Roger William Arhart

August 28, 1947 - January 18, 2011

Roger William Arhart

1947 – 2011

Roger Arhart, born August 28, 1947, passed away after his heroic battle with ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) on January 18, 2011.

Roger was raised in Greensboro, North Carolina, and received his BS in Chemistry from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill in 1969. He continued his studies at the University of Wisconsin, Madison and earned his PhD in Chemistry (organic) in 1975. There he met his partner in outdoor adventure, best friend and lover, Jane. They were married on July 20, 1974 and moved to Salt Lake City, Utah in July, 1975 to live near the mountains and canyons.

Roger was employed at the University of Utah in a post-doctoral position from 1975-1979. He then worked as a research chemist (rocket scientist) for Alliant Techsystems (ATK) from 1979 until he retired in February, 2008.

His career was challenging and rewarding but he lived for his passion of outdoor exploration and enjoyment. Almost every weekend and vacation, Roger and Jane headed out of town to hike, backpack, camp, canyoneer, ski, or scuba dive. The “wilderness experience” was sustenance for Roger’s heart and spirit.

Besides sharing his love of the natural world with his wife, Jane, nothing pleased him more than sharing this passion with his loving daughter, Megan, and admiring son, Steven. He adored his wife and kids and was happiest when he was on outdoor adventures with them.  Roger’s favorite activity was trekking on week long backpacking trips in the Wind River Mountain Wilderness in Wyoming.

Second to trekking, was canyoneering (rappelling down canyons). His life was enriched through this challenging sport in the beautiful canyons of Southern Utah and in many mountainous locations in Italy, France, Greece, Switzerland and Mexico. Roger valued his many friends, worldwide, with whom he shared his adventures and expertise. When Rog wasn’t working out in the “natural landscape”, he enjoyed weight-lifting at the Fitness Club at Foothill.

After his diagnosis with ALS in June, 2009, Roger devoted his time to medical research on this and other diseases of the Central Nervous System (CNS). His legacy to his family is his website

Roger’s family would like to thank the ALS clinic at the University of Utah Neuroscience Center and Summit Hospice for their support on this final journey. In lieu of flowers, donations may be sent to The Institute for Ethno Medicine, 240 East Deloney Avenue, Box 3464, Jackson, WY, 83001.

The family invites friends to celebrate Roger’s life between the hours of 6 and 8 PM on Saturday, January 22nd at Starks Funeral Parlor, 3651 South 900 East, Salt Lake City.

Roger, you have ascended the most challenging mountain of your life with strength and dignity. May you now enjoy adventures in paradise with your daughter, Katie (passed away after one day of life in April, 1980).

In Loving Memory

Roger will always be in our hearts. We cherish every minute of time we had the good fortune to spend with Roger. His enthusiasm and love of the out of doors will be greatly missed but will live on through his wonderful family, Jane, Megan and Steven. We also tremendously appreciate Roger's great intellect and the work he so painstakingly pursued researching his disease and we hope that one day he will receive the recognition due for such thorough work. Thank you Arharts for sharing your lives with us. May you have peace in your hearts and know that you will be together again one day. Sincerely, Mike and Bette Steffen

Mike and Bette Steffen

Salt Lake City, UT

Our hearts were sadden to hear the news of Roger. Please know that your family is in our thoughts and prayers at this difficult time. Roger was a hero to many, in more ways than one. He was a man of integrity, strength, and courage. We have admired Roger and your family for many years. We love you!

Fred and Toni Bauman

Layton, Ut

Dear Aunt Jane, Megan and Steven, Our hearts and prayers go out to you at this time. May you find peace in knowing that Roger is with his Heavenly Father and with your baby girl, and that families are forever. Much love, Randy and Jackie Lowe and family

Randy and Jackie Lowe

New Castle, CO

Jane, Apart from being one of Rog's gym buddies, I valued the fact that he would include me in his pursuit of one his passions, canyoneering. Rog was generous to do so. I'll remember the two trips that we made to Zion forever. Roger didn't suffer fools well. I attribute our friendship to his poor hearing. He probably didn't hear half of the idiotic things that I said in the gym. I was often humbled by his intelligence. Terrie and I will miss him.

