in contact with. You helped shape and form many young adults with your genuine heart, laughter, and uniqueness. Rest easy my friend and know you are loved and remembered.

Jim and Michelle Jeffries

Salt lake City, UT

Dear Bob, You were a friend an mentor for all my years in Utah. Your help an gift of friendship an professionalism I will always keep as one of the greatest gifts I’ve ever received. You always gave your support to those who were most down an lifted them up as Jesus did. You are the model of compassion that I wish to always exemplify as your actions were those of a saint. Peace as you start the new journey in heaven and keep us all in you sight as I am sure you will. God Bless brother.

Michael L Cavanaugh

Harbor Beach, Mi

I am so deeply saddened by the passing of my friend, colleague and former boss, Bob Jackson. We didn't always agree but we always loved and respected each other, and became even closer friends when we left Judge and started other jobs. Bob was "one of a kind" His gift of hospitality was legendary. He was an inspiration to many students including my daughter. His love and acceptance of others helped them to love and accept themselves. His classroom was one where students could be themselves and share who they were in a safe and caring environment. Rest in peace good and faithful servant.

Cate O'Hare Adams

Salt Lake City, UT

Hey Bob, I was so saddened to read this today. Just like that you're gone. Wow, you and I have thousands of memories (some good, some not so good)) growing up on Nicoletti Drive. I think the funnest times were chasing the old man's goats at night, although I could say this about a myriad of things we did. It was a unique situation - being in close proximity to 2 bars, a grocery store, an egg farm, an elderly lady barber, a Dairy Queen, and goats, not to mention the bus stop where we often caught the bus to go uptown. We were blessed in that we were operating in the time of this country's Golden Age which was about the first 20 years after the end of WWII. You've been a good steward of your time here on earth and I'm sure you're having a good time with your father Howard, your mother, Bill, Albert Peterson, and many others. I'd like to personally thank you for the help you gave us on my mothers' trust, and who knows, maybe in the next life we'll find some goats to chase! Take care good buddy, till we meet again... Cousin Rod

Rod Haskins

Alpine, UT

Bob, I met you as a Freshman at St. Mary's of the Wasatch, your kindness and humor towards me was wonderful and so appreciated. You were an amazing man, teacher and friend. You have touched so many lives and we are all better for it. Rest among the angels Bob, you will be missed my friend. God Bless you. Roycie class of '71

Cherie A. Morrell Royce

Sandy, UT

In the 1980s and ‘90s, Brother Bob Jackson (OSFS) created a community grounded in faith and action at the Newman Center at Adrian College in Adrian, Michigan. As students, Bob met us where we were. That could mean seeing us Sunday mornings for Mass at the Chapel or, rather, for Sunday lunch at the dining hall after a few of us were “worshiping at St. Mattress” due to an extraordinarily late Saturday night. Whether we identified as Catholic or were just trying to figure out where we were on our personal journey, Bob opened his spirit to us. It didn’t matter if you were an athlete or underdog, under-resourced or privileged, celebrating a win or mourning a personal loss. It didn’t matter if you were a student or sleeping on the streets. He showed up. He was authentically present. He encouraged us to seek our better angels and listen to them. He showed us how to care not only for ourselves, but for each other. He was a “Brother” in the truest sense of the word. It’s not surprising that he continued his life’s work as an educator and spiritual servant in Salt Lake City, especially with the Weigand Homeless Resource Center. Bob always put others first and set a high bar as he demonstrated faith, in action, on a daily basis. He is remembered warmly. Friends of the Adrian College Newman Center

S. Monahan

nan, nan

May he rest in peace wonderful gentleman with a big heart who practically loved everybody he met as everyone was his friend

Everett G. Amador

Salt Lake City, UT

Bob was always very kind and friendly to me as I struggle through college while staying at Battle Creek. He was very easy to talk to and was always fun to joke around with. He had a remarkable sense of humor. More remarkable was the concern and kindness he showed towards other people. Upon his leaving us he is now watching over all of us. And may all of us join him when our time comes. May God bless us and keep us till then.

