Susan Berg Porter

February 8, 1947 - December 6, 2008

A Wise Woman 

Susan was a career woman who served as a social worker and supervisor at Dept. of Workforce Services for nearly 30 years.  She was studying to be a life coach not realizing fully she already was one.  Wanting her legacy to be known as a wise woman, she succeeded.


Susan dearly loves her two children Jonathan and Jamie and her husband David.  She demonstrated her love to others not so much in words as in thoughtful gestures, sage advice and gracing us with her very presence.


Susan expressed herself through the creation of beautiful quilts, flower gardens and wonderful cooking.  She loved nature and animals, especially Old English sheepdogs.  She will be remembered as a woman of courage, as possessing a depth of kindness and caring, creativity, intelligence, determination and a desire to be her authentic, impeccable self.


“I am the daughter of whom God is well pleased.”


A “life celebration” will be held in the spring when her tulips are blooming and it’s warm and sunny.

In Loving Memory

David, Jonathan, and Jamie - Your mom was my cousin. Our dad's, Clifford and Robert were brothers. I have fond memories of Susan, her sisters and brothers and her parents. I was very saddened by the news of her death and wanted you to know that our hearts go out to all of you and hope that the wonderful memories you have of your wife and mother will sustain you. Please give our condolences to Barbara, Robyn, David and Bill.

Lynnette Hiskey

Draper, Ut

David, I was saddened to hear of your loss. There is nothing that can fill the whole left in your heart by her leaving this earthly life. Be comforted by your memories and the love you shared. Stay close to family and friends they will help you through this sad time, although nothing can fill the gap that is left in your heart and your life. Joan

Joan Emmer Wallin

Atlanta, GA

Susan was my friend and roommate in Honolulu nearly 40 years ago. I have wonderful memories of our fun times together. I have thought of her often over the years but didn't know what her married name might be or how to find her. I would have loved to talk with her once again. I'm deeply sorry for your loss. I know she was a terrific person. I have always missed her.

Kathy Paige

Hooper, Ut

Dear Dave, Jonathan and Jamie We were so sorry to hear of Sue's passing. We can only imagine how difficult it must be to lose someone so dear to you. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Also to Barbara and Robyn we send our condolences. All our love, Dave and Becky Seare

Dave and Becky Seare

Draper, UT

We were shocked and saddened to learn of Sue's passing. We did not know she had been so ill. We want to extend our deepest sympathy to you Dave, Jonathan and Jamie. May you be comforted at this very difficult time. Love, Sue and Lee Parkin

Sue and Lee Parkin

Sandy, Ut

I have been thinking about Susan Porter and how she has changed my life. I looked at the calendar today to noticed that it has been two months since she went into the light. I now realize that I missed celebrating her birthday with Susan and another co-worker Debby Bess Orton-----both of them shared the birthday of February 8th. I worked with Susan for eight years at the Midvale DWS office, but kept up my friendship after she retired. Susan had a great spirit and brought an intellectual curiousity to her job. She saw people as they really were and encouraged them to become their genuine selves. I was especially sad to hear of her untimely death, but glad that she relieved of her pain and agony. I was very glad that you (Dave) had a celebration of Susan's life at your home. I especially enjoyed seeing you again, Jamie and Jonathan as well as Susan's lovely sisters. While there was sadness in the house, I was especially touched by viewing her quilts and beautiful portraits. I have fond memories of "Jon" making breakfasts for us for our Christmas parties. Susan especially loved to brag about her wonderful family. I want you to know that your mother and wife (Susan Berg Porter) positively impacted many un-named people in many ways. She especially nudged me to think outside of the box to explore alternatives which has led to me being a much better social worker. I am sure that you will have pain from Susan's passing, but she was/is a remarkable woman who was truly "a wise woman". Please let me know if there will be any other celebrations of life for Susan. I have now realized that many of Susan's friends have just found out about her passing. Again, please accept condolances for your loss and my thanks for sharing your wonder mother and wife (Susan Berg Porter) with me.

Michele Cuburu

Sandy, Ut

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