Terrie and Kit Farley

Park City, Ut

As the last acting Polaris Program Manager at ATK, and on behalf of our colleagues and friends both here and abroad who worked the Polaris program, may I offer our deepest sympathy and condolences to the Arhart Family. Roger served as the Chief Chemist at ATK in support of the Polaris program for over 15 years until its conclusion in 1998. Roger's contributions were integral in insuring the deployment, integrity,reliability, and safety of the Royal Navy's submarine based Fleet Ballistic Missile program. Roger represented our company, and indeed our country when working in the U.K., with the utmost professionalism and integrity. He was GREATLY respected by our friends and colleagues in the U.K. as well as the entire Polaris family. It was my great honor to have had the opportunity to work with Roger, the greatest mind I have ever known, and to have called Roger and Jane friends. Stew joins me at this time in expressing our personal sympathies to the family. We are so, so sorry for your loss. May you find comfort in your memories of Roger and may time ease the pain of your loss. Please know you are deeply cared about.

Jan Kantor-Schoch

Columbia, Ut

Jane, Megan, and Steven, Roger was an example of a great husband and dad—and we all will miss him greatly. Although his life was shortened by a terrible disease, he made full use of the time he had here on this earth. He lived life with a zeal and passion that most people only imagine. His great love for the outdoors and wilderness adventures are legendary. We loved those bi-annual family beach trips to Ocean Isle, the infamous inlet crossings, we loved the way Roger grilled burgers—in short we all loved and adored Roger. He has left a tremendous legacy with his two children—Megan and Steven. We know how tremendously proud he is of them. Life in mortality is only a short time in the eternal scheme of things, but families are forever. Our prayers and thoughts are with you. Vaughn and Karen Lowe

Vaughn and Karen Lowe

Centreville, VA

Our condolences from Spain ... Roger was full of life and love for you and for canyoning. You know you can call us whenever you need Jane ... Sincerely, Laura and Joan.

Laura Samsó and Joan Lluis Haro

Barcelona, Sp

Dear Jane, Megan, and Steven, We send our heartfelt condolances to you at this time. Our lives have been enriched by the experiences with Roger in the Utah back country. We are sure that you will gain strenght from his great spirit and enthusian for life. Roger will be in our memory forever.....

Alan and Clare Wickham

Port Townsend, Wa

Roger was a hero for many of us that had the privilege to meet him and and do canyons and other adventures with him. Roger tought us that one can be an avid adventurer but have a loving family, one can be an expert canyoneer but also be modest and considerate, one can have a briliant mind and the strenght of a bull... Roger will always be a source of inspiration and a role model for many of us who will never forget him. Good bye my friend... It was a great honor to share adventures with you and your family.

Luca Chiarabini

San Diego, Ca

hola megan,y familia,no puedo decir muchas palabras,ya que me duele en el corazon vuestra gran conocia a roger,pero si a su hija megan,con la que pasé dias felices aqui en cadiz(espa��a)y lo unico que puedo decir es q si roger era como megan,probablamente se haya ido una de las mas bellas personas que han estado entre nosotros. mi mas sincero pésame a la familia arhart que sepais que nunca os olvido y que siempre estareis en mi corazón.Gracias roger por haber tenido esta gran familia. jesus from cadiz

jesus mu��oz gallgo

cadiz, es

Dear Jane, Megan and Steven, I am sorry for your loss and the death of Roger. You have been in my prayers these past months and will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. May God be ever near comforting you and your family in your loss. Cathy

Cathy Wottreng, SSND

Waupaca, WI

Dear Jane, Megan and Steven Our hearts go out for you at this difficult time. What an incredible journey your family has had together. We so admire your couragous battle with aweful disease. Roger was amazing husband, father and friend!! He will be deeply missed. Just know how much we love and support your family. With deepest sympathy we are so sorry for your loss.

Lori and Bruce Salvo

Farmington, Ut

Our love and support go out to Jane, Megan & Steven. We are proud to have spent such wonderful time with you guys over the years! We love you guys very much. Love, Sarah, Melissa, Jake, Braden, Hunter & Joel

Sarah Leonard

Nampa, Id

With deepest regards for one impressive canyoneer. My memories of Greece will always include Roger and Jane.

James Kehoe

Chandler, Az

Dearest Jan, Our hearts are touched and saddened by the loss of your dear husband. You are one of the most giving, Christlike people I have ever met. Your love and compassion to Gwen in her challenges was so touching. Know of our prayers and love for you and your family at this challenging time. May you be lifted up and strengthened and ready for your next mountain. Love & Blessings, Nola & Ken Neeley

Nola & Ken Neeley

Aliso Viejo, ca

Roger was a man's man, He had a rare combination of class, strength and humility. My fondest memory of Roger among many is the first time he told me he was a real rocket scientist with a grin that was a mile wide...:-) We will miss him at the gym, but his spirit is still there.

