Tiffany Rinderknecht

September 10, 1990 - October 28, 2016

Tiffany Nicole Rinderknecht was born September 10, l990 as the fulfillment of a five year wish and prayer and dream in the hearts of Mim and Ron Rinderknecht and brother Chad.  When the adoption agency called and said, "the birth mother is delivering next Tuesday…can you handle that?" Mim jumped on a plane and flew to San Diego and Ron and Chad followed immediately as we waited in anticipation at the Marriott Hotel for Tiffany to be born, so blessed to help deliver her, and the birth mom, who chose PRO LIFE simply counted the fingers and toes and handed her right to Mim.  Ron was down the hall as Mim shouted to him,"it's a girl!!" In minutes he ran to the phones and through tears of joy made call after call with news of our miracle! Chad insisted he be the one to feed her and after 4 days we all flew home to Park City where we were welcomed with a 30 foot banner across the front of our home that said "WELCOME HOME BABY GIRL RINDERKNECHT!!!" Dozens of friends were ready to love this little girl including 4 sets of grandparents who prayed for her every day and a grandma and grandpa across the street who loved her with such intensity it was the biggest blessing ever to them and to us. They would take her in the stroller down to Nordstroms and spend the day showing her off where people would stop them and marvel at her eyes and her beauty and Grandpa and Grandma would just beam with pride!  The frosting on the cake was her birth Grandma Fairy  Godmother who sent Tiffany and Chad care packages every single holiday of her life!


I can't count the number of times that Tiffany thanked us for her wonderful childhood where she had every opportunity to experience her love for pets (58 pets over her years.. thinking she might be a vet)  and her artistic talents with friends every day who came home with her after school and she would sit down and draw 15 pictures in a night and actually one year won l7  1st Place Blue Ribbons at the Utah State Fair for her drawings, her paintings and clay sculptures, scrapbooks and jewelry.


After enjoying countless friends during high school, just before college she met Barry  online, who was a limousine driver for the stars from New York and after a wonderful extended friendship, sharing hours of conversation of wisdom and laughter and feelings and caring, they finally met in the driveway in Park City with such joy that it  was an irrepressible love that brought them forward to getting married on 1-1-11 at 1:11 p.m. and  they celebrated six anniversaries where Barry's bear hugs were actually the best experience anybody could enjoy…especially Tiffy!  


They started a store, called "Something for Everyone" doing the building, the painting, the marketing and advertising and enjoyed running the store themselves until Tiffany unexpectedly one day developed a head pain that would become  an unbelievable challenge in her life. They moved into their second house which was right across the street from Salt Lake Community College where Tiffany's  plans were to take the courses that she loved that would develop her artistic talents.


 After two years of going natural with health plans and health programs and gluten free, she conquered her Celiacs but by the third year of head pain, in tears she would say, "Mom I feel like my head's going to explode!"  She finally sought medical help and researched every possible answer on line and also hundreds of tests and doctors, MRI's and blood draws and specialty clinics including contacting Mayo Clinic and finally Ron flew her to Michigan Head Pain Specialty Hospital for five days of testing,  more MRI's and blood draws ..thinking any day we would find an answer to this unbelievable head pain ….she fought it with the strength of her father and the positive thoughts of her mother and kept the most amazing attitude towards finding the answer and the solution and continued to say.."when I get my life back…".  With this challenge on her plate there was a lull in her communication with friends and relatives, she got too busy for Facebook and surely did not want to be a burden to anybody with her challenge and didn't want to talk about it or have anybody worry so when Barry's new driving job would take him to the East  Coast, they would talk for hours by phone when he was driving and then mom and dad would drive to Salt Lake sometimes three times a week each to help her with her life, her research and calls and doctor appointments, MRI's and household duties.  When her head pain caused such disability. We would talk for hours on the phone and more hours on her back deck where she excitedly talked about all the plans going on in her living room for developing her first business. Crystal Remedies and then…Tiffany's Treasures, where she created exquisite jewelry, beautifully woven hemp and jeweled necklaces and had all the rocks and crystals and chakras to create more. 


Her 2 doggies and 3 cats were her "babies" as she affectionately called them.  They gave her hours of unconditional love and snuggles, following her every time she left the room and following her back again!


Weekly thank you texts to Barry and Mom and Dad were unbelievable and filled with love and thanks and deep gratefulness and of course are now cherished and read over and over.   Every phone call ended with "Love You, Bye!" and she taught everyone of us to say the same, so every single conversation ended with "Love you, Bye" which was said about 6 or 7 times before we actually hung up… but on October 28th, at age 26,  after a "together" evening with Barry cooking spaghetti and watching  movies together, for some reason  she fell asleep,  there was what the doctors called a "heart event",  her heart stopped and God Himself came and picked her up in His arms and took her home to Heaven where she now has no more pain….only love and laughter and JOY and if we could hear her, she's saying…"If You Could See Me Now!!"


Her last gift to the world was her wish to be an Organ Donor, so after 4 days in the ICU Unit when we knew God had taken her, she gave her organs and will be saving many lives with the opportunity to contact the recipients after 6 weeks and know the people who are alive because Tiffany is living through them.


She will be overwhelmingly missed by her husband Barry, her parents Mim and Ron Rinderknecht and her brother Chad who loved her so much and over 185 relatives including 50 cousins and Grandpas and Grandmas and countless friends.


Tiffany had amazing eyes, awesome beauty, she was bubbly and funny and kind and giving, so wise for her years, talented, artistic, creative, so caring, so loving with hugs galore.  She had every gift but length of days.


She especially liked my positive thought from Wayne Dyer:  "You could be right, but I've had enough right people in my life, now I'm looking for KIND.  So when you have a choice today, and you WILL have a choice, to be either right, or kind….choose KIND…."

In Loving Memory

When the enemy death strikes our grief can be great. Almighty God knows the pain that we experience for it pained him when death overtook his dear Son. Just as he restored�� his life, he promise to do the same for many who have fallen asleep in death. John 5:28,29 1 Corinthian 15:26

Annette P.

nan, nan

Im so sorry I cant be with you at a time like this. I love you and your family with all my heart. I will always remember the fun times we shared with you, Ron, Chad, and Tiffany. Im here to talk when you're ready. I have tried to call and texts which I hope you got. I LOVE YOU

Debbie and Jill Abbate

Sparks, NV

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