Stanislaw Peter Skorut
May 20, 1955 - December 23, 2013

Stanislaw Peter Skorut of North Salt Lake City, Utah, passed away on December 23, 2013, in Las Vegas, Nevada, surrounded by his loving family.
Peter was born in Sulkowice, Poland, on May 20, 1955, to Franciszek and Ludwika Skorut as the sixth of their seven children.
He met his wife Danuta while studying in Krakow, Poland. They married on April 28, 1979, in Bielsko-Biala, Poland, and had three sons, Mike, Peter Jr. and Patrick.
He graduated from the Academy of Mining and Metallurgy in Krakow, Poland, in 1980, earning a master's degree in mechanical engineering. Peter was a strong supporter of the Solidarity movement. He immigrated to the United States from then-communist Poland in 1982 with his young family and settled in Bountiful, Utah. Here his drive and passion for life was present in all he did.
Peter is survived by his wife Danuta, sons: Michael (Jessica), Peter Jr. and Patrick, his three grandsons: Mathew, Luka and William, siblings: Wanda, Irena, Jan (Maria), Aniela (Jozef), Kazimierz (Krystyna), Franciszek (Jadwiga), many nieces and nephews with their families. He was preceded in death by his parents.
A celebration of life will be held on Thursday, January 2nd, from 6 to 8 p.m. at Starks Funeral Parlor, 3651 South 900 East, Salt Lake City. Mass will be celebrated on Friday, January 3rd, at 10:00 a.m. at Saint Olaf Catholic Church, 1800 South Orchard Drive, Bountiful. Interment will follow at Mt. Calvary Catholic Cemetery, 275 U Street, Salt Lake City.
In lieu of flowers, the family suggests that you honor Peter by supporting the Polish organization Razem Utah, which he helped establish and was proud of.
The family would like to express their deep appreciation to all family and friends for their love and support.
In Loving Memory
In deepest condolences for your loss. Sending Marek
Marek Rogozinski
We are sorry for your loss. Piotr, was such a great person, He will live on in our memories forever. Beata , Zbyszek Wozniak Alicja , Zbyszek Pelikanscy
Beata Wozniak
Our deepest condolences on your loss. Piotr will be in our hearts forever. The Sikorskis: Ela, John, Monica, John Joseph and Eirene Ty
Elizabeth Sikorski
Park City, Ut
Wr are very sad to hear about Peter's passing. Our condolenses and prayers go out to your family at this time. Stephanie and Nadine Slater
Stephanie Slater King
Salt Lake City, Ut
Skladamy goracy zal z powodu smierci naszego bliskiego przyjaciela Piotra. Jestesmy sercem i myslami z cala rodzina Skorut mimo dzielacej nas odleglosci. Przykro nam bardzo ze nie mozemy byc z Wami w tym dniu pozegnania . Piotr bedzie zawsze w naszych pamieciach. Ours deepest condolences Wrobel's Family Wisia Zbyszek Monika i Patrick
Zbigniew Wrobel
Sarasota, FL
Danuta, Mike, Peter Jr. and Patrick; We hold you all in our hearts. We wish you all warmth, peace and love during this difficult time. Our prayers are with you!
Scott, Misty & Zach Simpson
Kamas, UT
I love your family. May God bless you with peace. Duane
Duane Orchard
Bountiful, UT
Our deepest condolences on your loss. We offer our prayers for your family.
Linda,Sandi,Stephanie Ransdell
West Jordan, Ut