Brian C. Benedict

Salt Lake City, Ut

Roger, Thank you for sharing your family with me and entrusting Megan and Steven with me throughout their earliest years. Each and every time you opened your home and family to me, I often thought about what type of adventure you and Jane were creating; triumphantly. Those ski, camping, and climbing days were filled with such fun; playing soccer or basketball with Megan in the backyard, playing cars and building forts with Steven. The hardest part of being their "Nanny", was convincing them to stop the adventures only long enough to refuel and eat lunch! Not only did I love Megan and Steven, I loved and admired you and Jane. I often looked to you as examples of how to proceed through life; education, family and friends, and adventure. and now I have learned from you, courage, strength and dignity! Godspeed my friend. May you be enjoying your next great adventure stoping only long enough to refuel! Much love and with sincerest condolences to Jane, Megan, Steven, and your many friends of adventure!

Stephanie Cobabe

Salt Lake City, UT

Jane, Megan, and Steven, When we first met Roger, honestly, I was overwhelmed by this guy; so much larger than life, with vigor and an oversized thirst for action. Through years of outings: biking and camping, rafting and climbing, I came to know Roger as a friend and a loving Dad. I came to respect him as a nurturing mentor watching him share and teach the art of canyoneering to anybody who asked, me and my family included. He was still larger than life to me, but eventually, I learned it was just his enthusiasm coming through. I'm going to miss the friendship we built, and I know he has friends around the world who are also mourning his passing. My wife. Lori and sons, Chris and Shawn join me in expressing our sincere condolences to you. With much love, Tim

Tim & Lori Komlos

Salt Lake City, UT

Megan y familia, No conocí a Roger,pero si a su hija Megan. Estoy seguro que Roger fue una persona maravillosa que vivio plenamente hasta el ultimo de sus dias. Mi mas sincero pésame a la familia Arhart y los acompa��o de todo corazón.Gracias Roger por haber creado un bello hogar para mi amiga Megan.

Efrain Moreno-Salamanca

Redmond, WA

Jane - though I did not know Roger I can see by the light in your eyes, in your smile, your face, your body when you speak of him what a wonderful man he was. You were certainly a matched couple, with much strength. He will be with you in your heart and soul forever ! I am sorry for how you must miss him now. Wishing you peace. Embrace the love, the world around you.,

susan edwards

salt lake city, ut

February 05, 2011 Jane, Megan, and Steven, I was so saddened to learn of Rogers passing. I have fond memories of the old Hercules gang in the 1980's and Roger was one of the High Points. Whether we were discussing organic chemistry or snow conditions in Mill-D fork he brought life and enthusiasm to the conversation. His unwavering beliefs and conviction in just about everything he did back then are traits and memories that stick in this brain. What I also remember is that if there was good snow to be had – he could be talked into things. ?How about a quick trip up the Phiefer Horn and out Thunder bowl ?. Whatever peak you are on now Roger, I'm sure it has a great view and I hope an excellent powder run below it. Take care, ~

Doug and Pam Larsen

Richland, WA

Dear Jane, I was saddened to hear the news about Roger. I was not aware that he had fallen ill. My thoughts are with you and your family at this time. I remember the day that I meet you and Roger on the island of Crete in 2006. It was happy hour for the canyoneers, and I had just arrived from the airport! I will always be thankful for the wetsuit advice from Roger and you. I now have a few Camaros sitting in my closet. He will be missed.


San Diego, CA

Jane, Megan and Steven, Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. Roger will be missed by all that have had the pleasure of meeting him. It seems unfair that someone who took such good care of himself should be stricken with such a disease. Roger had the respect of all that had the opportunity to work with him because of his intellect and approach to attacking difficult technical issues. He enjoyed the challenges in his career much like the challenges that he undertook in his training and outdoor adventures - and was very successful at everything. It is to his credit that he did not accept the diagnosis of ALS without completing an intense research effort to understand the disease and offer his perspective on the causes of nervous system disorders. The papers he prepared offer a unique perspective on the causes that should be actively pursued by medical research groups. I'm sure that this was done to further the understanding of these diseases to provide a pathway for improved future diagnosis and treatment. This may well be the legacy that he leaves us with. He will be greatly missed and we grieve with your family in your loss.

