Sylvia Willa Kronstadt

June 2, 1949 - December 30, 2016

Sylvia Kronstadt died at dawn on December 30th at the home she loved; succumbing to the cruelest of the many devastating health issues she faced with so much courage in recent years. Her intellectual vigor, refreshing candor and genuine charm earned her the respect and admiration of everyone fortunate enough to get to know her. An accomplished writer, editor, investigative reporter and essayist, her work appeared in many prominent national and local publications over a span of four decades. She passionately believed in the virtues of social justice, compassion and charity.

She is survived by her extraordinary 98-year-old mother Eunice Kronstadt, who has dementia; but still believes that "Every day is a beautiful day", her loving soulmate, best friend and life partner of 34 years, Joe Costanzo; and sisters Linda Ptaschinski and Gina Kronstadt. Sylvia was preceded in death by her Father, Reuben Kronstadt.

She expressed a deep debt of gratitude to Dr. Fred Reimherr, who for decades refused to give up his effort to help her to have a contented, productive life. Thank you as well to Drs. Louis Moench and Steven W. Heath for their compassionate care during her nal and most dif cult months.

At her request there will be no services.

In Loving Memory

I was so saddened to learn of Sylvia's death. We'd lost touch with each other, which was my loss, because she was one of the most gifted writers I knew and worked with. She was never afraid to challenge conventional ways of doing things and she had a disconcerting way of almost always being right. I understand the hole she has left and I offer my condolences to the family, and to Deseret News icon and my friend, Joe Costanzo. Don Woodward

Don Woodward

Bountiful, Ut

Sylvia and I met in our 7th grade English class. She was wild and smart and fun right front the start. She distinguished herself by a sassy and alert personality. Sylvia connected well with her friends and it was a privilege to be one. We remained very good friends through high school, connected by our love for words and writing. Through college, I was in Theater and English, and she majored in Journalism and the Daily Collegian at University of Utah. When she travelled to and worked in England and New York, her colorful and lively descriptions took us there. Her friends where big shot writers like Brendan Gill. I was reading some of her letters this summer and as we all know, her letters, her talent for writing was a gift. I'll never forget my early teaching career in Colorado and sitting down at the landromat to open up a couple of magazines, Atlantic Monthly and The New Yorker -- to find Sylvia's articles there. She was amazing. I am sorry I lost touch, but am so grateful to have been her friend and to know her Mom and Dad and sisters who are all cultured, artistic, talented, and unique. Love, Berta

Roberta Reese Asahina

Fresno, Ca

I too was very saddened to learn of the passing of Sylvia Kronstadt, author of so many wonderfully crafted articles and essays. My condolences to Joe Constanza over the loss of his beloved Sylvia. I followed her writing and felt a kinship with her as a journalist and consumer watchdog. InvestigateWest was fortunate to have reached her when we did a story on thrift stores, for which she provided a unique perspective. Sadly there is no one else like her! Keep publishing her work posthumously.....her spirit abides in many of us.

Fran Lyman

Seattle, WA

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