Jack Nashel

Allen paek, Mi

Rick & Jayne, So sorry to hear about Bobs passing. He was a wonderful Person and always good for a laugh or two. I know his kindness and love for people will be very missed. Warm felt thoughts to you and your family at this difficult time. Much Love, Bill Melanie Ventura

Bill & Melanie Ventura

Sandy, UT

Our hearts are broken. My daughter and I adored him and kept in touch over the years. Mr. Jackson and his puppy Milo were just about the only two who got my daughter excited about going to class while she was in elementary school. Seeing Mr. Jackson and Milo before school meant everything to her. I will always be grateful for those moments. He was so kind and thoughtful and that laugh of his was priceless! God bless you, dear friend.

April van der Sluys and Family

Sandy, UT

I had the pleasure of being one of Bob’s students at Juan Diego. I truly appreciate all that Bob gave to us. He is one of those that made me want to go into education and return to Juan Diego. I am honored to announce that his colleagues and the students of JD are hosting a spirit dress day in his honor tomorrow with all proceeds going to Weigand Homeless Resource Center. I recently got to see Bob at the Weigand Center when our students were their as part of their service week. His smile and energy was so infectious. And I count myself blessed to have him as a teacher and mentor.

Nathan Tack

Draper, UT

Rick and Jayne- So sorry for your loss. Bob was a friend to many and loved by all who met him. The world has lost one if it’s best. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Katie Tobari

Katie Tobari

Cottonwood Heights, Ut

What a wonderful human being! We give prayers and thanksgiving for his stellar life of love.

Cathryn Baczek

Salt Lake City, UT

My sympathy to Rick, Jane and Bob's family and many friends. Bob was a generous and compassionate colleague and friend during our time working at Judge Memorial. Students and staff alike loved Bob for how real he was and for his wonderful sense of humor. Rest in peace dear friend.

Renee Genereux

St. Paul, MN

I remember Bob fondly from my time at Judge Memorial. His class and teaching method was one of my very favorites. He was a wonderful teacher and human being. My condolences and prayers.

Gina Tsoufakis Miller

Salt Lake City, Ut

Mr. Jackson taught my freshman year religion class at Judge Memorial (around 2005) He made us laugh and taught us many lessons I remember today. My brother and I would take the bus with him on the way home from school and laugh along the way. I am incredibly fortunate to have had a compassionate teacher like Mr. Jackson who understood us. His memory will live on with us.

Elisa Schvaneveldt

Salt Lake City, Ut

Our hearts are broken. Our love goes out to you, Rick and Jayne. You were always there and supportive of Bob. He was a great guy, smart, kind and sensitive. Rest in peace and love, Bobby. We love you.

Paula and Terry Loboschefsky

Park City, UT

As a student at Adrian College in the late ‘80’s and early ‘90’s, I would walk into his office and usually offer a heavy sigh. He would ask “and what do you want to talk about today?” My response was always “Oh...a lot of stuff” or sometimes it was simply shortened to “Stuff.” Over the last 35 years, Bob and I remained in touch. Every Christmas card I received from him always began, “Dear Lil Stuff,” and was signed “Love, Big Stuff.” He was a generous man who cared deeply about others. I haven’t seen him in close to 30 years, but he remains in my heart. Big Stuff, I hope you’re up there making St. Peter laugh. I know you’re providing a gentle ear to those who haven’t adjusted or who just want to chat about “stuff.” I love you and miss you dearly.

Colleen Kowich

Lawrence, KS

Rick, sorry for your loss. I remember hearing about Bob when he went to school with my brother. May they rest in peace...

Ralph Yanni

Taylorsville, UT

I was saddened to hear of Bob's passing. I met Bob as a young man growing up next door to camp desales. What a gift he had as a staff member and horse corral director. He truly loved his role and loved all the kids that were campers. Thanks for all the great memories my friend. Rest in peace and I will say a prayer for you the next time I walk by the old horse corral. Greg Sottek

Greg Sottek

Mason, MI

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