Dennis and Charlotte Sauer

nan, nan

Dear Jane, I was so saddened to hear about Roger. Someone brought the obituary to aerobics, and I was shocked to learn of his passing. I immediately thought about you and what you must have been going through these past months. I also imagined how difficult this disease would have been for someone who loved to be active and outdoors as much as Roger did. I'm so sorry for your loss.

Susann Neeley

nan, nan

Jane, my heart goes out to you and your family in this challenging time. Though I never met Roger I had always hoped for a chance to do a canyon with the two of you. I hope that as time goes on you will be comforted by the memories of all the wonderful times that you spent together, and that these memories will bring a smile and laughter to your face.

Sue Agranoff

Durango, Co

Jane & Family, I was very sad to hear of Rogers passing. I worked with Roger for many years at Hercules/ATK. I'll always remember his great sense of humor and hearty laugh. I know he was a real fitness nut but he was also a connoisseur of chocolate chip cookies and Ruffles potato chips! He was a great guy and will be missed. I'm truly sorry for your loss.

Ted Dangerfield

nan, UT

Dear Jane, I was so saddened to hear about Roger. I really enjoyed working with him at ATK. Besides being a smart guy, he was truly a nice person. I loved hearing about his backcountry ski adventures and his trips down to his own private, "undiscovered" area of Zions (or so he said). I'll always remember the big grin he'd get on his face as he told stories about his backcountry trips into the "Winds". I've never been to the Wind River mountain range in Wyoming, but it's on my list because of the stories I've heard Roger tell. I'm really going to miss him.

Greg Martin

South Jordan, UT

So sorry to hear of your loss. I will remember him as a more than valuable asset to the canyoneering community and wish I had met him.

Adonis Wilson

Los Angeles, CA

To Jane & Family, I worked with Roger in the 80's when I was an employee of Hercules. The news of his passing the other day came as a great shock to me. He was a CLASS ACT of the first order and will be greatly missed. All the best to you.


Austin, TX

Jane, Megan and Steven, I'm sorry for your loss. I never got to meet Roger but I heard lots of good memories of him. He was a great man!

Liisa Saksa

Helsinki, Finland, nan

Jane, Megan and Steven, We are very sorry for your loss. We feel blessed that we were honored to know Roger. He was always ready for cold beer and great food and enjoying our company. Although there was a language barrier his smile and laughter said it all. We will miss him!

Igor, Padu, Isabelle, Victor, Yuri, Nono, Rosie, Paiva

Flecheiras, Brazil, nan

Estimados Jane y Steve: Siento mucho lo ocurrido. Espero veros pronto para daros un fuerte abrazo. Cuidaros mucho.

Jose Andres

Espana, nan

Dear Jane, I can't even imagine how your heart feels right now but your family has surely been in our heavy hearts. Leonard always loved talking to Roger over the years and you were equally kind to me in our classes. I am so sorry for your loss and I wish to send you tons of love, hoping to offer the tiniest comfort I could give. Our thoughts and prayers are with you!! Love and strength for the adventures yet to come...

Stacy Burningham

Salt Lake City, UT

Dear Jane, Megan and Steve, I join you at this moment and kindly accept my most sincere condolences on the loss of Roger, A great person and adorable father. My best thoughts of Peace will be with you.

Simone Devus

Brazil, nan

Dear Megan and Steve: Just wanted to add my condolescences to the others who have written so far. As you know, I have known your Mom and Dad for a long time. They were the first friends I had when I moved to Salt Lake and luckily for me have been friends ever since. Over the years, from skiing to backpacking Roger and Janey have exposed me to a lot of nature at its finest. They would invite me along, and the fond memories I have from these experiences with them will always be with me. All who know Roger will miss him very much. I just have to believe that Roger just went on ahead down the trail as he usually did getting the campfire going, the Kipper Snacks, Trisucit, and Brandy ready for "Happy Hour" after another long trek. Happy Trails - Roger !!

Tom Kern

Salt Lake City, UT

Roger, Thank you for sharing your family with me and entrusting Megan and Steven with me throughout their earliest years. Each and every time you opened your home and family to me, I often thought about what type of adventure you and Jane were creating; triumphantly. Those ski, camping, and climbing days were filled with such fun; playing soccer or basketball with Megan in the backyard, playing cars and building forts with Steven. The hardest part of being their "Nanny", was convincing them to stop the adventures only long enough to refuel and eat lunch! Not only did I love Megan and Steven, I loved and admired you and Jane. I often looked to you as examples of how to proceed through life; education, family and friends, and adventure. Now I have learned from you, courage, strength and dignity! Godspeed my friend. May you be enjoying your next great adventure stopping only long enough to refuel! Much love and with sincerest condolences to Jane, Megan, Steven, and your many friends of adventure!

Stephanie Cobabe

Salt Lake City, UT

May I add my sympathies to Jane and family. The obituary sums up the active exuberant life that Roger and family lived. I knew Roger well while at Hercules and went on a number of cross country trips with him and Jane. Thanks to an old friend from Hercules I just found out about Roger today (Saturday). I lost track of so many old friends from Hercules when I left there for adventures of my own.

Bob Earl

nan, nan

Dear Jane and family, I am deeply saddened by the loss of Roger. I will always remember him as a gentle giant of a man - strong of body and soft of heart, with an easy smile and infectious laugh. He was a mentor to me and many other in the slots of Southern Utah, and he will always be present around the campfires in the desert. Vaya con Dios Amigo!

Jim Thornburg

Salt Lake City, UT

I'm so sorry. A great person. I join your condolences

Miguel Ortega

Madrid, nan

Jane: Although I never met Roger, I know what a great guy he must have been because he married you!! Thanks for your friendship and for being a calming influence in my life and the lives of the many students you have taught. I hope that your calming spirit will get through this difficult time. ~

Marlene Hasenyager

Farmington, UT

Dear Jane and family, I am deeply sorry to hear of your loss. Roger was a wonderful, wonderful person. I can still see Roger skiing the backcountry in his Kitkat hat, with Jane somewhere up front breaking trail for us. I always knew I was safe on any slope that Roger trusted. And no one else I have ever known could discourse on the finer points of tent design for an entire trail afternoon. He will be missed by all. ~

Hugh Taylor

Mukilteo, WA

Dear Jane and family, I am very sorry to hear the news of your loss. Roger was a great person, full of life and energy. Though it has been years since I left Utah, I think of all the great memories--the camaraderie of wilderness advocates and the great places we experienced together.

Gary Macfarlane

Troy, ID

Dear Jane and Family, Mike and I are so saddened to hear of Roger's death. I know that things were so difficult on the long road you traveled. Please take care. All our love,

Mary and Mike Taylor

nan, nan

Dear Jane and Kids, My sincere condolences to you for the loss of one of this worlds most precious gifts. Roger was one of the most inspirational people I will ever meet. It seems crazy that he should be faced to climb the mountain of ALS. It is comforting to think he is on the down side of that mountain now, hopefully making some great turns in the powder! He leaves behind a great legacy full of meaning, the most valuable part is you and the kids. Please know of my love for you and wish blessings of comfort in the upcoming days. Bob (Stringham) and I will be in touch. We will miss Roger as he is "breaking trail" somewhere on the other side. Love,

Michelle Michie

Sandy, UT

Dear Jane, Megan and Steven, We are very sorry for your loss, please have our condolences. Take comfort in your family and friends in this hard time.

The Szabo Family

Toronto, Canada, nan

Dear Jane, I am so very sorry for your loss, my heart goes out to you and your family. Take care, Karen (from Foothill Fitness)


Salt Lake City, UT

His Spirit will always live and may all your memories with Roger get you through your loss. My sincere condolences to all of you. He will be missed.

Christina McCandless

Happy Valley, OR

Jane, Megan and Steven !!! Our sincere condolences for your loss of this wonderful Hero. And my heart is truly saddened. as i know Raja, he is really hero of adventure family. And, we know that his passing will not only leave a void in our lives, but in the hearts of all those who knew him. Raja will always remain within our hearts, and we have included raja and his family in our daily prayers. May God give you strength!!! Our hearts go out to you in this challenging time. We send our love and prayers!!! Rajendra and Family

Rajendra B. Lama

Kathmandu, nan

Jane, Megan and Steven - all our love and blessings to a wonderful family with a wonderful husband and father! We will always remember him showing his support at soccer games and loved seeing him in his outdoor campus! -

McCall (Knowlton) Nelson and family

Salt Lake City, UT

Roger was a respected friend of my father Robert Baczuk. I appreciate Rogers' presence and support to our family during father's funeral. Roger shared several stories of their friendship and what my father was like in their personal and professional realm. Something I found admirable about Roger was his determination to cover as much of this earth on foot. He was in remarkable shape - quite svelt. As I walk the forest of life, sometimes the strongest of trees are felled for reasons unknown to me. Thank you Roger for being a good friend of Dad.

Paul Baczuk USMC

Quantico, VA

Jane and family, My sympathy with your loss. I will miss him in the canyons and around the campfire at night. He was a great addition to our canyoneering outings!

Fred Killmeyer

Huntsville, AL

Goodbye Roger, I'm going to miss you. Your intelligence, intensity, strength and friendship will never be forgotten. I owe you so much.

Deborah Davis

Salt Lake City, UT

Jane and family, my deepest sympathies go out to you at this troubling time. Roger was such a good man, he will be missed by so many. I know he had a wonderful life so filled with family and friends and for that we can be thankful. Still he was too young,... but his always upbeat spirit has touched me and for that I am grateful. May you take comfort in knowing he had a positive influence on all of us who called him friend... May peace be with you.

Robert Lemon

Salt Lake City, UT

"I know for certain that we never lose the people we love, even to death. They continue to participate in every act, thought and decision we make. Their love leaves an indelible imprint in our memories. We find comfort in knowing that our lives have been enriched by having shared their love." Leo Buscaglia Our hearts go out to you in this challenging time. We send our love and prayers.

Dee Dee Robillard

Walnut Creek, CA

I did not know Roger outside of the work environment, But I did work with him for several years on a particularly complex ?rocket scientist? issue . It's a testament to Roger that he would voluntarily take on such an apparently impossible task. Nonetheless, I think we had fun brainstorming the problem and he did provide workable solutions. My heart goes out to his family and friends,

John Purvis

Salt Lake City, UT

I never met Megan but my condolences to Jane and Steve. I always looked up to Roger for his excitement and enthusiasm for the outdoors. If I have HALF the energy he had when I near sixty years old I'll be doing well! Mexico would not have been the same without you guys and the canyoneering community will not be the same without Roger! We'll miss you Roger... Wait, he might not have heard me. I said, "WE'LL MISS YOU ROGER!"

Eric Godfrey

Cottonwood Heights, UT

Jane, Megan and Steven, Thinking of you and hoping for the love and support of family, friends and each other on this very difficult journey. LOTS of love to all of you!

Kelsey Peterson

Seattle, WA

Jane, my heart goes out to you and the family. Roger was a wonderful friend and will be missed for sure. Please take care and stay in touch.

Calius Lawrence

Redlands, CA

Megan, Jane and Steven... I will always remember the great times we had when you would all stay at our house to visit Megan. Roger was always so amazing to talk to and we always shared great laughs and interesting conversations. I will always cherish those times together! Sending all my love!

Lisa Galindo

Seattle, WA

Jane I have nothing to say. Just with my tears and my prayers for you, Steven and also for Megan. I would like to be with you in this moments but I'm so sure that you are receiving all the laughs, jokes and good things that we enjoyed in canyons, in France, Slovenia and Italy... I love you. Lily and Jesus, Spain.

Lily Miquel

Madrid, Spain, nan

Megan, Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. lots of love for you and your family.

Ali Morshedzadeh

Seattle, WA

Aunt Jane, our prayers are with you and Megan and Steven. We love you and look forward to sharing some time with you on Saturday. Love, Randy and Jackie

Randy Lowe

New Castle, CO

I worked with Roger over the years at Hercules/ATK in the test labs working with test samples, and in Process Engineering. He was a great man and will be missed. I loved listening to his stories about his trips. My sincere condolences to his family.

Gary Cullop

South Jordan, UT

Michael and Elke and Felix Unser herzliches Beileid aus Deutschland. We will think of you on every mountain we go-promised!

MIchael, Elke, Felix

Munich, germany, nan

I met Roger several years ago when he and Dave Jenson came to ATK's Rocket Center Wv site. He was a very nice man and i enjoyed the opportunity to work with him. My condolences go out to his family.

Dayne Lancaster

ATK Rocket Center, WY

Jane, Megan, and Steven, Our sincere condolences for your loss of this wonderful man. May you have peace in your hearts. Love and prayers,

Julie and Paul Thoreson

Kewaunee, WI

Dear Jane, Megan, and Steven, Roger and I grew up together in NC and went to Carolina together. Rog was in my wedding. I am so sorry for your loss, and never having met you all. Most Sincerely, Ted Burnett

Dr. Edward (Ted) Burnett

Greensboro, NC

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